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Everything posted by Electrophile

  1. Now that we're in North Carolina, we're wanting to try some good Carolina barbecue. Any North Carolina residents here (I know of 3) know where to get some good BBQ in the Greensboro/Winston-Salem area?
  2. Without even clicking on that link, I know two names that are definitely there. Dick Pole and Rusty Kuntz.
  3. Not all college students are like that. I sure as hell wasn't and neither was anyone else I associated with while in school. Those people have no business wasting money anyway, if all they're in college for is to get wasted and fuck as many bimbos as possible. And if you merely accept the views of a college professor and take them as your own, with no research of your own or no reading to determine if that's the right view for YOU, you suck at life. I listen to what my parents say, I listen to what my teachers say, I listen to what other people say and then I absorb that and form my own opinion based on what's right for me, not what's right for them. It's sad that in this day and age more people my age and younger can't or won't do that.
  4. I would like to think that most young adults are smart enough to form their own opinions, not take the ones force-fed to them by college professors or their parents or any other people in a position of authority. I'm liberal because that's what I believe, not because some teacher I had sophomore year told me he voted for Gore in 2000. I have never had a teacher/professor try to instill in me their political views. See, I have this thing called a brain, and that allows me to think for myself. I have a job, I pay taxes just like anyone else. And that doesn't affect my political views. My parents were both Republicans when they were my age, long before they supposedly hit the age they were supposed to turn into Republicans.
  5. This is horrible news. I loved George Carlin, he was the first comedian whose material I memorized because it was so funny. Fucking shit.
  6. I have no personal issues to resolve. Nor have I created a "legend". Time for you to go bye-bye now.
  7. You don't call someone a racist with no proof. That's irresponsible as hell and the fact you would just arbitrarily do that doesn't speak much for you. Who does something like that? BTW, anti-social means not wanting the company of others, wanting to be alone. That word doesn't even fit in the context of the sentence you posted.
  8. No, the problem is with you. You thought I was serious, when it's plainly obvious that I wasn't. That's not my problem.
  9. If that was even moderately intelligent I might be offended. But since it's shit, I won't bother. My post was sarcastic, dumbfuck.
  10. My dad makes a kick-ass grilled chicken breast. He marinates it overnight in lemon-pepper, lemon juice and olive oil and then throws it on the grill. Very simple, but very tasty. Another thing he makes great is fish. You name it, he'll grill it. I love grilled salmon with some grilled peppers and onions. Now that's a meal.
  11. Ah, yes that good old Southern heritage and tradition......like slavery, racism, lynchings and Jim Crow.
  12. I hate the South. If I could leave this hellhole, I would. I've seen too many Confederate flags for my liking. Stupid fuckers must still think it's the 1860s.
  13. Currently reading: Gravity's Rainbow - Thomas Pynchon Favorite Read: 1984 - George Orwell Favorite Author: Shakespeare
  14. Caffeine-free Diet Coke. I started drinking pop again a couple of weeks ago, and that's all I'll drink. I don't intake any caffeine anymore.
  15. Not having internet until Tuesday. Thank God I can leech off a wireless network somewhere near our house or else I'd go crazy. Our new house is AMAZING!!
  16. There is no smoking in my house or in my car. I won't even sit near someone who has been smoking, because the smell is nauseating.
  17. Nope. And I showed that joke to 5 other people, people who find a lot more things funny than I do, and they didn't think it was funny either. The common replies were "stupid", "lame" and "George Carlin wouldn't tell that joke". So if Carlin wouldn't tell it, it's not funny.
  18. Why on earth would anyone admit to being racist, even "somewhat"? That's not something I would tell people if that were me. Thankfully I was raised better than that so it'll never be me.
  19. It was deleted. Thankfully.
  20. I love fireworks, but they don't make me cry. They make me go "oooh" and "aahh", but that's it. I can understand how others can get choked up, sometimes they are quite beautiful, especially if they start sparkling or they make designs before they fizzle. I think people are so worried about others branding them as "un-American" they go beserk trying to show how much they love this slab of rock (that's not directed at you, BTW). That said, style over substance is so fucking drilled into people nowadays that if a politician runs for public office to better their nation, that's not a big enough sign of patriotism. Who the hell runs for President if at first, they don't have a deep abiding love of the country? I don't need to see Barack Obama prostrate before the flag or bedecked with so much red, white and blue he looks like a hooker on the 4th of July just for me to be secure in the knowledge that he's an American. If others do, well.....they suck.
  21. People shouldn't be forced to show their patriotism to keep people from bitching and whining. I don't sing the national anthem, I don't wear flag pins on my clothes and I don't get all teary-eyed when I see the flag or fireworks. I love this country, and I show it by exercising my right to complain about it when I feel it's being run into the ground. Singing a song and wearing costume jewelery does not an American make.
  22. When I was in grade school, I sold candy bars, pizzas, pastries......you name it. If our sports teams wanted something new, and our budget didn't cover it.....well, we had to become entrepreneurial and get the money ourselves. Which no one had a problem with. Maybe it's because it was a private school....I don't know. I know those pizzas were good! When we went to Outdoor Ed in 1994, those pizzas funded the whole trip.
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