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Everything posted by Electrophile

  1. Yes to the death penalty but only for certain crimes and only when there is 100% DNA-tested proof that the condemned is the person who committed the crime. No to corporal punishment because I will not enroll my child in a school where the teachers are allowed to hit the students. Someone raises their hand to my child and I'll put my foot up their ass.
  2. Missing the Eagles concert because of work. To top things off, when I left work, I could hear Don Henley singing, since they are playing nearby. I wanted to cry.
  3. How about because they didn't exist in the 70s.
  4. Yes. It's their version of American Idol, which is our version of Britain's Pop Idol, which was the original program.
  5. Me and my sister in Greensboro this past weekend.
  6. Stupid doesn't always equal funny. Someone going on American Idol thinking they can sing.....and then they can't....that's stupid AND funny. The United States' failure to adequately anticipate this happening is stupid......and that's it.
  7. I don't want him here while I'm still living here. He can come down here when I'm gone.
  8. Please explain to me, in detailed terms, how the United States' lack of foresight about 9/11 is funny. Please tell me how dropping the ball and letting thousands of innocent people die constitutes "humor".
  9. Oh no, I read it. I don't find this shit funny at all. I have friends who lost parents, my mother lost a friend who worked for Cantor-Fitzgerald....this shit isn't funny to me and it shouldn't be funny to anyone else. Like I said, you'd have to be a sick individual to find humor in events as horrifying as 9/11 and the Holocaust.
  10. Oh yeah, planes getting hijacked, people dying.....tons of humor there. Give me a fucking break.
  11. People who laugh at 9/11, whether they were personally affected by it or not, are sick individuals. End of.
  12. Maybe I don't understand the psychosis one would need to have to find 9/11 and the Holocaust even remotely funny or worthy of being joked about. My grandparents fled Denmark to escape Nazi occupation and if my grandfather was still alive and he heard you and your buddy joking about it, he would have punched you in the face. 9/11, the Holocaust.....NOT FUNNY. There is no humor in mass amounts of people dying because of someone else's mental imbalance. That's just sick.
  13. I'm sorry dude, but that shit ain't funny.
  14. Sinatra didn't need to smoke to be cool. He is the definition of cool.
  15. It's so hot, it needs a fire extinguisher.
  16. This is when I started laughing.
  17. No and I can't fathom anyone that easily swayed by something a bunch of celebrities are doing.
  18. Didn't you read where I said Desperado was the name of an Eagles song/album? Wouldn't that imply that Desperado WASN'T on Hotel California? Because if it was......it wouldn't be on the album Desperado. Reading is fundamental.
  19. Let's see.....Desperado is the name of an Eagles song/album.....and Rick was a HUGE Eagles fan....used to talk about them a lot here. Loved Hotel California, thought it was one of the best albums of the 70s. Yeah, there's no correlation between these two people. Christ.
  20. Smoking in no way looks cool. Both my parents are smokers and I've gotten into roaring arguments with them over the years about it, because when I was 16 and playing basketball in H.S., I had to go for a physical and when the doctor was checking my breathing, he actually asked if I smoked. That's how bad my lungs sounded from inhaling cigarette smoke for 16 years. They quit smoking around me after that, but now that we're trying to sell our house, we're having issues because all the furniture smells like cigarettes and it's turning off potential buyers. We've had to dump hundreds and hundreds of dollars on steam cleaners to try and remove as much of the smell as possible. It's an addiction like any other, I understand that after living with two smokers. They're not losers, they're dependant. That being said, glorifying it makes no sense to me. Smoking killed my grandmother, my grandfather and I don't doubt it will kill my parents. After my mom was hospitalized with bronchitis a few years ago, I resigned myself to the fact that I will probably bury the both of them before I'm 40. I'm currently 25. They've tried to quit, and they've never been able to do that. I wish they would, because I don't want to see their last years end up like my grandparents' were.
  21. When Vladdy got in that accident, I cried. I couldn't believe it. They just won (on my birthday, no less) and then his happens. I remember watching ESPN and seeing all the players running into the hospital. The fact he walked across the ice unassisted when Steve got his number retired is a testament to how hard he's been working these past 10 years. I really hope this team can go all the way this year. The last few years have been disappointing and I hope that we can make it stick.
  22. Gee, I bet this is a former member masquerading under another name. What are the odds of that happening here!
  23. I don't think he was saying he was a victim of it. I took it to mean that the OJ Simpson verdict was an indicator that it exists; someone rich and well-known getting off for committing a crime because they're black, rather than white. Like it usually is.
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