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Everything posted by Electrophile

  1. Hollywood's Not America - Ferras Beverly Hills - Weezer Sweet Southern Comfort - Buddy Jewell Louisiana Woman, Mississippi Man - Loretta Lynn & Conway Twitty You're the Reason God Made Oklahoma - David Frizzell & Shelly West Indiana Wants Me - R. Dean Taylor
  2. He said song titles that are US places. The following places in those songs are not in the US: Acapulco Guadalajara Egypt Rome Mexico Spain Frankfurt (I'm assuming he meant Germany here)
  3. Memphis, Tennessee - Johnny Rivers Going to Carolina - James Taylor It Never Rains In Southern California - Albert Hammond, Sr. Detroit Rock City - KISS New York Minute - Eagles New York State of Mind - Billy Joel Philadelphia Freedom - Elton John Sweet Home Chicago - Stevie Ray Vaughan Chattahoochee - Alan Jackson
  4. Good to see you around, Knebby.
  5. I don't live in Chicago any more, most people here know that. And no it couldn't just as easily be LA or NY, because those cities are not Chicago. We moved in 2001 when my father's job transferred and we moved to Atlanta, which frankly is no better. Now we live in NC between Winston-Salem and Greensboro. And I still wouldn't smell the coffee? WTH? And yes, when I was in living in Chicago, I would go out at night with my friends because I wasn't going to cower in fear in my apartment, worried that someone might attack me. There are plenty of great places in Chicago and then there's some not-so-great places, but my parents raised me not to live in fear. I'm real proud your kids aren't lawbreakers, but that doesn't mean that all black people or all Pakistanis or all Irish people are criminals that you should run around trying to avoid and screaming should be kicked off the island. Get a grip. There's crime all over the world, committed by all walks of life. What, you want everyone staying in their own country, associating with only their own race? What a nice little world you want. Thank God it's not going to happen. And you hate them, quit feeding me this nonsense that you don't. You don't fear something you like. If you didn't hate them, you wouldn't be spouting this inane horseshit. Goodbye, goodbye, goodbye.
  6. Do you know what kind of neighborhood I grew up in living in Chicago? No, you don't. So don't tell me what I know, what I don't know and what I need to know. Nice little white boys.....as if Caucasians are fucking angels or something. This shit makes me ill. Off to the Island of Misfit Toys for you. Reading any more of this nonsense and I'll explode.
  7. My point is that if people don't want to tell the forum at large their age or gender, they aren't required to. It's not important. This is the internet, not a job application. No one needs to know that badly who they're talking to unless it's eHarmony.com.
  8. It's really good. This is what we usually do. Coat the asparagus in olive oil and salt & pepper; just enough so that they don't stick to the grill or the pan you're cooking them on. Cook them until they're just tender and take a pat of butter and let it melt over it. Just a small amount, though. After they melt, take some lemon and squeeze it over the top and toss lightly. You can put more lemon on yourself if you like things extra-lemony.
  9. I don't find xenophobia/bigotry/racism/homophobia/sexism/Antisemitism or any other kind of demographic-based hatred amusing. So yeah, I do have a problem with it. Are there immigrants who come to a country and then commit crimes, behave poorly and basically make themselves look like complete tools? Yes. Should you fear ALL immigrants based on the derelict actions of a group of them? No, you shouldn't. At least, that's how I was raised. I dislike those who actually do something wrong, not people who just happen to share the same ethnic makeup as those who have done something wrong. If a woman walks into a grocery store and steals something, and you as the check-out person see this and are scared she might be packing heat or something, does that mean every time a woman walks into the store, you should cower in fear? Ummmm, no. Replace the word "woman" with any other demographic and the same thing applies. You shouldn't punish the whole for the actions of the part.
  10. Grilled asparagus, with some butter and lemon is absolutely to die for.
  11. Xenophobia is awesome!! Cookie for you!! Aren't you so proud to be embarrassing yourself in front of complete strangers?
  12. An American won the Nathan's Hot Dog eating contest. And that's the way it should be; if anyone is going to win a contest based on eating like a pig, it should be someone from these hallowed shores. GOD BLESS AMERICA!
  13. http://blog.washingtonpost.com/sleuth/2008...d=news-col-blog ^^Those people.
  14. That was the only thing she said that I don't agree with. Everything else was spot on. So I wasn't going to go "oh this whole thing is full of shit." Because the whole thing isn't full of shit. And I've heard Republicans call him a cokehead, so it's not strictly a party line comment. Doesn't make the comment factual, but it's not something only Democrats have said. Barack Obama's school voucher stance is not something I agree with, but that doesn't mean I'm going to turn around and disregard everything else he's said and vote for McCain. Overall, her assessment of Bush is IMO, right. That's why I agreed with it.
  15. I feel you on the cramps issue. Ugh is right. Nothing I take seems to work, either.
  16. Quick! Tell us what she had for breakfast that day and what her mother's middle name is. You know, since you're so good at knowing what other people are thinking since you don't even know them. You don't know squat about that woman, dude. Who says they're trying to hide anything? Maybe they don't feel like filling that info in. They're not required to. There's a former member here who had inappropriate conversations/relationships with underage girls, so perhaps there's a reason why some people haven't filled their age or gender in. Maybe they don't want to be that turd's next victim.
  17. I think. I'm not sure. But if he wants to tell me it means X, I'm not going to tell him it doesn't. As someone who is not British, it's not my place to correct his interpretation of his country's holiday.
  18. People can believe and feel that the 4th of July is whatever they want it to be to them. You have no right to tell them they're wrong. Just like Christmas and Easter and Thanksgiving and other holidays have meanings to people that may not be shared by others. If that's what he thinks the 4th of July is, that's what he thinks it is. I happen to think that the 4th of July is an important day for Americans, for what it represents to us and what it meant to the founding of this nation. You're free to think otherwise but don't tell me I'm wrong. Furthermore, you're not an American. Ordinarily I love getting opinions from those not of this country about things happening in this country, especially our politics, but the 4th of July has particular meaning for us, a meaning you don't share. How can you possibly know what such an important holiday to this nation means to its citizens when you are not one? I don't go around acting like I understand the importance of Guy Fawkes Day, do I?
  19. I'd like to thank that guy for ruining the levity of this thread.
  20. You've never heard of George Carlin? You cannot possibly be serious. Next thing you'll say, you have no idea who Britney Spears is.
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