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Everything posted by Electrophile

  1. Anytime you dissent with someone on the other side of the aisle, you immediately are intolerant of other opinions. Now if they dissent with you, they're right. Howz that?
  2. WTH kind of non-sequitor post was that?
  3. No shit. We're going on almost 8 months since this show, time to euthanize it. It's good for more trouble than anything productive.
  4. You are painfully unfunny.
  5. Miley Cyrus. When is this insipid creature going to go away? Apparently someone hacked into her phone and stole nude photos of her. What 15 year old has nude photos of themselves on their phone? She needs to take a good look at Britney Spears and realize that if she doesn't smarten up soon, that is who she'll end up. Is Disney even aware of the monster they keep creating or are they past the point of caring and just focused on robbing 10 year old girls of every last penny they can steal?
  6. No really, you're hot. Too bad I'm 26.
  7. I've never said Obama is the perfect candidate and I'm sure there are Republicans who think they can do better than McCain. However, this country elects its leaders by the voice of the people and so far the two left standing are Obama and McCain. As much as you and others might not like that as our choices, I'd rather have that than the system revamped to take the say away from the people. I loved Bill Clinton as President and wish we could have a President like him in the WH again. He was and still is one of my favorite Presidents, I don't begrudge you that at all. My parents are Republicans but voted for him in 1992 and 1996. I know a lot of other people that think the same way. Quit making mass assumptions. I'm not getting nervous about anything. He's the candidate I chose, he is the candidate I will stick with until this whole dog and pony show is over. And as for his "conservative leanings", you ask any Democrat if they'd rather have someone who can become more centrist or a Democrat who leans so far over to the left they're practically a Communist, I think you'd know which one they'd choose. It's far better for him to include more people than exclude them. There are a lot of Independents and people who plain don't know who to choose yet who would be put off by someone who is damn near Socialist. If he went over that far, it's political suicide. So apparently he's damned if does, damned if he doesn't.
  8. Gabriel and Collins on the same stage? I'd pass out. Now THAT is a reunion concert I would pay to see, the hell with the Police.
  9. So basically not from a reputable poll. All reputable polls that have been released show Obama with a lead over McCain. A small sample size of people on the Today Show is not enough with which to make ANY assumption about one candidate's lead over another. Neither candidate has at any time had that large of a lead over the other. Period. You cannot take that as any indicator about what the country thinks.
  10. No, it's called "leaving options open". You don't want to close yourself off to a potential choice before the choice can be made.
  11. 72%, huh? Cite your source.
  12. God, you newbies and your bullshit....always sounds the same. Allison Krauss is an amazing performer who makes great music, her material with Robert not excluded. What he is doing is what he wants to do, he's not trying to better Led Zeppelin because he can't. Led Zeppelin died when John Bonham did. It's dead, it's gone, it's done. They did a tribute concert for Ahmet Ertegun, that was it. No more. GET OVER IT.
  13. What is Robert trying to do? Live his life his way, on his own terms. He's doing the music he wants, when he wants and with whom he wants. Notice the word "you" is nowhere in sight. I am getting sick to death of some fans and the almost rabid desire to have their music idols doing their bidding.
  14. My latest Pet Peeve: Katy Perry's "I Kissed A Girl", that insipid faux-lesbian glam rock song about trying to get her boyfriend's attention is the 1,000th #1 single on the Hot 100 in the rock era. That's song #1000. God, most music today SUCKS.
  15. Please say a town with "spats" in the name.
  16. Who said you use those lines with only guys and who says she has? You have yet again, completely missed the point. The point is that it is not hard to make friends with someone by striking up conversation with them.
  17. Oh dear God, you're not one of those annoying alpha males are you? Do you really and honestly believe that if you let the woman ahead of you, people would have perceived you to be weak? You give far too much of a shit about what random nobodies think about you in a GROCERY STORE.
  18. He's a raving lunatic. He actually makes Bill O'Reilly sound sane, which isn't easy to do.
  19. I'm sorry, is this the movie Being John Malkovich? How can you possibly know what's insider her mind unless you are her? If I see someone approaching the checkout line, I yield to them....it's just common courtesy in my eyes. I don't care what gender they are, how old they are or anything else completely irrelevant like that.
  20. Not where I'm from. I don't move in those circles. Millionaires don't live next door to people like my family.
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