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Everything posted by Electrophile

  1. Nathan, get up from your computer, walk over to your front door and talk to it. There. You've just had a more intelligent conversation than the one you're currently engaged in.
  2. My father's parents came here from Denmark in the early 40s to escape the Nazi occupation. Do you think they lived the rest of their life in fear of German people? Their experience and knowledge of German people at the time wasn't very good, wouldn't you say? After the war when the true depth of the Nazi depravity was made public, do you think they continued to hate Germans? The answer is no. When I was in college and studying comparative theology, we had a Holocaust survivor come in and talk to the class about many things, one of them being the art of separating the part from the whole. He said it's easy to condemn everyone out of anger, and that his experience was that all Germans were like this and that all they did was torture and kill. And then he learned that it wasn't the case. He said that being able to NOT hate and NOT fear is what allowed him to live his life. You want to live in fear, go for it.
  3. BTW, to anyone wondering why the quality of the board had decreased, now you know why.
  4. You don't know me, so refrain from armchair psychoanalysis, Dr. Freud. bigotry -- –noun, plural -ries. 1. stubborn and complete intolerance of any creed, belief, or opinion that differs from one's own. 2. the actions, beliefs, prejudices, etc., of a bigot. —Synonyms 1. narrow-mindedness, bias, discrimination. I'd rather be considered by some to be a "hippie" than be considered by most to be a bigot. I wasn't raised to hate or to fear people who have done me no harm. Muslims haven't harmed me, radical fundamentalists have harmed people. That's not all Muslims everywhere. Take your bigoted rantings and fuck off.
  5. If they own the store, they can sell or not sell whatever they want. You just go find another store. How hard is that? BTW, I've never been in a convenience store that DIDN'T sell liquor or lottery tickets. I went to Catholic school and non-Catholics were able to attend the school, but we still had Mass every week......is that "pushing our religion on the public"? Christ, you all will find anything to complain about.
  6. I used the example I did for a reason. It doesn't matter what portion of the society behaves in that manner. 90%, 10%, 44.65%.....there will still be people you include in that hate that don't belong there. If it's not okay to blast all Christians for what a portion of them do, why is it okay to blast all Muslims for what a portion of them do? There are many peaceful people in this world who practice the Islamic faith who suffer every day because of the people who don't. I don't fear people who have done nothing to me, and I don't go out of my way to hate them either. People who practice their faith in peace are not my enemy.
  7. There are sects of Christianity in this country that have maintained a standard which enforces, at least, the unfair domination and life restriction of women. That's what this thread was initially started to discuss. Should we blast Christianity and all people that practice it based solely on those people? I think the Christians here on this board would have a problem with that, seeing as how if they don't practice their faith in that manner, they shouldn't be lumped in with those who do.
  8. Ooooh, so harsh dude. SO HARSH.
  9. Listen To The Music - Doobie Brothers
  10. I don't feel scared or alienated when people of a different culture or religion than myself observe that culture or religion. See, that's because I'm not a xenophobe. Shit, you people breed like roaches. This site needs a stronger can of Raid.
  11. He's just like the other one. Ick.
  12. I don't paint all people in one group with the same brush. Only the ignorant do that. Not all Christians act one way, not all Jews act one way, not all Muslims act one way, the list goes on. What I do know is that there are a lot of bigots in this world, who want to push their hate and intolerance on other people. I live and work amongst many of them and they infuriate me. I don't have time for their ignorance.
  13. My condolences to Danny's family and to everyone else in the E Street Band. I'm sure the show I go to next Friday is going to be a rollicking good time devoted to his memory, as it should be. We'll all sing nice and loud so he can hear.
  14. If that's the case, why is my Muslim co-worker getting her Ph.D? She's married and since she's getting her Ph.D, one can infer she's literate. She isn't beaten, unless she's really good at hiding bruises and broken bones, and having worked with abused women, most aren't. I don't know how things are done in extremely segregated portions of the Middle East, but I wouldn't go around applying that to all Muslims in this country. Because around here, spousal abuse, polygamy and marrying children is against the law.
  15. Compared to Bush, Reagan was Einstein.
  16. Female ejaculation is not urine. Urine doesn't come from the vagina.
  17. Hey There Lonely Girl - Eddie Holman
  18. Dipshittery? Priceless. I'm going to have to smack you for this though.....no feeding the troll.
  19. Matt, do you see how masculine and butch those women look? You must be blind or something.
  20. Your hockey team losing. Get your shit together, boys.
  21. As a native Chicagoan, I can answer this. When the Cubs win, they fly that flag over Wrigley Field. He's a Cubs fan.
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