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Everything posted by Electrophile

  1. Don't say the word "tradition" to this clown. He thinks everything must be 100% equal between the sexes, 100% of the time. Not realizing of course, that it's not like that, it'll never be like that, and there's no use bitching about it because it won't change. Basically, he needs to enter a monastery and never leave.
  2. Men who do nothing but complain about women. Men who do nothing but whine about all the things women do that they don't like, men who do nothing but denigrate women, men who do nothing but bitch about how the things that make women different from men are the things they hate the most. Men who don't get that there are gender differences and that boys and girls will never be equal, because it's biologically impossible. Men who find it okay to make insensitive comments about women they see in the street or in other public forums, because they don't like how they look. Men who insist on things being their way and their way only, never yielding or making room for compromise. Men who think it's cute to treat women like shit in front of their friends, because their friends' opinions are more important than anything else. Men who can't think for themselves and rather take their cues from everyone else. Men who find no joy in anything other than bitching and whining about everything.
  3. The Daily Mail is a tabloid. So the veracity of that story might not be up to snuff.
  4. David Gilmour had a cocaine problem, I believe. I don't know if that was before or after the band went kaput, though. I know they all drank quite a bit and were completely stoned when they did the Live in Pompeii interviews (seriously watch them, they're baked), but whether they did "hard" drugs, I don't know.
  5. The genius of John McCain: http://blog.washingtonpost.com/the-trail/2..._iran_joke.html Ah yes, the classic "I was only joking" retort. Used by people for centuries to excuse downright stupid, insensitive and ridiculous comments that they wish they hadn't uttered. Considering the current climate in the Middle East right now, perhaps joking about killing the people of a country that has the capability to blow our country into little rocks, might not be the smartest thing to do. I don't know though, maybe I'm just crazy like that.
  6. Hermit, just stop. Go start a thread about factory farming and the way hamburgers arrive on our plates instead of hijacking this thread. You have a problem with people who eat meat. Unlike you, I don't. I don't care what people choose to consume. They can eat dirt mixed with mustard for all I care. This thread is about what these two shitheads did, not about slaughterhouses.
  7. Without drugs there would *be* no rock and roll. You think songs like "I Am The Walrus" just write themselves?
  8. Their particular church paid for both. Not the Mormon church as a whole, but the church that they went to. My uncle and his family are like super-awesome donators and all that mess, so they footed the bill for the reception to be held on church grounds and for the flowers in the church and stuff like that. it wasn't expensive, but it wasn't cheap.
  9. I'm speaking only for myself. My cousins are Mormon. My father and uncle were raised Catholic, but one day the Mormons came knocking on my uncle's door and he and my aunt bought their spiel and became Mormon and they raised their kids in the religion. That alone, I don't care about. You believe what you want, as long as it doesn't infringe on my ability to believe what I want. That being said, they have a TON of problems with other Christian denominations, especially Catholicism. They wouldn't come to my grandmother's funeral....and that was his mother. They wouldn't go to the cemetery to bury her, they won't even go there to upkeep the graves of not only her, but my grandfather, great-aunt and great-uncle. They wouldn't come to my H.S. graduation, because it was in a Catholic church. They wouldn't go to my sister's graduation, even though hers was in a Baptist church just for spacial issues. There was no religious service at all, they just needed the room. When my cousin David got married 2 years ago, various members of the church spent the whole of the reception trying to convert us. They kept sending people over with pamphlets, books, it pissed my father off to the point where he knocked a table over and stormed out. My cousin and his new wife were embarrassed to tears by what was going on, but what could they do? The church paid for all this, they weren't going to bite the hand that fed them. I have family members who practice many different religions. My mom was raised Episcopalian and converted when she married my father. Her mother was Episcopalian, while my grandfather was a Methodist. My dad's father was Lutheran, and his parents were Catholic. Our family hasn't had 1/100th of the issues with the rest of our extended family as we've had with my uncle and his. It's to the point where my father and his brother don't speak anymore. When we were living in Georgia, WEEKLY we'd have Mormon missionaries on our doorstep, even after WEEKLY we'd politely tell them to buzz off. No other religious group gave us that kind of grief. It's like they can't and won't take no for an answer. That's what I hate the most. I understand it's important for them to spread the word of God and all that jazz, but when I say I'm not interested, take that for what I'm saying and don't come back the next week. My mind will not change in that time.
  10. I eat hamburgers. I love hamburgers. I love chicken, fish and pork. In fact, I had pork short ribs for dinner. I do not support the microwaving of family pets. Cows, chickens, pigs.......they are bred to be food for humans. If we buy meat in this house, we try to buy organic as much as possible, so it's not pumped full of growth hormones and god knows what else. We also buy organic dairy and eggs.
