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Everything posted by Electrophile

  1. Driving to Greensboro to see my dad.
  2. I'm glad I'm only here for an hour or two at most; the vibe here isn't what it used to be.
  3. Rock Action: If he were talking about only very extreme left-wingers, you'd have a point. But he's not. He likes to lump everyone together, regardless of whether they belong there or not.
  4. This song is really really good. It doesn't sound like anything on their prior albums. Has a lot harder-sounding edge to it.
  5. "Blah blah blah communists blah blah blah liberal maniacs blah blah blah 1984." Shove it up your pooper already.
  6. I love Eddie Izzard. I especially love him on The Riches.
  7. I wasn't aware that ones fashion sense dictated what genitalia they had. So men who care about what they wear and don't want to roll out of the house looking like unkempt slobs are "women", and men who put on clothes that are dirty, smell and look like they were fished out of a Salvation Army dumpster are "men". I guess some people here have a difficult time determining genders.
  8. Oh I know what you meant, I was just making an observation.
  9. Cutting oneself to fit into a clique or social group is stupid. Cutting oneself because you have a mental illness that makes you feel like this is what you should be doing is quite the opposite. Having worked with those with mental illnesses, I find people who self-mutilate for appearances or to "fit in" absolutely reprehensible. You can be "emo" without insulting people who have real problems.
  10. VANNIS! I thought you fell off the face of the earth. What the heck have you been up to?
  11. Hey, we had Jeter batting clean-up. We would have stomped you.
  12. Hey you know what? Fudge you, you fudging Tigers fan.
  13. And so two wrongs make a right? If Suz jumped naked off a bridge, would you do it too?
  14. Oooooh, you implied Suz wasn't a lady. That was like, so devastating. My God, I bet she's practically despondent right now. The fact that people she doesn't know may or may not think she's "lady-like" will absolutely ruin her Mother's Day. BTW, don't respond to anyone here who is a young man.....wouldn't want them to get the wrong impression of how a gentleman should act. You know, since gentlemen regularly insinuate a woman they don't know isn't a lady.....when they have no reason whatsoever to come up with said conclusion.
  15. I still have to get my mom's flowers, but Happy Mother's Day to all the mommies here.
  16. What makes you think anyone who supports Barack Obama believes the things that Rev. Wright said in his sermons? Has anyone here publicly spouted the things he said and proclaimed them to be their truths? I don't recall reading that anywhere. Perhaps you can show me where someone here said the things that he did. I love my country and I don't need to wrap myself in red, white and blue bullshit to show it. It doesn't make me feel better when I hear 50,000 drunk baseball fans screaming "God Bless America" during the 7th inning stretch at Yankee Stadium. I don't sing anthems, I don't cry when I see yellow ribbons and fireworks, I don't wear flag pins or have flag stickers pasted all over my car. Patriotism doesn't need to be something you throw in people's faces. And just because Obama doesn't wear a flag pin on his lapel, doesn't mean he is a terrorist or that he hates America or he hates Americans or that he's this, that or the other. It's a fucking piece of costume jewelry that to my knowledge, hasn't become required dress code for US Senators. I honestly don't even recall Hillary Clinton wearing one, and if she doesn't wear one.....where's the acrimony for her fashion faux-pas?
  17. Dubya's daughter Jenna got married today, so I wish her and Mr. Hager a lifetime of happiness.
  18. I went to a Catholic, all-girls HS so there were a lot of goody-goodys. My two best friends for example. I'm know there were girls who did things they weren't supposed to, because we'd hear about locker checks coming up with various substances. That said, I didn't personally know them. I didn't hang out with the underclasses.
  19. Me, for one. I haven't touched a drug, the only prescription meds I've used were prescribed to me and I didn't drink before I turned 21. I didn't want to become a cliche, which is what so many people I went to school with became. That and I'm not easily swayed by peer pressure.
  20. I would love a rematch of the '97 finals. Only this time, no Legion of Broom line to deal with.
  21. It's a thankless job you have, protecting us from terrorists. How do you find time to do it?
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