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Everything posted by Electrophile

  1. Obama and Hillary have debated 21 times. That's more than enough. It's getting to the point where they were debating about debating, not talking about the issues. He's right to want to to focus on bringing his message to the voters, rather than engaging in another pointless diatribe with Clinton. If after 21 debates the public hasn't made up their mind about who they think the nominee should be, they're never going to make up their minds.
  2. I love Coldplay, and I can understand how others might think they're boring.....but to each his own.
  3. Wings can go up 3-0 if they win tonight, which they better.
  4. Seems that Obama has finally had enough of Reverend Wright. From MSNBC (link): A CNN blog makes it seem he's also pissed off personally with Wright (link):
  5. I really do hope that things look up for you. Having lost someone very close to me to this, I would go back and do a lot of things over if I could. So I hope that you use this to see that things don't need to be this way anymore. Good luck.
  6. Is there anyone in your life that you can talk to? Maybe a counselor, a priest/pastor/rabbi.....anyone in whom you can confide? Sometimes just having someone to talk to can do a world of good.
  7. Realizing my life is pretty damn good.
  8. I had a very very close friend commit suicide a few years ago and if I had a dollar for every time I asked myself that question, I'd be a millionaire by now. The "what ifs" will kill you emotionally. And it's not as easy as just telling the person "hey go get help" and then they'll go do it. You may think it is, but trust me.....it isn't.
  9. Paragraph breaks. Please.
  10. All this tells me is that some people don't deserve to live. They're abusing their right to intake oxygen. I will never, nor do I ever want to understand, the sickness that invades some peoples' minds.
  11. "Unreleased" Since it probably won't see the light of day for a long time.
  12. No shit. All you need to do is say what your first name is, we're not asking for the size of your dick. If you had no intention of answering, you shouldn't have posted. Mine's Elizabeth.
  13. Why do you think that people are just going around PMing moderators all the time over the shit you say? We all have jobs and families and lives outside this board that take up more valuable time. No one here gives a rat's ass who you're voting for or who you're not voting for. You can say we do, but we really don't. You could do a write-in vote for Teddy Roosevelt if it floats your boat. We don't care. And quit acting like because you've seen Led Zeppelin live or have been listening to them for X number of years, somehow you're a better fan. Along with not giving a shit who you're voting for, we don't give a shit how long you've been listening to them. It doesn't matter to anyone else but you. No one here has ever tried to "claim" Led Zeppelin. You're paranoid. Absolutely paranoid.
  14. I can upload it to Imageshack for you and when you get home, when you have gotten some rest, you can just save it from the link: http://img150.imageshack.us/img150/4796/do...nlovepk5ab4.jpg
  15. This is me: http://www.quiz2d.com/quiz/resultGraph.php...LeftFreedom.png
  16. It's Lionel Richie, stupid.
  17. Matt is hardly a teenybopper, since you actually have to be a teenager to be one. I think a married man with a child no longer qualifies.
  18. Actually, the "dumb ass moron" is you, because his avatar isn't of a neanderthal.....rather that of Lionel Richie. It's from his "Hello" video, where a visually-impaired woman sculpts a bust of him out of clay. Neanderthal =/= Lionel Richie
  19. That's an insult to hillbillies everywhere. This man demands an apology:
  20. Greatest hockey game ever, save the Miracle On Ice. I remember watching that and screaming so loud, I went to school hoarse the next day. And I love having Mac back on the team.
  21. All you need to do is right-click, select save image as and voila. You're done.
  22. I love you too, Matt. Me and Mandy can tag-team you.
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