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Everything posted by Electrophile

  1. I make a killer crab cake using ramen noodles. I make the shrimp kind, as I find the slight seafood flavor goes best. I drain off most of the water and mix the powder in. I put the noodles in a bowl with a couple eggs (or one depending on how much you're making), bread crumbs, chopped veggies and crab meat. I use fake crab because it's cheaper, but real crab would be preferable. Mix it altogether, use an ice cream scoop to get uniform sizes and put them in some peanut oil and fry them up. They are seriously quite good. My dad hates crab but for some reason will eat this.
  2. For me, it's Come Sail Away. The only song Styx did that doesn't give me migraines is Renegade. That was before they got sappy and schlocky. "Babe I love you....." *puke*
  3. I can make about 20 different meals using Ramen noodles. This includes soups, cold and warm salads and crab cakes.
  4. Nah, P-51 for all our disagreements is far more intelligent than Rick. This one though.....he's basically reading from the Rick script. More than I thought P-51 was initially.
  5. I love how you ignored everything else I said because you know I'm right and you were talking out of your ass. Welcome to the Island of Misfit Toys, for I no longer have use for you. Enjoy talking to yourself from now on.
  6. You are aware that the mainstream Mormon church is not the same as fundamentalist sects that still practice polygamy, right? You are also aware that the mainstream Mormon church outlawed polygamy, right? You are also aware that you are lumping extremists in the Mormon church in with everyone else the same as you do with Muslims, right? My cousins have one spouse, as that's all the want and are legally allowed to have. They don't live in a compound out in Colorado somewhere. My cousins were all in their 20s when they married, no one was raped or forced or sold off as child brides. My aunt and uncle have been married TO EACH OTHER ONLY for over 40 years. Your knowledge of the subject you're ranting about is as small as your pecker. Do some research, you intolerant fuckwit.
  7. I will defend Mormons because my uncle and his family are Mormon. I may not agree with their doctrines, but I will not allow their faith to be slandered. That's my aunt, uncle, cousins and their children you are insulting. Sure they're pushy when they come to the front door, but they've always been polite....even when they come back for the 10th time, but I admire their persistence. They believe very strongly in their faith and I admire anyone who holds their religion that closely to them. I am more spiritual than religious, but when I was younger I was as devout as they were, except I was raised Catholic. Insulting people because they don't believe what you do......how gauche.
  8. That's right, because when it comes to religion I am not intolerant. You obviously are. People can believe what they want. Do you understand that? PEOPLE CAN BELIEVE WHAT THEY WANT. It's is not the candidate's religion that makes me vote for them because God will not be in the White House, or whatever the name of their god is. It's the human being who will be there, making decisions based on fact and rationality. Religion is not factual. It is faith, it is beliefs, it is the unknown. So Mr. President could be an atheist, a Satanist, a Jew, a Hindu, a Mormon....I don't care. I would only care if their religion or religious beliefs influenced laws they and Congress tried to pass. This is not a theocracy, I don't want God running this country. Everything copacetic? Awesome. Muslims are not a race. It's a religion. But allow me: That was in reference to Muslim people. Notice how you didn't differentiate between those that perpetrated the crime, and all Muslims. That's because you don't see a difference, bigots usually don't.
  9. Gotcha. Gee, who do we know here who always used to say that about younger people here? I KNEW I heard that song and dance before. Knew it. BTW, I have no problems with God or people who believe in God. I have never said, intimated, inferred or otherwise stated that I did. I just don't think being religious should be a requirement to be President. So believe what you want, how you want. Doesn't affect me.
  10. Irrational hatred of a mass group of people based on the actions of an extremist sect is neither intelligent nor rational. I don't care what group of people you choose to use in that. Gays, Muslims, Japanese, Swedes.....doesn't matter. If 19 Swedish people flew airplanes into the Twin Towers would we all be running around scared of tall Nordic people? No, because it would be fucking lame and you know it. I would hope that whatever family member died that day raised me with enough intelligence and self-respect not treat a whole group of people like they were all criminals deserving of my hatred and contempt. As for religion, atheists are just as deserving to be President as someone who thinks God is in a Pop-Tart. What God they do or do not pray to makes absolutely no difference to me because I don't give a rat's ass what people believe. Religion is a personal matter, not a federal matter. There is no rule/law nor should there ever be saying that the President must be religious. Again, Thomas Jefferson and Abraham Lincoln were not religious.....would you like to spit on their accomplishments? George W. Bush lied to the American people, threw us into war with Iraq and cost over 4,000 of our citizens and tens of thousands of Iraqis their lives. You call that "outstanding moral values"? Okie-dokie. BTW, this obscenely stupid song and dance is one of I've heard on this board before, by a couple of people who got banned for it. So if you're one of those people in disguise, you've been figured out. If you're not, you've been clued in. So save it, dude. It's been heard before.....and we've all agreed that it's stupid.
  11. He could pray nightly to a toaster for all I care. Lincoln and Jefferson were basically atheists and they're on Mount Rushmore. Religion has no bearing on one's ability to do the job. However in this country right now, I am firmly convinced people would rather a murderer or bank robber in the White House than a Muslim. And that's just so sad on so many levels. It's irrational fear and paranoia that drives it, and for the people who make up the electorate to even entertain garbage notions like that, scares me. There are people in this country who feel that if a Muslim is elected President, we'll suddenly become Iran. Barack Obama is not a Muslim. End of. But if he were, it wouldn't make a difference or change anything in my eyes, as his policies and opinions and ideas are what is making me vote for him, not what God he prays to and when he prays and what language he prays in.
  12. Same could be said for you dear, if you're making such sweeping statements based on one post.
  13. It's like being a member of the Jewish faith and then attending a Methodist church for 20 years. Two completely different ideologies, it's not like they're off-shoots of the same denomination. It just can't be done. You can't be a Muslim and attend a Christian church for 20 years. It's basically impossible. Geez Louise.
  14. You actually think Obama is a Muslim? And you're in the electorate? Holy shit.
  15. Joking about me sleeping with spats is an insult to me, because that's assuming I'd lower myself that far. I don't find jokes like that funny. Anyone else on the board, I'd laugh.
  16. Nothing because I don't bother using it.
  17. He left and I don't think he's coming back. The fact that Rick and Joel keep coming back to harass people turned him off this place. He doesn't want to post on a forum people like them post on, at least that is what I gathered from him when he said he was leaving.
  18. No, he'll keep not saying anything because he's not obligated to say anything in the first place. The fact he hasn't said anything should be your answer. It's no.
  19. "Buddy"? Don't make me puke.
  20. I'm waiting for the "His middle name is Hussein, therefore he has connections to Islamic terrorists" crowd to come out of hiding. Because they always do.
  21. I'll repeat, anyone who thinks Obama is a Communist has neither brains nor sense.
  22. I'd rather swallow cyanide. Don't ever insult me like that again.
  23. Anyone who thinks that Obama is a Communist has neither brains nor sense.
  24. Obama/Clinton would be a disaster. Combined they're too liberal. Obama needs a Dem that is closer to the middle than farther to the left. I'd like to see him choose Kathleen Sebilius, the Gov. of Kansas or Ed Rendell, the Gov. of Pennsylvania.
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