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Everything posted by Electrophile

  1. You couldn't pay me to watch this. The last Oliver Stone movie I watched was Born On The Fourth of July.
  2. I don't see why anyone would do that anyway, regardless of whether you agree with the man's politics or not.
  3. The people down here will stay in the on-ramp to the expressway until there is literally no more road left before they attempt to merge. It's aggravating as fuck.
  4. I wish him well and I hope he kicks this for good. 60 is too old to be chasing the demons of your youth.
  5. According to what I've read, the type of tumor he has is very severe. The fact they haven't mentioned surgery as an option tells me it's inoperable. An inoperable brain tumor in a 76 year old man pretty much means one foot in the grave and the other on a banana peel. I hope however long he has left is comfortable and with a minimum of pain and discomfort. He's not dead and no, we shouldn't discuss him in the past tense as though he were. The type of tumor I've read that he has, gives him anywhere from less than a year to live to 5 years to live. Even at his age, that's a grim prognosis.
  6. Chappaqudick was a stain that will never wash away and I hope he pays for that in the afterlife. That said, I don't wish a brain tumor on anyone. This family has been through too much in the last 45 years.....I can't even begin to imagine how they're suffering.
  7. This is so far from being funny it fell off the map. I can't believe you'd actually stoop that low. Disgusting.
  8. There must be a God, we're going to the Cup finals now. KILL THE PENGUINS.
  9. I don't have kids. I'm not entirely sure I want them anyway, my response was merely in the hypothetical. Students that assault teachers should be expelled, not beaten. The idea that any parent would allow a stranger to physically assault their children is mind-boggling to me. If the kid needs a spanking, that's YOUR job as the parent. Too many parents nowadays are relegating all their responsibilities to teachers. They view them as babysitters whose job it is to raise their kids. I went to school with kids whose parents felt that way. Do some of this shit yourself.
  10. My porn name would be Sara Wilde.
  11. Yes to the death penalty but only for certain crimes and only when there is 100% DNA-tested proof that the condemned is the person who committed the crime. No to corporal punishment because I will not enroll my child in a school where the teachers are allowed to hit the students. Someone raises their hand to my child and I'll put my foot up their ass.
  12. Missing the Eagles concert because of work. To top things off, when I left work, I could hear Don Henley singing, since they are playing nearby. I wanted to cry.
  13. How about because they didn't exist in the 70s.
  14. Yes. It's their version of American Idol, which is our version of Britain's Pop Idol, which was the original program.
  15. Me and my sister in Greensboro this past weekend.
  16. Stupid doesn't always equal funny. Someone going on American Idol thinking they can sing.....and then they can't....that's stupid AND funny. The United States' failure to adequately anticipate this happening is stupid......and that's it.
  17. I don't want him here while I'm still living here. He can come down here when I'm gone.
  18. Please explain to me, in detailed terms, how the United States' lack of foresight about 9/11 is funny. Please tell me how dropping the ball and letting thousands of innocent people die constitutes "humor".
  19. Oh no, I read it. I don't find this shit funny at all. I have friends who lost parents, my mother lost a friend who worked for Cantor-Fitzgerald....this shit isn't funny to me and it shouldn't be funny to anyone else. Like I said, you'd have to be a sick individual to find humor in events as horrifying as 9/11 and the Holocaust.
  20. Oh yeah, planes getting hijacked, people dying.....tons of humor there. Give me a fucking break.
  21. People who laugh at 9/11, whether they were personally affected by it or not, are sick individuals. End of.
  22. Maybe I don't understand the psychosis one would need to have to find 9/11 and the Holocaust even remotely funny or worthy of being joked about. My grandparents fled Denmark to escape Nazi occupation and if my grandfather was still alive and he heard you and your buddy joking about it, he would have punched you in the face. 9/11, the Holocaust.....NOT FUNNY. There is no humor in mass amounts of people dying because of someone else's mental imbalance. That's just sick.
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