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Everything posted by Electrophile

  1. Who cares if a kid is raised by two men or two women? As long as that home is loving, the child is given love and attention and a decent education and isn't starved, beaten or neglected.....who the fuck cares what the orientation of the parents are? Move into the 21st Century already, you backwater shitheads.
  2. HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA. Oh my, the comedy. Get your nose out of the clouds, you'll give yourself a nosebleed.
  3. I don't hate all people on the right; just the Jesus freaks, anti-woman, anti-gay lunatics. Which not all of them are. My parents are both Republicans and they're not like the above described people.
  4. Says the person who keeps registering under new user names.
  5. Who gives a rat's ass if he's gay or if he isn't? Are you a homophobe too? Fucking hell with this shit already.
  6. So being anti-war = being anti-America? What a crock of horse shit.
  7. I don't get what you're whining about yourself; you think Canadian hockey players should play only for Canadian teams? That's pretty dumb. And you know something else, a woman as commish won't make the NHL better. You know what will? A former player running the show.
  8. Nice to see you back, icantquityoubabebecauseimoverthehillsandfaraway.
  9. Don't ever refer to me on these boards again.
  10. Moving to Greensboro, working, more work, maybe going to D.C. and Kitty Hawk....visiting family in Shipman, VA.....more work.
  11. The Mule is kicking ass right now. I hope he does it against Dallas (I'm pretty sure that's who we're playing).
  12. I really think it's time for you to cut your hair.
  13. Hey, don't feel bad. We suck balls right now. It's depressing, but it was bound to happen sometime.
  15. I'm a Gemini, Spats is a Libra. We would never work, no matter what the above paragraph says. I like human males, he clearly isn't one. Besides, the opening line is the tip-off; I like the ballet, the opera, the symphony......I can't see his lazy ass going to any of those things.
  16. Run away Bonnie, run far away.
  17. Well unfortunately, when you die the way they did.....that's how you'll be known. Elvis was a great singer, but he died on the shitter and that's how everyone knows him if they don't know his music that well. They know him as the guy who died on the toilet. That's a more undignified way to go than passed out in bed with some groupies or something.
  18. My dad makes the best lemon pepper chicken. He marinates the chicken in lemon juice, olive oil and salt and pepper and then right before he sticks them on the grill, he covers the chicken with lemon pepper seasoning.......so yummy.
  19. The fact that these people were drug addicts/abusers doesn't tarnish them in MY mind, because they were a product of their times. I'm not stupid, I know how the late 60s, 70s rock scene was like. Lots of drugs, lots of booze. So naturally these people abused those substances merely because they could or because it helped the creative process or whatever they said to excuse their behavior. Jimmy Page was a drug addict.....is anyone going to really debate that? There's no shame in saying he WAS an addict now that he's clean and past that. We're fortunate he didn't take the route that others like him did. An alcoholic is defined as someone who is addicted to intoxicating drinks. For Bonzo to drink in the way he did and in the quantity he did, doesn't that belie an addiction to the substance? I think it does. If facing the fact that these people were addicts bothers you, you're deifying these people and you shouldn't.
  20. The only one making an ass of yourself here, is you. I don't read Tiger Beat or 16, I have never read any of those magazines. I'm 25.....I don't think Jimi Hendrix was ever in an issue of either of those magazines that would have been out in my lifetime anyway. So that was really stupid. Secondly, I read books. A lot. In fact my closet is stacked floor to ceiling with them. So that was really stupid too. Thirdly, I am educated, I possess a college degree. You know nothing about me, so keep your armchair psychoanalysis to yourself, okie-dokie? What in the perpendicular blue fuck made you think Jimi Hendrix was in Tiger Beat? That's a fucking teenybopper magazine.....since when did he ever appeal to that demographic dead or alive? Holy shit, dude. That whole paragraph was a big pile of wrong. BTW, this is for YOUR uninformed ass. I never said Bonzo died of alcohol poisoning. Nowhere in the post you quoted and then proceeded to rant away at, did I say that's how he died. Check this: Where in either of those instances that I discussed how Bonham died did I use the words "alcohol poisoning"?
  21. I'm sorry, but re-reading the last few pages of this thread......what grown adult says the word "boobies"? Are you 13?
  22. Serena Williams is too masculine. I mean in that one picture of her, it looks like a linebacker with tits. Not hot.
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