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Everything posted by Electrophile

  1. No, not quite. I treat people the way they treat me. You go out of your way to be a bitch to me, I'll give it right back. You're nice to me, I'm nice to you. I never had any problem with people on the train until that one day. I would get up, they'd see that I was going to exit the train, they'd move their bags. I wouldn't even need to ask, really. She apparently thought that because she had expensive luggage, I was supposed to do the long jump over them to get off the train.
  2. I don't respect people just because they're older than I am. I respect people who have earned it. Just because you're older doesn't mean the world should kiss your ass. When I was attending UIC my freshman year, the train route I'd have to take home every night went to O'Hare, so the cars would always be packed with people and their luggage. Now, I made it a point to get up and head to the doors one stop before mine so that people knew I was getting off the train and they could move their bags to clear a path. One afternoon this woman refused to move her bags, even after I asked 4 times very politely for her to move them so I could exit. So when I got to my stop, I kicked them off the train and then threw them back into the car when I was on the platform. She started yelling at me and I flipped her off. Should I have respected her even though she went out of her way to disrespect me even though I was more than polite to her not once, but four times? Absolutely not. Had she moved them when I asked her to the first time, there would have been no problem.
  3. Do you feel good calling some random woman a pig for no reason?
  4. Of course! It wouldn't be the 4th without some random drunk relative breaking a bone trying to play football/soccer/horseshoes/volleyball/random sport
  5. You just did. Ha. And you do all the time. Get your facts straight.
  6. Yup. My dad is inviting a ton of people over, we'll be grilling tons of dead animal flesh and later on we'll be watching the town's fireworks from our backyard, because we're going to be that close to them.
  7. All you do is complain about women. They're always doing one thing or another that just pisses you off. And now you're going after little girls? WTF is the matter with you? This is thinly-veiled misogyny creeping out.
  8. All that rambling was going under the assumption that I believe 100% word for word what SunChild said about George W. Bush. I don't believe he was a coke addict. I think he used it, but I don't think he was ever addicted to it. So that whole post was based upon a faulty premise.
  9. Not quite, Sparky. I'm saying I feel there is an inherent double-standard here, regarding the dialogue between parties. If a Democrat were currently in the White House, and the same exact things that have gone on the last 8 years happened anyway, Conservatives here would have no problem criticizing that President and his administration. NONE AT ALL. They would not say that criticizing the President and his administration was un-American, and they would not call any Republican who did so, un-American. However, there's a Republican in the White House right now, so if a Democrat on this board criticizes the President, that person is a quote "un-American douchebag" who among other things is a shit parent, has shit kids and has no respect for the country. Explain that.
  10. This is funny. Check this: It's perfectly acceptable for Republicans/Conservatives to say whatever the fuck they want about liberals, Democrats, Barack Obama/any Democratic politician.......they can say we parrot our views from Hollywood even though NO ONE here has said that, they can call Obama a cocaine addict (and I'd like to see some proof that he's an addict. Not that he used once or twice, but that he's an ADDICT), they can pretty much run roughshod over that particular group of people and it's okay. In fact, if a liberal complains and says "hey wait, that's not true!" said people get indignant and call us "un-American" and tell us were slandering the good name of George W. Haliburton ExxonMobil Citgo Shell Bush and god damn it, you just won't stand for that. But when a liberal, who has grown tired and weary of this defunct and morally bankrupt administration running roughshod over this country, the constitution and innocent Iraqis who have not done one damn thing to anyone over here, decides to speak on that and vent frustration and anger and disbelief over that........well, now that person is a liar. And is un-American. And a lying liar who tells lies. Truly hilarious. Let me write all this down and keep it handy as a note guide so that the next time a Republican here decides to call someone un-American for being pissed off at how President Bush has destroyed this country, I'll be reminded that they're allowed to do that, while we're not allowed to respond.
  11. Please stop thinking like him. We need one less man like that on this planet.
  12. No, your pet peeve is psychotic. Get help.
  13. So if a man is directly in your path when you're on the stairs and he expects you to move, do you think he thinks he's better than you? Will you then post boring tirades on this site about how men think they should be bowed down to and put on pedestals? We'll be waiting. Get off this shit already, it's boring. Those women don't think they're better than you because they're women. It's just common courtesy to move. I would do it for another woman, another man, a kid, a seeing-eye pet.....whatever. I just move over. I don't get all huffy and indignant like someone we all know here. Why don't YOU get over YOURSELF for a change.
  14. That. Is. Magnificent. I would put this in my signature if it would fit. Oh wait, I'll link to it. You've been sigged, my friend.
  15. I went to college with someone from Johannesburg and his accent was delicious. We'd study together whether I needed to study or not just because I loved the sound of his voice.
  16. Give me a break. Presidents deserve respect when they earn it from the people through their actions and words. What exactly has Bush done in the last 5 years to earn our respect? Absolutely nothing. You don't just arbitrarily give out respect irrespective of whether the person deserves it just because they hold high office. It's the OFFICE of the President we should respect, not always the person in it.
  17. You're a good person. Keep your head up, this place will get better.

  18. And the Funniest Non-Sequitor Award goes to................
  19. I do not associate with people who are bigots and homophobes, which you have proven yourself to be incarnation after incarnation after incarnation. So I don't care if you handed me the Hope Diamond and a million bucks, I'd throw it back in your face. I am not nice to those who discriminate and are hateful against others based on race, religion, or sexual orientation. So go shove that where the sun don't shine.
  20. Some comedy returning to the board. Livens up an otherwise boring Tuesday.
  21. I don't think he personally caused our esteem in the rest of the world to decrease. I don't think he's helped it any. Admit it, some of the shit he's done and his administration has done has fucked this country up.
  22. Those who are against President Bush actually have to listen to him in order to form that opinion of him. I think I can speak for Suz when I say, I don't think she meant she has never listened to him once in 8 years. I think she said that she's listened to him enough in 8 years to know she doesn't want to listen anymore. That implies she's listened, comprehended and then formed an opinion. If I'm wrong on that, she's free to correct me.
  23. I got dillweed from Suz. She's amazing. And has plenty of life experiences. But you already knew that. We see through you like used Neutrogena, dude.
  24. Yup, you're definitely Rick. He always loved telling people they were too young and needed life experiences. That was his big thing; he had all these life experiences and everyone else just hatched from a pod yesterday and therefore knows nothing. He also was very derogatory against all Muslims, as that's what got him banned the first time. But you knew that. BTW dillweed, she didn't say it was okay for that border agent to behave the way he did. She said it was not right to judge everyone based on that one guy. Which is the correct answer. GIVE IT UP ALREADY.
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