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Everything posted by Electrophile

  1. Exactly. It's harmless. They like the guys, think they're cute....whatever. So they scream and yell and wave signs and all that stuff. When NSYNC was all the rage, I was right along with the girls, screaming and acting like a fool. Why? I was a teenager, teenage girls do those things sometimes. When my mom was a teenager, it was Beatles, Beatles, Beatles. She wanted to marry Paul McCartney, and had his picture taped all over her walls. She begged my grandparents to let her stay up and watch them on Ed Sullivan and rather than listening to her cry, they relented. There was nothing wrong with my mom, and there's nothing wrong with those girls. Hell, I've seen teenage boys go apeshit over Britney Spears back in the day. You know, when she was actually attractive and had a career.
  2. Get off your "moral" high horse, you'll give yourself a nose bleed. Bill Clinton got his dick sucked. Get over it. You're coming off like a damn prude.
  3. Oh yeah. You're on one coast and I'm on the other, it gets darker her earlier than it does for you.
  4. Last year, the idiot across the street from us was setting off sparklers in the road and the hot embers landed on my sister's car and damaged the paint on the roof. So my dad marched over there with the bill to have it repaired and told the kid's dad that he's paying for it.
  5. "Wang Dang Sweet Poontang" should win some kind of award for greatest song title ever. The balls it took to write a song with that title and then sing it every night? Amazing.
  6. Yeah, and I wish Robert Byrd would go away too. Not die, just go away. Racists should have their own special circle of hell.
  7. Are you a painter by trade? I ask, because you work that broad brush real well. I enjoy watching you paint an entire group of people into one thought process, completely ignoring the fact that within the liberal sphere, there are different schools of thought. Some are far left, some are more center left, some are more right left. And each little section has their own section. So each time you say "you libs" and other such pithy phrases, you reduce a huge group of people to one small square of space. And again, that's fun. Because don't let a Democrat do that to someone on the other side of the fence. Holy shit will the fireworks fly then. To respond to the last few posts, I would like to see some empirical evidence stating that the rising number of teens engaging in oral sex is directly linked to Bill Clinton and his knob shine. We can all guess as to why more teenagers are performing this particular act, but without getting inside their brains and taking notes, we'd have no way of knowing for sure. I have my own theories about why it's happened, a couple of them are as follows: More and more young girls taking these "chastity pledges" where they wear rings and promise themselves to remain virgins until they get married. If you pay attention to this sort of thing, the number of STDs among this group of girls is significantly higher than among those who don't take these pledges. Some reasons for that being, they're more likely to have not have had sex-ed classes and therefore not know the risks involved in having oral sex or they don't think oral/anal sex is real sex and therefore they're still virgins and everything is hunky-dory. Someone should clue these gals in that once a dick is in you, you're not a virgin anymore. Another reason I think more teens are engaging in sex acts young is the internet. Do you know how many free websites exist where you can't just watch porn all day? No downloading, no payment. And if you think they can't get around NetNanny and other netminding software, you're wrong. And what about peer pressure? If Joanie's friends are all doing it, and she wants to be cool, she'll do it too. That's how stupid teenagers are. Thank god I wasn't one, but my sister was. She righted her ship, but we had rocky times for a while. Not all kids have the presence of mind to say no. Sometimes they just want to do it, and there's no pressure on them to do it. There's a myriad of reasons for the sexualization of the American teenager, but we can't blame it all on Bill Clinton.
  8. They're illegal here too unless you have a permit. Sparklers and the cap fireworks are fine, but any huge ones are no-go. It's funny both Georgia and North Carolina don't allow fireworks, but the surrounding states do. So when you drive through Tennessee and South Carolina, especially close to the border, that's all you see; advertisements to buy fireworks.
  9. I had pizza rolls for dinner. Not too exciting.
  10. Fortunately we were able to get the fireworks off tonight and they were really nice. We could stand at the end of our driveway and see them very well, although next year we're going to the middle school to see them close-up. We could see Winston-Salem's fireworks fairly well too, although they barely topped the tree line by our house.
  11. Jesse Helms does not belong in the same sentence as Adams, Jefferson and Monroe.
  12. I bet you thought that was clever. Off to the Island of Misfit Toys for you. Edit: Now that I've taken care of that nonsense, my pet peeve: Rain. The fireworks are supposed to go off at 9pm, and it's pouring right now.
  13. Of course. But only from people I want them from.
  14. Actually, I am online but it's none of your business. And the other person photographed with me wouldn't want someone making comments about her either. I know this because I just asked.
  15. The only people it mattered to were those who think the President's sex life is news. Unless he raped someone, was caught with someone underage, had child porn in his possession or was caught with a goat, I don't see why anyone should give a rat's behind about who services the President and who doesn't. There are people in this country who have an unhealthy dislike of sex or anything sex-related. Remember the Janet Jackson nipple fiasco? More of her costume got ripped off than was intended, and people acted like she dropped trou and showed all of the viewing audience what her gyno sees. I couldn't believe how indignant and self-righteous some of these people were getting over an accident.
  16. So what? She was well over the age of consent, wasn't she? I believe she was 22 or 23 at the time. I don't give a rat's ass about age differences, provided both parties are well over the legal age. If Bill wanted his dick sucked by a 23-year old intern, who is that hurting aside from his family? No one. It was a complete waste of time and money.
  17. He didn't make those comments toward me, no.
  18. More talk about Ted Nugent, less talk about other countries' gun laws.
  19. Ah, you must be talking about my custom user title. That was given to me by someone banned about 6 or 7 times now for saying racially and culturally degrading comments. He keeps coming back, in fact I'm sure he's lurking right now as I type.
  20. What, that I'm female? Yes, that explains everything I suppose.
  21. First, that's not my screen name. Secondly, he didn't take advantage of her. They were two consenting adults doing things consenting adults do. He was married, he shouldn't have done it. But the idea that we must impeach the president for lying about a blowjob is utterly ridiculous. Thirdly, I don't turn a blind eye to someone being taken advantage of. However, in this instance, no one was being taken advantage of. Fourthly, don't broad-brush women into believing/thinking/feeling any one thing. Lastly, she chose to blow the President, who also happened to be a married man. She did that with the knowledge of what would happen if anyone found out about it and she did so knowing he was not going to leave his wife for her, or whatever other delusions she might have had.
  22. You have absolutely no clue what the hell you're talking about and if you go to my profile, you'll clearly see what gender I am so I have no idea why you're asking. You do not know what has gone on with this person on both this board and the previous incarnation. Furthermore, I never said it was the ONLY reason why someone might not disclose age/gender on this board. I said it was one of many reasons. Some people just don't want to and you have absolutely no right to demand it of them or to make them feel lesser because they haven't. What a ridiculous thing to get unnerved by.
  23. I'll let the congregation guess if you're "new" new or "old" new. Either way, that opinion won't get you far around here.
  24. I'd rather the President fuck a woman over than fuck the country over. That whole Lewinsky-gate nonsense was a complete waste of taxpayers' time and money.
  25. That made absolutely NO sense at all. Nowhere in that post did I say that everyone here were predators. I said that someone here WAS (and they keep coming back under a myriad of new screen names) and that for that reason, some people may feel they don't want to share that information, lest they be targeted. Furthermore, I never stated they WOULD be targeted. I said that keeping that info out of their profile might be something they'd do to keep from being contacted by that person. You took a post dealing with one, completely unrelated subject and applied it to people not wanting to disclose certain demographics on a message board? Smooth move, Ex-Lax. Not me, and if you actually read the post you quoted you'd know that.
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