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Everything posted by Electrophile

  1. Ladies, if you've ever wanted your unmentionables drawer to smell fresh and clean, but don't want to buy expensive potpourri sachets to stick in them, buy a bar of Dove soap and keep it in the little box and throw it in the drawer. That's what I do, and the scent doesn't dissipate anywhere as fast.
  2. No, I'm not implying anything. I listen to talk radio sometimes and I'd rather bash my head against a brick wall than think like him. I am well aware of Stern's listenership and I don't know why people listen to him either. I took the comment about him being up there with Rush and Hannity to mean his target audience is the same as theirs. Right-wingers, Conservatives....those people. I doubt liberals are listening to any of them. Furthermore, I could care less what his political affiliation is, if someone who identified himself as Liberal made those comments, I'd think they were just as disgusting. And what do the Cubs have to do with anything? Talk about a non-sequitor. If you weren't going to answer the question, why did you bother responding?
  3. http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/25804382/ What a lovely thing to say about these disabled children. He's already been fired once before for derogatory comments he made about gays, so apparently this kind of controversy is no big shakes for him. According to this article, he's right up there with Rush and Sean Hannity in terms of listeners, so just look at his target audience. I've caught a piece of his radio program before and nearly threw up. He is such a hateful and bigoted human being.
  4. I was, yes. No hard feelings?
  5. No one said he is completely innocent of anything. I'm saying if he wasn't charged with beating his mother and sister, don't say he was. Nothing I've read has said he physically assaulted them. Assault in the UK includes behavior that is not included with assault in the US, I think that's what happened here.
  6. No, but seeing as I've read about 12 stories about this on the blogs I've read, all from various news sources and not one of them mentioned him being charged with physically hitting anyone, I think I can safely say he didn't hit anyone. Because if he had physically beaten his mother and sister, I think they would have said something about that....seeing as it was his mother and sister. And why do you think his being a movie star means anything to me? Like I said, I've only seen one movie he was in, and that was about 10 years ago. I better never go to England with my sister, or else we're both going to end up in the hooscow for a long LONG time. Our screaming matches are legendary.
  7. He didn't physically hit anyone. So no, he didn't beat his mother and his sister and it's irresponsible to say that about him if he didn't do it. According to the stories I've read, he got into a screaming match with them, which apparently is classified as "verbal assault" in the UK. And I'm not a fan of Christian Bale, I've only ever seen one movie he was in.
  8. The thread title is rather incendiary, since he didn't beat anyone. It paints an inaccurate picture of what happened and makes your opinion for you, rather than allowing you to form it yourself. Bad form.
  9. Your post shouldn't be ignored, because you make a great point. It shows how someone who is not an American (at least not yet) understands what is going on this country and has formed an informed opinion on that. I don't know why some people choose to feel that if you're not from this country, your opinion on this country and the people in it or the people who run it, matter less or not at all.
  10. You don't understand the problem this board has had with them or the kind of people they are. Joel especially. Matt didn't want to post on a site someone like him could keep coming back to. I understand why he made that choice.
  11. Zep I: I Can't Quit You Baby, Dazed and Confused, Babe I'm Gonna Leave You Zep II: Whole Lotta Love, What Is and What Should Never Be, Heartbreaker Zep III: Tangerine, SIBLY, That's The Way Zep IV: When The Levee Breaks, Black Dog, Rock and Roll HOTH: The Ocean, No Quarter, Over The Hills and Far Away Physical Graffiti (6 songs since a double album): Trampled Underfoot, Kashmir, Ten Years Gone, In The Light, Night Flight, Custard Pie Presence: Achilles Last Stand, Tea For One, Nobody's Fault But Mine ITTOD: All My Love, In The Evening, I'm Gonna Crawl
  12. I always thought the song was underrated among Zep fans and practically unknown among causal listeners of the band's material. I think it's probably one of their Top 5 songs. That latter period doesn't get enough attention, I don't think. Compared to the solos in more recognizable songs, I think it's at a disadvantage.
  13. You're gorgeous. Nice to see a face to go with the name.
  14. Just when you thought it was safe. Pet Peeve: People who leave their blinkers on, when there is no turn lane in sight.
  15. I didn't actually think he hit his mother.
  16. Welcome to how he operates, don't be surprised. When in doubt, defame, defame, defame.
  17. I don't think anyone that makes negative comments about Bush is necessarily disrespecting the OFFICE of the Presidency. That goes for whether they are an American or from somewhere else on this great planet. I think there's a difference between hating the person holding the office and hating the office itself. TMK, Gainsbarre has only expressed an opinion about the person. Maybe he'll tell us what he thinks of the office as a whole.
  18. Just because he's not American doesn't mean he has no right to an opinion on the man. Freedom of speech is not just an American thing.
  19. Easter Bunny plays the tambourine. The Tooth Fairy fronts this group.
  20. How about the Tooth Fairy doing a duet with Santa Claus? Because that has a better chance of happening.
  21. I'm glad you don't care. Some of us actually do, though. Apathy is as destructive as ignorance.
  22. That's Joel? Well, considering how buddy-buddy he and Summerbreeze suddenly became last night, that would make almost perfect sense. I'm waiting for the inevitable "haha mods you can't stop us" threads full of all the tasty goodness we've come to expect from them.
  23. When I was in college, we lived in the apartments that were used to house athletes during the '96 Summer Olympics, so we had a full size kitchen and cabinets. Well, I didn't have a ton of money to shop with, so you force yourself to get creative. Once a week, the four of us would make a huge meal, sit down and eat and talk until 3 am. That's how I learned a lot of these recipes. And when you eat like this, you're controlling the quality of ingriedients, so you know you're eating healthy. Sometimes it's best to be broke because you can't afford to eat fried crap every day.
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