  11. I understand this. After I graduated from school, I like everyone else, went out in search of work in which to use this paper I spent $50,000 working to get. Seeing as I had no marketing/advertising work experience before college or even during school as I had no time to work, I started looking for entry-level positions, something where I could learn from more established employees, get some experience on my resume and work my way up. I applied to 30 different marketing/advertising agencies in the time between graduating and moving to North Carolina and not one place hired me. I knew it wasn't lack of experience that was the cause, as all of these jobs I was interviewing for said that experience wasn't necessary. It was aggravating as hell to see jobs that are clearly for you, yet you won't be hired for. So I completely understand how draining and hurtful it can be.
  12. Yes Hermit, that's the point I was trying to make. That if you wouldn't put a baby in a microwave, why would you put a cat in a microwave? Why aren't more people punished more severely for acts of animal cruelty? Putting an innocent animal in a microwave and watching it die is just as horrifying as putting a baby in a microwave and watching it die. That's not saying you value the animal's life more than the human's life, that's saying you value a life. Period.
  13. There will never be a viable third party in this country. Remember the Whigs? Yeah, neither does anyone else. BTW, don't ask people to try and convince you of something and then turn around and tell them they won't be able to. No one is going to bother because that's like telling someone to open a door and then as they're trying, tell them it's nailed shut.
  14. See, now in this quiz, we aren't that similar.
  15. And one more because I'm bored and it looked interesting: http://www.politicalbrew.com/politest.cgi Your results: On Non-Fiscal Issues, you rank as a Moderate Liberal (34). On Fiscal Issues, you rank as a Moderate Liberal (36). Your score is on a scale of 0 to 100, with 0 being fully liberal and 100 being fully conservative. On the map that comes up, I'm in the lower-left quadrant.
  16. This is another one I found interesting; a morality-based political quiz. http://www.moral-politics.com/xpolitics.as...amp;choice=Long YOUR SCORE Your scored -1.5 on Moral Order and -1 on Moral Rules. The following categories best match your score (multiple responses are possible): 1. System: Liberalism 2. Ideology: Capital Democratism 3. Party: Democratic Party 4. Presidents: John F Kennedy 5. 04' Election: John Kerry 6. 08' Election: John Edwards
  17. Crap. Better take the quiz again.
  18. Conservative/Progressive score: 8 You are a social moderate. You think the progressive movement is overall well meaning, but sometimes it goes too far. On issues like abortion and affirmative action, you see the negatives of both extremes on the issue. You probably value religion, but at the same time you think it should still stay separate from the government Capitalist Purist/Social Capitalist score: 10 You're a Social Capitalist, you think that, left to its own, Capitalism leaves a lot of people behind. You think that Health Care should be free to all, that the minimum wage should be raised, and that the government should provide jobs to all that are capable of having them. You likely hated the Bush tax cuts, and believe that the middle class has gotten poorer, and the rich have gotten richer over the past several years. The far extreme of social capitalism is socialism. Libertarian/Authoritarian score: 2 You are libertarian. You think that the government is making way too many unnecessary laws that are taking away our innate rights. You believe that the government's job is primarily to protect people from harming other people, but after that they should mind their own business, and if we give the government too much power in controlling our lives, it can lead to fascism. Pacifist/Militarist score: 0 You're a Pacifist. You are angered that the United States thinks it should dominate the world through its military force. You think that the only time war is necessary is when we are in direct danger of being attacked. You also believe the US spends way too much of its money on defense, as we can practically cut it in half and still easily defend ourselves, and use that money to fix all our economic problems. Overall, you would most likely fit into the category of Democrat
  19. I think it's wrong that the penalties for abusing an animal are far less than if you did that same thing to a human. Stick a baby in a microwave, you'll end up in jail for the rest of your life. Stick a cat in the microwave, barely a dent. I don't get it.
  20. Most humans can fight back. If the human can't fight back because of age, disability or some other extenuating factor, then yes.....castrate them too.
  21. The law, as I believe it to be constructed, says that if you kill a woman past a certain point in her pregnancy, and the fetus dies along with the mother, you can be charged with a double homicide, thus making you eligible for the death penalty (special circumstances). I believe that point is 6 or 7 months, or at least in her third trimester. The law in that instances states you are responsible for the deaths of two human beings, as the child would survive outside the womb if the mother delivered prematurely. However, if you kill a woman who is only in her first trimester, you are not guilty of two murders, but of one. I believe the charge is murder and then abortion in the first degree. So the law states you are only guilty of killing one human being, not two. In the first scenario, the fetus has all the rights of an already-born human being, as they are considered a human being under the law. In the second scenario, there is no human being in question other than the mother. So abortion is not the murder of another human being UNLESS the fetus is aborted past 6 months and there is no grave threat to the life of the mother. This is why I do not support partial-birth abortions unless the mother's life is in imminent danger. If you are 5 or even 6 months pregnant and you don't know by then if you want to be pregnant anymore, you're shit out of luck. If you're going to have an abortion, that decision should have been made a long time before you got to that stage. This is merely how I interpret things according to the law.
  22. Involuntary castration for anyone who abuses an animal.
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