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Everything posted by Electrophile

  1. I love the song, but to me, the ultimate live version is the version on the HTWWW CD.
  2. Washington, Jefferson, Lincoln, TR and FDR.
  3. Can't wait to see him on the 25th.
  4. Up On The Roof - The Drifters
  5. YES. I was on my way to work a few nights ago when I passed by Hollister, and this was word-for-word the conversation I heard: "Like, do you think I should like, buy something?" "I don't know. Like, do what you want. It's like, your money." I hate people that talk this way. So that's a pet peeve. Stupid fucking teenage ignorant teenage shithead bitches.
  6. Forcing someone to perform oral sex is a penetrative act. You're forcing your dick into their mouth. Is not that penetration? Then by that definition, wouldn't it be rape?
  7. Ann Coulter is a walking, inflamed anus. I've read it and I think it's amazing. My dad even liked it and he's a Republican.
  8. I need to clarify something here.....about the comment that if the guy gets it up, it's not rape. An erection, just like an orgasm, is a physical response to stimuli. Just because the guy got an erection or the woman had an orgasm, doesn't mean they weren't raped or forced to peform a sexual act. That's the same bullshit rapists use in court to avoid getting convicted. "Oh she had an orgasm; that must have meant she liked it and it wasn't rape if she liked it." Such bullshit. Men can be raped. Women can be raped. Anytime you force someone to perform a sex act against their will, it is rape. Doesn't matter if it's a male or a female as the victim or the perpetrator. Peoples' attitudes and concepts about this need to change. Some of you are living in the Dark Ages.
  9. Love The One You're With - Stephen Stills
  10. Toilet paper is domestics? It's servitude? WTF? Is that even English? Oh wait.....I know who you are. Someone on the old board used to put slash marks in people's posts, near apostrophes.
  11. Domestics? I don't recall anyone here talking about their servants.
  12. The point being what, exactly? The Wikipedia argument/discussion/detente has now passed.
  13. If I were you, I'd be worried that your wife thinks he looks good. Even in the hypothetical.
  14. All through college, every single professor I had who required a research paper, told us that if we used Wikipedia as a source, they'd tear the paper up in front of us and fail us on the spot. No one used Wikipedia as a source. I love to read Wikipedia when I'm bored or it's late at night and I can't sleep. I think I know more about the history of English monarchs than anyone else in my town. But I agree that for doing a term paper, other than using it to find credible sources (usually in the works cited section), it's no good.
  15. Get off Helen's ass already.
  16. This could probably go in the Pet Peeves thread, but if any of you have sisters/daughters/female relatives or friends who live with you, you'd understand. I hate when they use the last of the feminine hygiene products and then don't tell you that they've used them so when you need one.....there isn't any. Arrgh.
  17. We have a toilet paper caddy that attaches to the cabinet door nearest to the toilet. So we always have at least 3 rolls of TP in our bathroom at all times. You just reach over and grab one if the roll is empty. And the garbage can is in front of the toilet, so you don't need to get up to throw the old roll away!
  18. So what? If I think John Paul Jones is the best and you think some random yahoo from a band formed 3 years ago is......it doesn't mean I have my head "buried in the sand". It was an insult. A derision of people's tastes and choices.
  19. "Some people like living with their heads buried in the sand". Praytell, if that's not an insult.....then what is it? A compliment? A pat on the back? Really now....elaborate.
  20. Again I say, "so what?" If Person X only listens to music made between 1960 and 1980, does that make them less of a music fan or less knowledgeable than someone who listens to music from the first note recorded to something that came out yesterday? No, it doesn't. It makes them a fan of that kind of music while Person Y likes something else. It's subjective, no one is right and no one is wrong. Who gives a rat's ass if everyone here picked the same 3 or 4 people? You're not the authority on who's right and who's wrong around here. And again I say, "so what?" What if they've listened to some contemporary artists and found nothing they liked? Are they forced to listen to something and then discuss it just to keep you from annoyed? Myself personally, I don't care for 99.9% of current rock music. I just don't like it. I've listened to it, I've decided I don't care for it. So I put my Doors CD back on and enjoy music I like. Maybe others here feel the same way. Does that make you better than me and those people because you "expand your boundaries"? No, it doesn't. And others like being music snobs who get the vapors when someone discusses too many classic rock/oldies artists in ratings/ranking thread. Every single damn thread like this in this section, your posts come off the same way. The nanosecond people suggest too many names or bands or albums or songs that aren't from the last 15 years, you get your boxers in a wad about how no one here "expands their boundaries", how they all have their heads in the sand and how everyone just listens to the same things all the time. You constantly criticize what people like and what they choose to listen to and it's aggravating as fuck. And before you say you don't criticize, yes you do. What do you think "some like living with their heads buried in the sand" is......a compliment? We get it already. You're musicly evolved. You're better than the rest of us. Don't associate with the riff-raff then, if we're such an embarrassment.
  21. The influx of new people who are more than likely current members signing up under new names or banned members coming back that have driven away quality members of this board. You want to know why this place is dead sometimes.....that's why.
  22. And if that's the case, so what?
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