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Everything posted by Electrophile

  1. That's because it's not rock and roll, nor was it ever billed as rock and roll. Have you heard the record they did? Maybe he doesn't want to tour with Jimmy. Did you think of that or are you one of the selfish fans who think that the 4 of them need to cater to your whims, rather than their own. If Robert Plant doesn't want to go on the road with any of the members of LZ, that's his choice. Not ours. That may be hard to accept, but try.
  2. GET OVER IT. They got together for one last time. That was it. Move on.
  3. To those wondering if they left the muppets in, they did. As I was flipping through the channels last night, I caught that bit of the show.
  4. You know how George Carlin said that not every ejaculation deserved a name? Look at the above quoted post for a good example of that. Number one, you don't talk shit about someone's parenting skills when you don't know that person from a hole in the wall. That is absolutely beyond the pall, you should be fucking ashamed of your self. Secondly, Suz is no more representative of America than you are, than I am or than anyone else here. Maybe you think the only way to be an American is to paint your ass red white and blue and fart the national anthem, but guess what sweet cheeks....AIN'T LIKE THAT. I am as American as the next person born and raised in this country and I don't take everything handed to me by the government and swallow it and smile. You do.....that's nice. I don't, Suz apparently doesn't and neither do a lot of other people in this country. You're not more American or "patriotic" than anyone else here. Who the fuck do you think you are, you simple-minded, dimwitted, star spangled banner waving toolbox? YOU are what makes people hate America and Americans. It's your ugly ass attitude about dissent and dissenters that makes people think that if you dare speak out you're less than those who don't. So to quote the great Suz, go fuck yourself.
  5. "The President is merely the most important among a large number of public servants. He should be supported or opposed exactly to the degree which is warranted by his good conduct or bad conduct, his efficiency or inefficiency in rendering loyal, able, and disinterested service to the Nation as a whole. Therefore it is absolutely necessary that there should be full liberty to tell the truth about his acts, and this means that it is exactly necessary to blame him when he does wrong as to praise him when he does right. Any other attitude in an American citizen is both base and servile. To announce that there must be no criticism of the president, or that we are to stand by the president, right or wrong, is not only unpatriotic and servile, but is morally treasonable to the American public." - Theodore Roosevelt
  6. When the internet goes out and you call customer service and they put you on hold for close to an hour to give you a fix that takes all of 4 seconds.
  7. Who said that's what she does? Does not listening to George Bush speak somehow now equal thinking Barack Obama is a Muslim or something equally as stupid? No, it doesn't. You can't stay informed, up-to-date and just as knowledgeable on what's going on in this country even if you DON'T listen to Curious George. You make it sound like if you don't listen to the President, you don't listen to anything. Which is abject lies.
  8. Just because he has a college degree doesn't mean he's done or said intelligent things. The Bushes were basically the WASP Kennedys so the fact that an Ivy League university graduated him doesn't mean much, really. How much of that degree was "earned" and how much was handed to him because he came from a wealthy and privileged family? So using that as a defense is pretty weak. I mean, Bill Clinton was a Rhodes Scholar and he did some pretty stupid shit in the White House.
  9. Electrophile


    I'm not at liberty to confirm or deny my whereabouts, ma'am.
  10. Are you kidding?! I don't want to end up on the news for all the wrong reasons, TYVM. I don't accept rides from strangers and I sure as shit won't let them in my car.
  11. Electrophile


    I'm a CIA assassin.
  12. It Don't Come Easy - Ringo Starr
  13. You're lucky that guy didn't dump your lifeless body in a ravine somewhere. I don't care what the weather is, I won't get in someone's car if I don't know who they are. As for the topic, I've had people help me with grocery bags before when I was living at school. This guy I knew who lived in the apartment next to mine carried my stuff up 5 flights of stairs for me, and I didn't even ask him to. He insisted. So I made him some cupcakes in appreciation. That sort of thing doesn't happen everyday, you know.
  14. I love McDonalds. I don't give two shits what people think of that. That said, I hope Devo wins this case. You don't just take an image that iconic and try to pass it off as something of your own doing. It doesn't work out like that.
  15. You're whining about a TV show? It's called the remote control. Use it. There's a lot of shows on TV right now I abhorrently hate. I just don't watch them. As long as there are humans on earth, there will be shitty programming for them to watch. I stick to CSPN, MSNBC, PBS and the History Channel. Occasionally HBO, A&E and ESPN.
  16. That's why I very seldom read books from the library anymore. I'd rather go to Barnes and Noble, take the book, sit down and read part of it and if I like it, buy it. That way I'm guaranteed to be getting the book as it was printed, with no missing anything.
  17. Blinded By The Light - Mannfred Mann's Earth Band now Kicks - Paul Revere and the Raiders
  18. Whether Obama wins in November or not, I think we all as Americans should be damn proud that a black man is even in the running for that office. In 1958, the idea was absolutely unheard of. The USA has a ways to go before it is truly as progressive and forward-thinking as it claims to be, but this right here.....it's a good start.
  19. Children are as much a product of their parents as they are a product of society. You can tell your children 100 times not to drink pop or smoke or listen to rap music or stay out late or wear revealing clothes, but when push comes to shove....they'll do it regardless if they want to. My parents drilled into my sister and I's heads when we were younger, alcohol was for adults. I never touched the stuff until I was 21, and even 5 years after that, I barely touch it. My sister has been drunk more times than I can count. She started drinking with her friends and being wild when she was 16, well below the legal age. In this case, I would say she's a product of society since society pushes that kind of behavior on teenagers/young adults. I never succumbed to peer pressure because I find people who do succumb to it weak. And I never wanted to be viewed as weak by my parents; their opinion of me is very important. My sister could give a rip what other people think of her and she does her own thing. So far she hasn't been arrested, come home pregnant and full of disease and she gets straight A's in school, so it isn't a problem the way it could be. If my parents knew, they'd probably throw her out. I also see where Gainsbarre is coming from, though.
  20. Now that we're in North Carolina, we're wanting to try some good Carolina barbecue. Any North Carolina residents here (I know of 3) know where to get some good BBQ in the Greensboro/Winston-Salem area?
  21. Without even clicking on that link, I know two names that are definitely there. Dick Pole and Rusty Kuntz.
  22. Not all college students are like that. I sure as hell wasn't and neither was anyone else I associated with while in school. Those people have no business wasting money anyway, if all they're in college for is to get wasted and fuck as many bimbos as possible. And if you merely accept the views of a college professor and take them as your own, with no research of your own or no reading to determine if that's the right view for YOU, you suck at life. I listen to what my parents say, I listen to what my teachers say, I listen to what other people say and then I absorb that and form my own opinion based on what's right for me, not what's right for them. It's sad that in this day and age more people my age and younger can't or won't do that.
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