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Everything posted by Anjin-san

  1. Hi all, One question: would you want or put your 13 year old daughter in this situation? Do you have one,or don't you remember being 13??? Now Lori M,that,my mild barbarians was not rape,... KB
  2. Hi all, [quote ] He didn't kill the girl. Rape is bad, but murder is worse. Rape might have taken her innocence, but it could have been worse. He could have taken her life. I'm not saying rape is a trivial thing - it's not. But I personally think that murdering someone is the worst thing you could EVER do to another person, because you rob them of their LIFE.
  3. Hi all, Well Lori?What do you think? KB
  4. Hi all, Good thing Lori M didn't feel this way,...right Bebe??? KB
  5. Hi all, Good subject! Not fixin' to die,too soon,... Go to Howard Days in Cross Plains,TX Meet some of the Zeppelin fans from here Visit Japan and Germany Build my dream layout Do a freedom tour of the New England on my Harley. Have FU money! Next? KB
  6. Hi all, Good subject! Not fixin' to die,too soom,... Go to Howard Days in Cross Plains,TX Meet some of the Zeppelin fans from here Visit Japan and Germany Build my dream layout Do a freedom tour of the New England on my Harley. Have FU money! Next? KB
  7. Hi all, You have the right to do what ever you want. You can buy the rest with privilege. KB
  8. Hi all, Crappy TV shows into crappy movies,............thanks Follywood! KB
  9. Hi all, Lovely, how you insult people you don't agree with,lovely,... KB
  10. Anjin-san


    Hi All,WBD, Good brother,U? KB
  11. Hi all, Cool people,knowledge,brothers and sisters,...and hobbits. KB
  12. Hi all, Some people are _ _ _ Thanks to E for the record.Charles and S fan KB
  13. Anjin-san


    Hi all, Hey kid,...how you doing? KB
  14. Hi all, Know what? The planes were empty? Geez,... KB
  15. Hi all, Excuse me,then why do you mention it? KB
  16. Hi all, Anyone know anything about this group? Thanks for any help,KB
  17. Hi all, About the same way I felt about OJ v1.0 Two wrongs don't make a right,and this is the kind of s#!* that is going to happen in a free society,..... KB
  18. Hi all,Danny-sama! Well,your 'mother-in-law' was seen inside a liquor store,not good for a man who is suppose to be clean and sober! KB
  19. Hi all, Question for the Zep-perts out there,... Been reading the book: Room Full of Mirrors by Charles R. Cross a Jimi Hendrix biography(good read!) It says that the Jimi Hendrix on Jan 11,1967 did a two shows at the Bag O' Nails and that Jimmy Page attended that show,................true? Thanks for any help,KB
  20. Anjin-san


    Hi all, Isn't 'retain the decorum/U.S. Senator', an oxymoron? But Blarney,isn't, he is a Rep. Still, he is a scum-bag,the best there is. Good post,O! KB
  21. AUNTIE!!!!!!!!! Where have you been??? KB
  22. Hi all, Quote from Danny Goldberg's book ~ Bumping into Genius KB (love 'em both, Jerry!
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