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Everything posted by Electrophile

  1. Do you even read what I say before you comment? I DIDN'T SAY BEING A RACIST WASN'T A CHOICE. Please tell me where in that post I said being racist was not a choice. I said RACE is not a choice. I said that if someone doesn't eat meat that's a choice. And that if you dislike that person because they don't eat meat, you're disliking them for a choice they've made, a choice that can be un-done. That is nowhere near the level of hatred it takes to hate someone based on a race, something that person CANNOT choose. You cannot equate the two things at all. Not in any way, shape or form. Everything cleared up?
  2. Being a racist is not the same as being against people who hate meat. Not eating meat is a choice. It may be because of religion, because of health reasons, because of animal rights issues......either way it's a choice. That person chose to stop eating meat, it's no different than choosing to drink Pepsi instead of Coke. Race is not something you choose. Race is not something that can be changed. And since when are racists "good" people? Are the KKK good people? Would you invite a Klansman over to your Thanksgiving table? Racists are good people? I've heard it all.
  3. I happen to know that my poo smells like a mixture of gardenias and orange.
  4. Quality couch and TV time. I don't do the whole "party and get drunk" thing.
  5. Pet Peeve: thread hijackers
  6. Another pet peeve: People who use the express checkout lane when they have more than 10 items. How rude.
  7. We have to rescue this thread from spats. Pet Peeve: When you go to the grocery store to buy something and you find that they are out of it. And the only reason you even went to the store, was to buy that particular item.
  8. You see, I'd do that but then I'd run the risk of being prosecuted. If I damage him in defense of my life on my property, they won't touch me. I'd rather everyone feel sorry for me and talk about how brave I am.
  9. I don't presume Pink Floyd had to be on drugs to write their songs. I was merely saying that if you watch the interviews done for the Live in Pompeii concert/movie they did, they look stoned. Doesn't mean they are, just that IMO, they look it.
  10. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Organic_beef In my family, we try to eat organic meats, as much as possible. Beef, chicken, even fish and shellfish. We eat organic dairy as well. It's more expensive, but it's worth it I feel.
  11. I don't need to research anything, your War and Peace-sized posts provide me ample reading material and links with which to further my exploration. And I'll enjoy eating my organic beef and not supporting people who put cats in microwaves, TYVM.
  12. I was talking about you, Captain Self-Gratification.
  13. Same here, only I'm way more competitive than that. If I want to bid for something, but don't want to run the risk of being outbid long before the auction ends, I'll wait until there is like 3 or 4 minutes left and then I bid. With that little time left, unless the person who currently leads the bid is sitting there refreshing the screen, I can be guaranteed to win because they won't have time to outbid me. It's evil, but I don't care.
  14. Because I said so, and that's that.
  15. If someone broke into my home and I was able to get a hold of our fireplace poker, the person will not be leaving my house in the same manner he entered it. I can guarantee that much.
  16. These are the meals men should pay for: First date Her birthday every other anniversary These are meals women should pay for: Second date his birthday every other anniversary Now in this case I'm talking about meals in nice restaurants, the kinds of meals you don't have but 3-4 times a year. If you're going to the drive-thru at McDonalds, she can chip in for her part of the meal. If she doesn't have any cash on her, or if he doesn't have any cash on him, the other person pays the whole thing. I don't consider a meal at McDonalds a major expenditure that either party should have problems paying in full, should they need to.
  17. Not all of them do. I would like to see a man cry once in a while, when it's not connected to him getting smashed in the balls with something. I would like to see more men do housework/cooking/child-rearing instead of always leaving it up to the woman. On the flip-side, I'd like to see more women fix their own cars, do their own minor household repairs and watch a game of football without asking what inning the game is in. So you'd be wrong. Like usual. If the mere mention of oral sex makes him cry, then he's gay.
  18. If a guy pays for my meal, he gets something in return. My gratitude and thanks for a nice evening. It's not like I put my napkin down on the table, say "thanks a mil" and then split.
  19. GENDER ROLES EXIST FOR A REASON. THE SEXES ARE NOT SAME, NOR ARE THEY MEANT TO BE. Do you understand the words that are coming out of my mouth?
  20. And dessert is meant to be eaten. Right, spats?
  21. Girls are icky, we have cooties.
  22. You wouldn't date a woman who watched a TV show you didn't like? I'm a Democrat, I wouldn't NOT date someone who watched Fox News. Do you even understand how completely stupid you sound when you say shit like that? TV shows are not a reason to cross someone off a date list. And I'm being completely serious. I watched SATC, I watched Will and Grace......I do not watch any of that other shit. I have no use for MTV/VH1 reality shows or any thing else of that ilk.
  23. I have two drinks maximum, twice a year. So no, I'm not. Unless you consider drinking a lot of caffeine "buzzed".
  24. This is getting interesting.
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