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Everything posted by Electrophile

  1. Involuntary castration for anyone who abuses an animal.
  2. This is the picture of Twiggy that inspired my avatar. I've been asked several times who it is, so I thought I'd hunt the photo down for everyone:
  3. I have no clue what you're saying. Please use the quote tags right.
  4. The decision to have an abortion is not a rash decision. You don't just up and decide to have one and go on with your day. Trust me when I say, there's a lot of thinking and debating and reasoning and thinking some more that goes on when the subject is broached. No woman decides to have an abortion without thinking about it first. It's a serious decision to make and like any health-related decision, you don't rush into it.
  5. Fathers can terminate parental rights in court to avoid paying child support for a child they don't want. The same as mothers can terminate parental rights. If the mother is pro-life and the father is not, and she has the child, he can go to court, tell the judge that he doesn't want to be financially responsible for a child he didn't want and that's that. She can't force him to pay child support, she can't come after him for a nickel. But men don't have equal say in a pregnancy, because they are not pregnant. It's not like a marriage where both are active participants. He can have a say all he wants, but at the end of the day, it's her body. If she wants to have an abortion, he can't stop her. If it were reversed and men could have babies, the same would apply. You can't force someone to abort and you can't force someone not to abort. No offense, but that's a pithy phrase. You don't know how tough pregnancy is, you're male. Suz has had a child, so she would know all the ins and outs of being pregnant. So no, you don't know. Decisions regarding a woman's reproductive organs and health are HERS to make, not anyone else's. Would you want someone deciding for you what to do with your dick? Input is one thing. An equal say is another. If I don't want to be pregnant anymore and my boyfriend says he wants me to be pregnant, I don't have to listen to him if I don't want to. He has no control over my body or what I do with it.
  6. Child support is not the same as supporting the family. Supporting the family implies you're either the sole breadwinner or the one whose money goes to the bulk of bill paying. So many times, the amount of money these men are forced to pay by the courts don't cover a fraction of the actual bills the mother is forced to pay on her own. What am I talking about? Was I writing in Greek? If the woman gets pregnant, and decides she doesn't want to be pregnant anymore and opts for an abortion, if the father is against abortion, he can't make that woman stay pregnant. He has no right to force her to continue with the pregnancy if she decides something he doesn't agree with.
  7. I don't know how true that is, though. Sometimes the mother is the disciplinarian and the father isn't. Or sometimes as was my parents' case, they were abused as children and didn't want to become abusers themselves, so they never physically disciplined their kids. My parents found other ways to punish my sister and I when we we misbehaved and they didn't have to lay a hand on us.
  8. The first Wayne's World movie.
  9. I was at Publix one afternoon and this mother was in the frozen dessert aisle with her 5 kids. Now, she was trying to explain to them that they were getting one carton of ice cream and that's it. Big problem. My mother never explained anything to us. She said it was one carton of ice cream and that was it. No discussion. You discussed, you got nothing. This mother didn't graduate from that school of thought. Anyway, the kids are running around, reaching into people's carts, hitting people.....this one brat smacked me in the head with his shoe and the mother is still standing there trying to tell these kids they get one carton of ice cream. I walked right by her and said "Lady, control your spawn." I hate shit like that.
  10. You have no idea where that's from do you?
  11. Could you fix the quote tags in that post? It would make reading your posts easier so I know what I'm responding to.
  12. "Garth, did you know marriage is punishment for shoplifting in some countries?"
  13. My mother always tells me and my sister how grateful she was when we were younger that she could take us anywhere and we were never disrespectful and hard to handle. We could go to McDonalds or an expensive restaurant and we were always perfectly behaved. I see mothers today letting their kids run wild all over the place and they don't give a shit and I just want to smack them. The mothers, not the kids. They're too busy talking on cell phones to pay attention to the trouble their kids are getting into.
  14. The father absolutely has a say. But it's HER uterus and HER pregnancy to terminate, not his. So ultimately, the decision lies with her. If she's pro-choice and he's not, he can't force her to have the baby against her will. And you don't know that it would be his money supporting the mother during the pregnancy. When my mom was pregnant with me, she was supporting the family because unemployment in 1982 was ridiculously high and my father was one of the casualties of that. There's a lot of women who support their family either because the man doesn't work or she makes more than he does.
  15. LOL.....I didn't even notice that. My "hmmmm", was more an agreement on your assessment.
  16. The abortion debate is one that really shouldn't be had, because at the root of one side of the argument is religious morality. You can't debate anything when God creeps its head into the picture. I've worked for Planned Parenthood and several other health services, so unless you have, don't suppose you know why women have abortions, or what their thought process about it is. Until you've walked in their shoes and known what's in their minds, you can't understand how difficult a choice like that is to make. No one who is planning on having one looks forward to it, but for each woman that makes that choice, they've decided it's right for them. I don't judge or condemn women who've done it, and I don't look down on women who don't. It's not my place nor is it anyone else's.
  17. My life was no bed of roses growing up. We weren't poor, but we weren't rich either. My sister and I got maybe 1/4 of the stuff my friends and especially my cousins got growing up. No birthday parties until we were 13, and even then they were very small and included only family and maybe one or two friends. During H.S., I worked over the summers to get spending money and when I was in college, I worked between semesters. Not during the semester, because I didn't have time. My classes started at 9 in the morning and ended at 4 or 5 in the afternoon. Then I'd have to study/do homework. Thankfully I had money saved up from working so that I had pocket money. And I had to put myself through school, to the tune of $50,000 in student loans I am paying off as we speak. And right now, I pay half the utilities, my own bills (credit card, cell phone and student loans) plus gas for the cars that I use. My parents are allowing me to live at home right now so I can keep saving up more money to move out (I'm 2/3 of the way there right now), but I told them I wouldn't stay if they didn't let me contribute to the household finances, and I wouldn't take no for an answer. When my dad was out of work last year, if it wasn't for me working along with my mom to pay the bills, we would have been in dire trouble. She said she was thankful I was there.
  18. That was funny. But overall, you're right.
  19. "Lady Elizabeth of the Pagettes" is not my screen name and no one here refers to me as such. Why don't you follow suit? And to answer your question, we're all adults. If you don't like adult language, please direct your browser to http://www.disney.com
  20. We're all adults, if you don't like adult language to go to http://www.disney.com
  21. I wasn't brainwashed by anyone, you lying pile of stones. I, unlike some stupid people in this country, don't get my political cues from college professors. You see, when I was in school, I was too busy concentrating on what they were teaching so I could get A's in the classes than what their political views were. Quit lying about people around here. Comprende? AHAHAHA, you think we're Communists. That's funny.
  22. Living out in the country like we do, you can see A LOT with the naked eye and a decent pair of binoculars. In the winter, you can see Orion's Nebula fairly well with the naked eye (much better with binoculars) and my favorite cluster of stars, the Pleiades.
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