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Everything posted by Electrophile

  1. No, sadly my last name isn't Rockefeller.
  2. So you live in a house the size of Buckingham Palace? You must be filthy rich. Why spend time with us blue-collar underlings?
  3. Either you're full of it, or your house is the size of Buckingham Palace.
  4. I found a great site that catalogs mp3 blogs by music genre, so if you're looking for some classical music, you go to that section and a list of sites come up. Same goes for basically every other genre. Saves a ton of time searching through Google.
  5. Going off the top of my head, I know these people learned French, Spanish and Italian, as they were all people I met in college and knew them from my foreign language sectors.
  6. Yeah, but not through p2p file sharing software. If you know where to look, you can find blogs and communities that are devoted to sharing music with people, usually people that sign up for it. LiveJournal has a great community for it. I'm not made out of money. There are certain artists whose material I collect, so I buy their releases regardless, usually on CD and vinyl if available.
  7. That is what I've consistently heard and what I've heard from people who were not native English speakers.
  8. You mean the Atlanta Journal-Constipation? It's not fit to line a parakeet's cage, much less read. All the years we lived in Atlanta, we never read that paper once.
  9. Dude, we'd all like to see Zeppelin on stage again. But the chances of that happening are slim to none and slim left an hour ago and none is walking out the door with a hooker on each arm.
  10. He would be if he insisted Robert was deficient otherwise if he didn't.
  11. Two lumps, kind sir. And could you pass the lemon?
  12. He doesn't have an opinion on the subject because I'm a grown adult woman and he doesn't have a say in what language I use on the internet. This is the internet, not tea with the Queen. When I'm surrounded by people whose opinions matter to me, I speak accordingly. I don't give a fig for you favor, fair or foul. No, he doesn't post here. I send him screen shots of posts in email forwards, partly because his job is high-pressure and he could use the laughs.
  13. They didn't get together in December for you, for me or for Joe Blow down the street. They got together to honor a friend who had been very instrumental in them becoming the band that they became. That was the only reason they did it and when they said it was once and then never again, I took them at that and realized they went out on top, again. Instead of parading around the world like the Stones, they chose to make their very last show a tribute to a very great man. We should be thankful they did that much.
  14. WHY WHY WHY WHY WHY WHY. Robert Plant is not obligated to play with them simply because a bunch of whiny fans want it. Some of you need to get over yourselves. He's going to do what he wants and he has every right to do just that.
  15. No one is saying that these people shouldn't learn English. I wouldn't move to Sweden and speak Italian. I think what some people are saying is that English is the hardest language to learn, if you have absolutely no grasp of it at all. Not every person you come across that doesn't speak it well if at all is deliberately not learning it.
  16. I respect John McCain as a person, I disagree with him as politician. I don't see what is so hard about spelling his name right, though. There's no good reason to spell it the way you did to begin with. And keep up with the non lady Elizabeth stuff......my dad thinks you're hilarious. Partly because he also thinks you're mental.
  17. I don't listen to political talk radio. Any programs I listen to are things like Coast to Coast with George Noory. Puts me to sleep. That's even if I listen to AM radio anymore, which is very rarely.
  18. I don't know why anyone listens to Neal Boortz.
  19. I don't see why it would be a problem, I saw someone wearing a Sting t-shirt at the Springsteen show I went to in April. At least in your case, your shirt is relevant to someone on stage.
  20. I don't have one. I don't get that either. The man is running for President, the least you can do is spell his damn name right. Then again, considering he thinks your name is Kermit the Frog, maybe we're dealing with someone who is in general, bad with names.
  21. I had been reading the thread and had to take a phone call, by which time the thread had been further down the page. I was not aware of that, having been on the phone for quite a while. My comment was not on the thread specifically, but the sentiments of the thread starter. Thank you for playing, having a nice day.
  22. It's free if you know where to go and I am not talking about p2p file sharing software.
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