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Everything posted by Electrophile

  1. Slightly, yes. It's funny to look at them and realize they took the time to make each one of those accounts.
  2. No, it's just a matter of don't you think if there was any substantial news about anything, you'd have heard about it by now?
  3. Percocet and Valium. That's what got me through. WOO.
  4. All those threads were basically started by the same kinds of people. You are not for the most part, going to see established members making that stuff. THERE ARE NO ANSWERS BECAUSE THE BAND IS NOT TOURING. THEY ARE NOT MAKING AN ALBUM, THEY ARE NOT REHEARSING FOR ANYTHING TOGETHER. THERE ARE NO PLANS FOR THEM TO DO ANYTHING AT ALL. CAN YOU READ THIS IN CAPS LOCK? And if you think those threads constitutes more than 5% of this site's membership, you suck at math. Count the number of threads. Now count the number of members. Do basic division. Is it more than 5%? And no, the members of the band do not post here. So, I guess Led Zeppelin don't care about us. Christ on a cracker.
  5. Perhaps we should be flattered.
  6. Ummm, it's 12:10am. Most of the people that post on this board are in England. Where it's 5:10am. Sorry that there isn't a bigger group of people on here for you, to better say the same things I'm saying. And a lot of people here, I'd say again 95% of the members are realistic and know that the chances of a Zeppelin tour are slim to none and they accept that. There's the 5% that just register here to spam the board over and over again asking and begging and demanding the band to tour.
  7. To quote that little girl in the Poltergeist..... "They're baaaaaack...."
  8. It will clearly be ignored. We cannot nor will we control what they do. They are not obligated to do anything we tell them to do. The decision to do anything will be made by them, when they're damn good and ready. Accept that and welcome to Reality Land.
  9. Who said they worked on new songs? There are no plans for them to do anything any time soon. There is no album, there is no tour. Oh and I'm sure you have friends "in the know". In fact, I have Jason Bonham on speed dial. Let me ask him what he thinks. You cannot believe every wild rumor and baseless speculative comment you read on the internet.
  10. This board is a lot of fun, yes. We all like to talk about Zeppelin and many other things as well. Have a look around. Just because the band is not touring, and they're not.....doesn't mean the site has no reason to exist. It's tied to their official website. And no, it doesn't really. Led Zeppelin will tour again when they want to, not when the fans want them to. Having your friends sign up and spam the board will do no good, so don't even bother. The decision for them to tour, if it even happens, will not be made based on the pleadings of you and your friends or anyone else here. And about 95% of the people here are realistic. There's nothing wrong with that.
  11. Is there any reason why your internet is so slow?
  12. No you haven't. No they didn't. There is no tour, just mindless and wild speculation. There is no tour. They didn't play Bonneroo. They are not playing any cities, as there is no tour.
  13. He wrote I'm A Believer, Look Out (Here Comes Tomorrow), Love To Love and A Little Bit Me, A Little Bit You. I've only heard 2 of those, though. And I like them both. I thought the Monkees made some pretty decent pop music. And I love Neil Diamond. I have a ton of his stuff on my iPod.
  14. 1. I'd want to be in NYC for the Roaring '20s. Be a part of the jazz scene. 2. Texas School Book Depository. I want to satisfy my curiosity as to whether or not what I believe is the truth. 3. 1968 Democratic Convention. 4. NYE 1979 5. Miracle On Ice 6. June 7th, 1982. I'd tell my parents that I'm worth the grief they're going to go through AND to see if the story about my dad having a full head of brown hair that day and gray hair the next is true.
  15. A stench, I think we've smelled before. Just a hunch.
  16. I am. That was a joke. I was spelling like dumb teenagers do.
  17. There ain't nothing wrong with mah typing skillz. I spellz gud.
  18. What's wrong with casseroles? They're yummy and you can make them any way with just about anything. They're great for feeding crowds or for holidays. My mom's green bean casserole actually brings the neighbors over every year. Edit: Wait a damn minute here. A new member, exhibiting typing errors that previous members have used before. No, can't be. Wait, yes it can. Buh-bye.
  19. At least you've got that going for you. I do mean that, I am happy that you feel that way and you stick to your guns the way you do.
  20. Of the 32 people currently stationed on the Island of Misfit Toys, 17 have all been shipped away permanently to sunnier locales. Of those 17, 15 are the many guises of shall we say, repeat offenders.
  21. Ramen noodles aren't "welfare" food. That's a rather pejorative statement, no? I mix them because it tastes good, it's cheap and so far none of my family has dropped dead from eating it and they're smartasses enough to tell me if it sucked. Furthermore, there's nothing wrong with Kraft Mac and Cheese. I wasn't aware that these food products were limited to people on government assistance.
  22. Super awesome dude, but that's not going to make me change my opinions of the war or our administration. Edit: I can't type worth a fuck tonight.
  23. Bold-faced lie. My family is about as Conservative as they get and if they thought like this, I'd stop speaking to them. Since I still speak to them, take that to mean that they don't. I'm sure there are people who identify themselves as Conservative and listen to one or more of those hosts, but I certainly have not said nor do I think that they all share the same viewpoints on all subjects. And comparing a MLB team's game broadcast to a political talk radio program is not a fair analogy. One is by design going to have more listeners and a broader base of listeners. I personally don't know what should happen to him, but based on what I have heard from him before, he seems to have no problem being vulgar and derogatory.
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