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Everything posted by Electrophile

  1. It's summer. You don't like hot, move to Alaska.
  2. If you're going to insinuate that, at least get the person's name right. That was Joel, not Hermit.
  3. "Something's lost that can't be found, please St. Anthony look around." I still remember that from when I was a kid.
  4. Yeah, that's right. Did the word "menstruation" scare you?
  5. Watching the Red Wings win the Stanley Cup.
  6. WRONG. Monroe died in 1962. Kennedy was killed in 1963. So unless he was corpse-fucking, that's just lame. And that list of so-called "coincidences" is funny, but not really accurate. And some of it is just sheer luck based on when we have elections and whatnot.
  8. Hillary is dropping out. Just heard/saw it on CNN.
  9. Nevermind......your punk ass isn't worth it.
  10. How did they get "whitey" from "why'd he"? Jesus, some people are dumb.
  11. They already do donate shit-tons of money to charity. This way, the paparazzi get what they want (first dibs on the pictures) and the charities they help get what they need (money to further their cause). If they were asking for the money to retrofit their bathrooms with solid gold toilets, you'd have a point.
  12. I'm moving to Greensboro in 2 weeks......could you give me the names of these places? I would love to get more vinyl to add to my collection without buying them online.
  13. Thank God my party got it right. Now let's hope they get it right in 5 months.
  14. I was born a good bit past the Taurus cut-off date, but I do have some Taurean traits: Positives: disciplined / methodical resourceful honest practical Negatives: Possessive Over-indulgent Overly self-conscious Slow to anger, but can become furiously mad It's odd.
  15. HAHAHAHAHAHA!!! No woman with standards will fuck him.
  16. Gainsbarre is too smart for spats and he's also too rational.
  17. No, not really. I think some of Gemini's characteristics fit me to a T.
  18. You can stop voting now, we have a winner.
  19. I'm a Gemini, sadly. Now I want to be something else.
  20. Your friend should consider himself lucky you ditched him.
  21. His mother wasn't being threatened. If the chick had a switchblade in her hand, or said "I'm going to kick your ass"......that's being threatened. The girl thought his mother was part of the bickering and (wrongly) wagged a finger at her. Oh the horror. Someone did that to my mom at the grocery store 2 weeks ago because she thought my mom hit her with the shopping cart and I didn't go Rambo on the broad.
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