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Everything posted by Electrophile

  1. This thread is the forum equivalent to runny poo.
  2. Counting burned CDs, about 400. I burn them basically now, instead of buying them. If it's an artist whose material I collect, I'll make an exception. Now I'm more interested in buying stuff on vinyl.
  3. Aww, thanks Hermit. Aren't you sweet. Now what do you want?
  4. Oh dear, a themed newbie? Lovely!
  5. I really wish you hadn't posted that, because now I'm going to be ill.
  6. I just think this guy is hilarious. He apparently thinks calling me "non Lady Elizabeth blah blah blah" means something. He actually thinks he is accomplishing something by doing it. I can't get over the hilarity of it.
  7. I would only get annoyed if the dog was large. If it was a cocker spaniel, I wouldn't bother getting upset about it. I can see why you'd be upset though, dog owners need to be more responsible and follow the rules for the area they're in.
  8. I think it's funny that you accuse others of not being "adult" and being rude to people, and then you turn around and post something like that. BTW, I would consider insinuating someone is illiterate as "slander". You remember that word, don't you?
  9. If I can help in some way, I will. I can't just sit idly by. I was at the mall a couple of weeks ago and this little girl was wandering around, obviously lost. She was crying for her mother and I could have just kept walking, but I began thinking. What if someone abducted that little girl? What if she falls and hurts herself? What if she wanders out of the mall and gets hit by a car? All these scenarios went through my mind and I walked over to her, asked if she knew her name and her mommy's name and I walked with her to mall security and sat there with her until her mother was paged and showed up. Her mother said I didn't have to do it, and I said yes.....I did. I would have been absolutely devastated if something happened and I could have done something to help, but didn't.
  10. If this man and this woman were out on a date, and someone tried to harm the woman.......and the man ran away because she's not his buddy and therefore not worth as much, he's a waste of oxygen. You don't just let something happen to the person you're with because they're not your buddy or you haven't known them a long time. That's the most idiotic thing I've ever heard in my fucking life.
  11. My dad has been married to my mother for 36 years. He has a friend he's known since 5th grade. My father is 59 years old. If he had to choose between that buddy and his wife, who do you think my dad is choosing? Yeah.
  12. You do realize that was a joke, right? The context of the statement was him talking about how much campaigning/traveling he had been doing. You can't possibly think he was serious in saying there are 57 states.
  13. Any man who would value his friends over his woman, is no man at all.
  14. You'll by feminine hygiene products at 3 am? You're definitely a keeper.
  15. Oh geez. You guys = Republicans Brother = Obama In other words, Republicans are going to be pissed when Obama is President. She was not saying that you would be pissed because he's black.
  16. You guys = Republicans Where on earth would you get anything racial from what she said?
  17. I didn't avoid it because it's true, I avoided it because it wasn't the most blatant falsehood in that post. I skipped to the real obvious one, like you not knowing what the word "slander" means.
  18. Newsflash: Using adult language in a response is not "slander". Saying "fuck" in response to something you say is not "slander". I do not "curse you". Cursing you would be pulling something out of wicca or something, which I have not at any time done. If you're going to use words, know their meaning first.
  19. Do you actually think the fact you omit a word from a blurb in my signature means anything to me? Because it doesn't. You act like you're "teaching me a lesson".......you're not. Sorry to break that to you sweetcheeks, but not hardly. And BTW, go look up the definition of the word slander. You're using it wrong. Seriously. HAHA. slan·der // Audio Help /ˈslændər/ Pronunciation Key - Show Spelled Pronunciation[slan-der] Pronunciation Key - Show IPA Pronunciation –noun 1.defamation; calumny: rumors full of slander. 2.a malicious, false, and defamatory statement or report: a slander against his good name. 3.Law. defamation by oral utterance rather than by writing, pictures, etc. –verb (used with object) 4.to utter slander against; defame. –verb (used without object) 5.to utter or circulate slander. Go show me where what you quoted from me in my above post contains a defamatory statement or report. Go on, I'll wait.
  20. I haven't been raped, but my friend has and I damn near got beaten to death trying to get the guy off her, unfortunately I wasn't strong enough and he dragged her further away. See, I did risk my life for someone I cared about, in this instance it was my best friend. I'm not like you, I actually care about and love people and will do anything to protect them, even at my own expense.
  21. And wouldn't you be pissed off if her boyfriend acted just like you? Didn't try to stop the guy, didn't make any attempt to grab her away from the guy?
  22. Just so we're clear here, if you're out with your girlfriend (haha) and some guy grabs her, AND IS ARMED, and clearly has intent to do her wrong.......you would do nothing to help, because you wouldn't want to risk your life for her, and going up against someone who is armed would be doing just that. You would let something happen to her, because you wouldn't want to "risk your life" for someone you supposedly care about. You know, the more we learn about you, the less I wish we knew. What if there is no one in the area? You know, what if this doesn't happen in broad fucking daylight? What are you going to do? Piss your pants and run away screaming? I'm dead serious when I say this; you make me ill.
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