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Everything posted by Electrophile

  1. I have no idea, nor do I care. Someone above posted that he got booed at a game and I said I'm glad.
  2. I have no desire for underage boys. This is fucking ridiculous. All this because some asswad doesn't know what the word "electrophile" means.
  3. Guess who gets a ticket to the Island of Misfit Toys? You! Enjoy your stay.
  4. Because it's a word. A word I like. And it's not perverse, obscene, gross or illegal. Look it up, Sparky. BTW, the person I was talking about wasn't me, dumbass. I wasn't the poster that dude accused of being a pedophile. I'm a 25 year old woman. Who the hell are you, anyway?
  5. The minute someone said a poster here was a pedophile, you knew the thread wasn't going to last much longer.
  6. What in the hell are you talking about?
  7. My favorite kind of salad has some kind of grilled meat in it. The rare times I eat red meat, I like grilled steak strips on my caesar salad.
  8. 1. John Paul Jones 2. Paul McCartney 3. The Ox
  9. Fox News is the cable news equivalent to a litter box full of cat turds.
  10. It's not a word, at least it's not considered proper English....like the word "ain't". The right word to use is "regardless", as in "I am going to the movie, regardless of the weather."
  11. Krystal is shit. Complete shit. White Castle sliders are the real way to go.
  12. Think again. Wallpaper paste is more interesting than you are.
  13. Why oh why did you post? Couldn't you just walk away and pretend the thread doesn't exist anymore? Nothing is getting through that thick skull of yours and nothing ever will. So just ask the admin to delete this shit.
  14. ^^The song you follow up with must contain one or more words in the previous title. Born To Run - Bruce Springsteen
  15. I don't see the point if he's not going to contribute. It's like, CNN Spam.
  16. I know. Why didn't she realize dinner is served promptly at 11:03 pm?
  17. I can't remember the last time I ate red meat. I try to avoid it when possible. I eat mostly fish and chicken.
  18. Why won't Sam delete this thread?
  19. I would believe it.....poor guy had to eat. My favorite Springsteen solos.....Cover Me, Born In The USA, Radio Nowhere and One Step Up all have great guitar moments in them. I think One Step Up is the is the most underrated of them all.
  20. Electrophile


    Speaking only for my friend, she was not abused as a child. I spent more time at her house than I did my own (she was an only child and my younger sister was a pain in the ass) and if she was being beaten by her parents, I would have known. We lived in the kind of neighborhood where if you sneezed, five mothers were on your doorstep with Kleenex and chicken soup. Again, I'm speaking only for her.....I don't doubt that a lot of abused spouses/girlfriends are the victims of childhood trauma. Her boyfriends before this guy and after this guy haven't and didn't lay a hand on her. Thankfully. I don't think either of us could have gone through that a second time without one of us dying or being committed. As for why they stay, studies have shown that fear is the motivating factor. A true belief that the abuser will kill them or harm other members of their family (like the children) if they try and leave. A lot of abused wives stay with their husbands out of fear that he'll take it out on the kids if the wife is not around. I don't know what that kind of fear is and I pray I never do, but it's not always as easy as saying "just leave". I told her numerous times to stay with me and my family but she was terrified he might do something to me or my parents if he found her there.
  21. Electrophile


    I understand this sentiment completely. I didn't deal with it in the same manner you did, but my dearest friend....I mean, she's practically a sister to me, was involved in a very abusive relationship a few years back. This is someone I've known 20 years of my life. I would see her daily with bruises, scrapes, cuts, broken bones.....it killed me. I went to the cops, I saw a lawyer, I dragged her into court to file a restraining order and none of it worked. She was terrified for her life and I didn't care much if he came after me for getting involved.....knowing she was safe would have been worth it in my eyes. If someone had handed me a gun and told me to shoot the bastard and I'd walk away from it scot free, I would have done it in a New York minute. There are some abhorrent strains of humanity on this planet that the rest of us shouldn't have to deal with. I'm not saying I would have killed him, but I would have made it so he couldn't do much of anything for a very long time. One day she called me from the hospital and told me to come pick her up. So I drive over there and as I'm getting her into the car, she looks at me and asks me if it would better off if he did kill her. The day you hear your best friend of (at that time) 18 years say something like that to you is a day I hope none of you ever have to deal with.
  22. I love Meddle. Pillow of Winds, Echoes......just sheer sensual and technical genius. Let's face it, the guy could play the Alphabet Song on his guitar and it would sound amazing, it's just for me.....I don't think Time or even Money gets enough credit as some of his best solos. I have the Classic Albums DVD for DSOTM and listening to him talk about how he created the guitar sounds was just so fascinating to me.
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