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Everything posted by Electrophile

  1. I will SO be there if they come anywhere near Greensboro/Charlotte.
  2. Ha....my recess in 3rd grade was being able to color at my desk and have some fruit juice and cookies.
  3. Woman, Woman - Gary Puckett and the Union Gap
  4. All the people bitching and moaning about this thread need to take it somewhere else. Bonnie did a good thing and a SMART thing, getting everyone talking about this subject. As many people have re-iterated, we've had problems with predator-like behavior on this very board, and the more knowledge and information we can provide for our younger members, the better. Knowledge is power. To leave one uneducated an ignorant is to leave one powerless.
  5. I don't think enough pre-teens and teenagers know about internet safety and what they should and should not do online. When we finally got a computer with internet waaaaaaaaaaaaaay back in 2001, my sister was 13 and my dad would not let her on in the internet unless she was doing homework and he had to be in the room. It wasn't her he didn't trust, it was everyone else. I think some parents expect their kids to just figure it out or learn about it in school, when in actuality that's something THEY should be doing.
  6. What an adorable family you have, Matt. Your wife is very pretty....I'm envious of her hair. I can't pull off a cut like that.
  7. Those shoes are darling on you. Did you practice walking in them before the big day?
  8. What a man does in the privacy of his own home is his own business.
  9. Working when your baseball team is winning and you can't watch the game. Thank GOD for MLB.TV.
  10. I bolded my answers. The ones left blank are ones I couldn't think of.
  11. Take this rock.....throw it at him hard. Maybe he'll shut up.
  12. Lionel Richie looks like a neanderthal?
  13. We all love Led Zeppelin, why else take the time to register and post on their official message board? There's just nothing Zep-related to discuss that's original. I agree that the thread-deleting is less than judicious.
  14. We all have personal lives and none of us sit here and post all day. We have jobs and friends and lives to attend to.
  15. I actually didn't know it belonged to anyone on the old board. I had been using that name on other message boards and when we had to re-register here when the board switched, I just used that name.
  16. I wasn't home. You want me to answer when I'm not at my computer? And for your information smartass, there's no rule that says you have to root for the team in the town you're from. And I'm not from Atlanta....I've said that dozens of times to you and apparently you can't read that. My best friend growing up was from NY and she got me into the Yankees. That's why I root for the team. If you have a problem with that, I don't really give a rat's ass.
  17. The Yankees made the playoffs last season. We didn't do shit, but we got there.
  18. Who's sonny boy? If that's Hank and Hal, they took over during the off-season.
  19. Considering Bush's stance on Iraq, are you surprised his pitch missed its target?
  20. e·lec·tro·phile (ĭ-lěk'trə-fīl') Pronunciation Key n. A chemical compound or group that is attracted to electrons and tends to accept electrons.
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