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Everything posted by Electrophile

  1. DAMN YOU I WAS JUST ABOUT TO POST THAT. Here's another one:
  2. THIS is the best intro/lead up to the solo: http://youtube.com/watch?v=0wtiNzci1Wc
  3. The Red Wings are the Yankees of the NHL. I don't know how many sports columnists over the years have made that connection. The 2002 Red Wings had no fewer than 6 future HOF'ers on the ice at any one time: Nick Lidstrom Steve Yzerman Brendan Shanahan Brett Hull Chris Chelios Dominik Hasek That's not counting Scotty Bowman behind the bench, either. It's actually because of the Red Wings that the NHL instituted the salary cap. A lot of smaller teams were complaining that they couldn't compete against a team like Detroit, who had the financial means to pad their lineup like that.
  4. In fact, do one better. Talk about how great guns are and how many you have/would like to own.
  5. No, she said it was performed like a standard body piercing. She has her navel pierced, her left eyebrow and her tongue....so she's no stranger to getting needles shoved in delicate areas. I would describe how they do it, but I don't think you want to hear it.
  6. Marie Osmond is more plastic than her dolls. Apparently the Mormon church has no issues with excessive plastic surgery and breast enhancements.
  7. My friend says it makes orgasms more intense. I have weird friends.
  8. Pink Floyd Eagles Aside from Zeppelin, those are the two bands whose catalogs I own in their entirety.
  9. Awww, you guys don't want to fondle men to find their ding-a-ling piercing? Speaking of which, a close male friend of mine got one of those recently and naturally had to show all of us in our little group.....I don't know how he did that. I just don't.
  10. I'll let the Mormon boys in if they're cute.
  11. I'm surprised you Pink Floyd fans haven't chosen "Time" as a great solo.....it's not as instantly memorable as Comfortably Numb, but I think it's just as good. One of the greatest sounds in music is Gilmour's guitar.
  12. Oh yes, god forbid you be forced to bend slightly. That is far too much exertion for you.
  13. Why? Afraid some of your needle-dicked friends might make fun of you or something? I don't care how tall someone is....since when is height a "deal-breaker"? No wonder you're alone. Qualify this statement for me, please.
  14. You need to work on something.....other than your crippling insanity....it's called "responding directly to what people say". You quote posts and none of your answers even remotely have to do with the post you quoted. It would be like you doing the following: Do you see where I'm going with this?
  15. I see a difference in "sparking debate" and being outright combative for no reason. I'm Catholic and I myself don't give a damn if people think there is no God and can't understand why I follow a particular religion, but I do give a damn when people insinuate or outright say that I'm crazy or deranged or stupid or whatever the sentiment of the day is. Insulting people doesn't "spark debate". Ask anyone who was ever in debate club, or has done professional debates; there are things you just do not do.
  16. ^^No, no....how dare you treat her like a queen. You're bowing down to her and putting her on a pedestal and you're not getting anything back and you're being used and she thinks she's better than you and blah blah blah blah blah.
  17. That's about where it was on me. I could reach up behind my back and grab it....aside from that, I have moderately curly/wavy hair, and it was getting knotted and tangled and looking really unprofessional....so I love what I have now.
  18. I got my hair done today! I love it.....layered cut up to my shoulders, tons of golden blond highlights. I had 8 inches chopped off.....so I feel lighter already.
  19. Long Long Way To Go - Phil Collins
  20. Here's a hint for you; when debating whether or not God exists or whether or not religion is a good idea, try doing it without insulting people. It's a touchy subject for people and it's debate-worthy, but if all you're going to do is degrade people for the choice TO believe, you might as well not open your mouth.
  21. Yeah, not all of us are a bunch of neurotic head cases. Why won't you admit you need counseling? A blind man in the dark with his eyes closed wearing a blindfold can see this about you......why can't YOU?
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