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Everything posted by Electrophile

  1. I would love to get an "outsiders" perspective of what's going on this country simply because I'm interested in how we're portrayed there. I hope they know not all Americans are sucking off Bush and his cronies.
  2. I can't believe you just called the president a dillweed.
  3. Who here said George Carlin was their hero? Could you start saying some truthful things about the people here rather than the same lame-ass lies?
  4. Rick, you know Matt is a Tigers fan. Quit this foolishness already.
  5. You can't figure it out? I wasn't talking about the Houston Astros.
  6. Do you have any proof to back up these statements? Because lying about people you don't know, especially to better bolster your opinion, is pretty dumb. I haven't seen anyone here state in either a direct or indirect way that they get their opinions from Hollywood. The least you can do if you're going to slag people off is be honest, because if you lie................like you just did.............you'll get called out on it. And trashing our "great" President? Don't make me laugh. Bush is making Herbert Hoover look like Thomas Jefferson.
  7. There was a conspiracy between the 19 hijackers to commit this act, absolutely. I don't believe the US government was in on it, though. Bush and his buddies are complete morons, but they're not that stupid.
  8. I didn't think you were, I was just defending my patronization of Starbucks. It's one of the few indulgences I allow myself. And if I had another frapp to drink right now, I probably would drink it. They're good. And yes, I'm a liberal Godless heathen. That's not my terminology, but I've been called that enough times, it must be true.
  9. There are no decent movies in the theatres, they're all shit. At least until The Dark Knight comes out. That I'm going to go see. Before I saw American Gangster with my dad last year, I hadn't stepped foot into a movie theatre in 4 years. Movie studios will start getting my money when they start making decent films. Most of the shit they make nowadays panders to stupid teenagers, frat boys or children and I'm none of those things.
  10. TBH, I really don't care if someplace else is more economical. I drink one thing from Starbucks and one thing only; mocha frapps. Since no one else makes those, if I want them.....that's where I have to go. So I don't mind spending $4.45 on a coffee drink if that's the only place that makes what I like. Now if 12 places made them, that would be different. I didn't even realize I had gotten the extra $5 until I got home to put my money back in my wallet. And I wasn't driving back out in the dark in a town that I'm not that familiar with because I've only been here a week just to give the store back five dollars. I'm currently cash-strapped and if I get lucky like that, I don't look a gift horse in the mouth. And what exactly have you read about my values? I mean, that's quite a curious statement. What about me screams "gives back change"?
  11. The thread title needs to be changed to the following: "Zep Reunion Show To Get DVD Release...........Sometime Before 2100."
  12. The barista at Starbucks giving me more change than I should have gotten. My order was $11 even and I gave her a $20. So she handed me $14 in change. Oh well, that's five extra dollars I wouldn't otherwise have!
  13. BTW, I have no problem with revenue sharing at all. The Yankees make the most money, spend the most money, they should share the most money with the rest of the league. What people tend to forget is the 2004 Red Sox were the highest payrolled team to win the World Series. People always think the Yankees were.....not so. The Sox spend as much as we do, sometimes on stuff as stupid as we do. It's just everyone thinks they're the lovable losers, and in reality......they're no better than we are.
  14. I misread the article from where I got that number; the teams don't get $50 million a piece, it's $50 million that the small-market teams get to take from. This one is from 2003: http://www.usatoday.com/sports/baseball/al...e-sharing_x.htm This one is from 2008 and states that the Yankees had to pay out $92 million in revenue sharing: http://riveraveblues.com/2008/04/17/how-mu...he-window-2581/ And this is the article from where they get their information: http://nbcsports.msnbc.com/id/24167080/
  15. People who use IE and complain about how it's not as functional as they want it to be and then when you suggest they download Firefox, they say....."oh no, I'd rather keep IE."
  16. "The President is merely the most important among a large number of public servants. He should be supported or opposed exactly to the degree which is warranted by his good conduct or bad conduct, his efficiency or inefficiency in rendering loyal, able, and disinterested service to the Nation as a whole. Therefore it is absolutely necessary that there should be full liberty to tell the truth about his acts, and this means that it is exactly necessary to blame him when he does wrong as to praise him when he does right. Any other attitude in an American citizen is both base and servile. To announce that there must be no criticism of the president, or that we are to stand by the president, right or wrong, is not only unpatriotic and servile, but is morally treasonable to the American public." - Theodore Roosevelt
  17. I'll point out all the lies/fallacies/false statements in your post for the children. Rick, take a hint and learn to spell. My family IS the middle working class in this country. How many screen names is this for you now? Furthermore, if the Yankees are going nowhere (as you state).....how can I be gloating when according to you, I have nothing to gloat about? Caught you. Now re-register under another name and try not to get caught this time.
  18. Correction: Teams like Kansas City and Pittsburgh get about $50 million a year in revenue sharing from the Yankees. What do they do with that money? ABSOLUTELY NOTHING. They sit on it and don't invest that money into putting a quality product on the field. They have no one to blame but themselves for their teams' failures. Yeah they used to have good teams.......about 20-25 years ago when the sport of baseball was different, not just the teams.
  19. Ha, you think Obama is a socialist. Good one.
  20. Haha, look at you trying to be funny. I know more about sports than my own dad. Who do you think taught me to appreciate sports? Our cat? BTW, thanks for coming back Rick, under yet another new screenname. Just can't stay away, huh? Guess I'll add to the ever-growing pile.
  21. Blah blah blah. The Yankees are not, repeat NOT what's wrong with baseball. But you keep swallowing the crap ESPN feeds you. Most baseball fans do. BTW, how old are you.....80? Who the hell uses the word "whippersnapper" that doesn't remember the Calvin Coolidge administration?
  22. .......and you think I care? I don't seem to recall asking for your opinion of my baseball team's financial statements. If you actually knew anything about the Yankees and what Brian Cashman has done in the last few years, cleaning up the messes George Steinbrenner left for him, you'd know that our payroll will be drastically cut at the start of next season when we lose several heavy contracts. You'd also know that we've rebuilt our farm team back to what it was in the early 90s so that our GM no longer HAS to go buy players like how Steinbrenner destroyed the team in the early 00s. But since you don't know any of that, keep talking nonsense. BTW, I'm well aware we're not going to be winning the WS for a while. I'd rather wait and get our team back to what it was in the late 90s before we start winning championships again. Players like Phil Hughes and Joba Chamberlain deserve a better team to win on than the one they're playing for right now.
  23. Question for you: Are all the unpopular presidents always Republicans that the "self-serving" left rails against? Because you mentioned great presidents, and you know something......great presidents don't have low approval ratings. That would make them......bad presidents, no? I remember people not liking Carter too much, he was a Democrat. So in that case, would it have been the self-serving right bitching about him? Or are the only bad people in this country Democrats?
  24. This division will be tough for a while. I'm just praying and hoping and wishing and praying some more than Cashman DOES NOT sign Barry Bonds. I will quit watching the Yankees as long as he's in my team's uniform if that ends up being the case.
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