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Everything posted by Electrophile

  1. "Tis better to be silent and be thought a fool, than to speak and remove all doubt." - Mark Twain
  2. I'm a Gemini. It's pretty spot-on. Actually, quite spot on.
  3. Anyone that lets a guy pee on her in a sex tape is no longer sexy.
  4. There is no thread he won't destroy.
  5. We can add anti-Semetic to the long ass list of shit he is.
  6. Not all Catholic priests molest children. What a completely unfair blanket statement.
  7. Like I'm reading the post of someone who addresses me, but can't spell my name right. For fuck's sake, it's right there. That's like misspelling Led Zeppelin when it's at the top of the browser page. Get it together.
  8. If you don't like Hermit's posts, put him on ignore. That way, you don't have to read them. You know, I think it's sad when people would bitch about someone writing at length and articulately about a subject, but have no issues when people write shit like this: "O rly? Fuck u, u suck. Lyk totally." Hermit is one of the most well-spoken people on this site, whether you agree with what he says or not. The fact you'd prefer he sound like the majority of the uneducated people in this world is a cryin' shame.
  9. There are tons of threads on this subject in the Other Bands section, which is where this belongs.
  10. Yeah, so a bunch of pervs can get spank material? Get real.
  11. I want an intelligent, educated, driven man who has goals in life he wishes to attain. He also needs to be a Yankees fan. I'll make concessions with the hockey team, but the baseball team is a dealbreaker. I dated a Red Sox fan once and that was the last of that experiment.
  12. Black people can't swim? That's a new one.
  13. I have most of my vinyl from Ebay, and I've not been disappointed. You have to pay attention to the grading scale the seller uses and don't be afraid to ask questions and ask for pictures. I always do. If the album comes with extras like a sticker set, posters, lyric sheets, anything like that....make sure you ask if they have it and what condition it's in. Best rule of thumb, read the seller's feedback. If it's all positive and you read lots of the same compliments; "great description", "great packaging", "quick delivery".....they're someone you can trust. The Goldmine Grading Scale is what most people use and it's fairly accurate. http://www.geocities.com/SunsetStrip/Venue...4/gradings.html
  14. I had to listen to my vinyl on his record player before I got my own, so I know how good it sounds.
  15. My dad has a Dual record player.....it's older than me. I have a stereo that has a turntable attached to it.....I think it cost something like $200.
  16. This board. Too many bigots, too many. I'm beginning to hate this place and I never thought that would happen. I have a lot of friends here and people I enjoy talking to, but the stench of intolerance is burning my nostrils.
  17. I'm getting the distinct feeling there are people in this thread who will only be "comfortable" if the majority of Americans and/or people living in this country are upper-middle class WASPs. Why not tear down the fucking Statue of Liberty and replace it with a velvet rope replete with a ticket-taker? I mean, let's go all the way with this is if that's what you really want. We'll re-institute the quotas that used to be in place, and we'll force everyone that comes here to speak English (and only English....you can't have any semblance of your culture anymore), be Christian and change their kids' names to Buffy, Muffy and Joanne. Oh wouldn't that be fun!!!!!! Do any of you jackasses actually READ the shit you say anymore or do you just puke on the keyboard and press "add reply"? I think all the xenophobes, homophobes, bigots and racists come to roost here and God only knows why. So much hatred.....too fucking much. A poster here PMd me to thank me for defending her on this board, because apparently it's not a day on the LZ message board without the bigot parade marching through. Like I said, you wonder why the quality of the board is decreasing and then you read shit like this and you don't wonder anymore. This site needs a stronger can of Raid.
  18. "Mini Moos" is the name of the product, so the apostrophe is not needed. It's not a possessive. It's Land O' Lakes that takes possession of the half-and-half.
  19. Sweet City Woman - The Stampeders
  20. Nathan, remember the door. Talk to the door.
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