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Everything posted by Electrophile

  1. Just so we're clear here, if you're out with your girlfriend (haha) and some guy grabs her, AND IS ARMED, and clearly has intent to do her wrong.......you would do nothing to help, because you wouldn't want to risk your life for her, and going up against someone who is armed would be doing just that. You would let something happen to her, because you wouldn't want to "risk your life" for someone you supposedly care about. You know, the more we learn about you, the less I wish we knew. What if there is no one in the area? You know, what if this doesn't happen in broad fucking daylight? What are you going to do? Piss your pants and run away screaming? I'm dead serious when I say this; you make me ill.
  2. Answer the question. You didn't say shit about what happened to your sister. You said you'd feel bad if something happened to HIM. He's not the person who was brutally raped while her boyfriend stood there with his thumbs up his ass. I don't care if you are an only child or not. I'm asking you to delve into the hypothetical and answer the damn question.
  3. So you would just let the girl get raped? Because more often than not, rapists have weapons. So if you see the guy is armed, you aren't going to do anything to help this girl? Because you would be risking your life going up against someone who is armed. Boy, that's great to know about you.
  4. Oh look, you actually used my screen name. Hold on while I go get a cookie for you. I don't particularly want ANY Presidential candidate cracking jokes about dictators, especially those of countries that if they so choose, could blow us to smithereens. It's in poor taste, I don't care if he did spend time in a POW camp. And the fact he did doesn't affect my opinion of him one bit. I have no problem with McCain the person, it's McCain the politician I don't like. I've never discredited his service to this country, nor have I said anything bad about him FOR serving his country. It's a non-issue to me, I don't look at those things as a reason to vote or not vote for someone or a reason to agree/not agree with someone. Point out to me where I said that I could deal with Iran better than John McCain. Go on, I'll wait. I said I don't want him cracking stupid jokes about killing Iranians, that doesn't mean I think I can do his job better than he can. Focus now, dear.
  5. I don't think Jesse Jackson is smart enough to think ahead like that. I just think he's a complete fool who puts his foot in his mouth more often than not.
  6. Spats, this is a serious question. I don't know if you have a sister or not, but for the sake of argument, let's say you do. And your sister is out with her boyfriend and someone jumps out of the bushes, grabs her, holds a knife to her throat and drags her back into the bushes and rapes her. Now let's say her boyfriend was of your mindset, that it's not his job to protect her or defend her and he just stands there and lets it happen. How pissed would you when your sister told you what happened? This is your sister, your blood. Someone brutally attacked her, and her boyfriend was just like you. Tell me how angry you'd be.
  7. If I was out with my boyfriend, and a man grabbed me with the intent of raping me and my boyfriend didn't do jack shit to try and stop him, the minute I am physically able, I will kick that motherfucker's ass SO hard. Like, he'll be puking shoe leather, that's how far up his ass my foot is going. I cannot begin to fathom how angry I would be if my boyfriend allowed something like that to happen, simply because he's of the notion that it's not his job to protect me and that my life is not more valuable than his. The level of angry I would be has not been invented yet. If someone tried to hurt my boyfriend, you better believe I would do everything within my power to try and help him.
  8. I cry during sad movies. Hell, I tear up watching those Pedigree commercials with the dogs that need adopting. I'm just emotional. That doesn't mean something's wrong with me. If you think there is, something's wrong with YOU.
  9. "Liquor before beer, in the clear. Beer before liquor, never sicker."
  10. I don't find killing people fun, no. That was a joke.
  11. That isn't even my name, so why in the hell do you think that means anything to me? Oooh, you omitted a word from a blurb in my signature that isn't my screen name. I'ma so scared now. GTF over yourself, RICK.
  12. We'd own a kick-ass flower shop in Calgary.
  13. How does that make my point any less salient. You don't know anyone here, so it doesn't matter if you're talking about everyone or just one person. Making assumptions about people you don't know is stupid.
  14. There's the kind of crying you do when someone dies, the kind of crying you do when you're angry, the kind of crying you do when you're happy, the kind of crying you do when you're in pain.......are you of the idea that there's only one way to cry?
  15. No they wouldn't have, because THEY'RE TEENAGE GIRLS AND TEENAGE GIRLS DO THAT. If they were 40 year old women, THAT would have annoyed me. Because they're too old to be creaming their panties over 16 year old boys. But a 14 year old girl? Jesus Christ, I WAS ONE ONCE, YOU KNOW. My God, you are thicker than London fog.
  16. You don't know shit about anyone here, buddy boy. Save the soupy generalizations for someplace else.
  17. 1. Every pet peeve you've had in this thread has been about women. And everything women do pisses you off, and everything they say, and the way they act.....that's denigrating them. 2. Like hell you don't. Liar. 3. "Public forums" doesn't mean message boards. It means "public areas". 4. Yes you have. You've said so here before how you've been out with a girl, she's done something that pisses you off (like basically anything except breathing) and your buddies were around and you acted like a stereotypical macho pigheaded prick in front of them so they'd think better of you for it. 5. No you don't. Your buddies would tell you to wipe your ass with your t-shirt and you'd do it. 6. Good for you. Still not proof I was wrong. Do you even comprehend how infuriating it is to read post after post from you about how women suck at this and how we shouldn't do this and how dare we do that and men shouldn't be forced to do this that or the other by a woman.....all the fucking time? You can't find one good thing about women......everything they do pisses you off. Even teenage girls piss you off! TEENAGE GIRLS! 13 year old girls going apeshit for the Jonas Brothers piss you off! It's people like you that are going to put in my grave before 40.
  18. No you wouldn't. You're full of crap.
  19. The Twelfth of Never - Johnny Mathis
  20. Not true. You should really thank my friend Marie, she's the person who got me eating it in the first place.
  21. If spats and I were on a date (hellllllo fantasy world) and some guy came up to us and stuck a gun out, demanding our money and jewelry or else he'd shoot, I'd just push him forward and say "him first, he stuck me with the tab at dinner."
  22. I'm sorry to hear about your kitty, Lakey. A few years ago we had a pug and he had gotten up in years and had a myriad of health issues and we decided that it would be more humane for him to die painlessly and with us there than continue living in constant pain. It's one of the few times I remember seeing my dad cry, but it was what was best. You never lose that feeling of thinking a member of the family died.
  23. Yeah, I do. I know I'm eating foods not pumped full of hormones and doused with chemicals and pesticides.
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