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Everything posted by Anjin-san

  1. Anjin-san


    Hi all, Isn't 'retain the decorum/U.S. Senator', an oxymoron? But Blarney,isn't, he is a Rep. Still, he is a scum-bag,the best there is. Good post,O! KB
  2. AUNTIE!!!!!!!!! Where have you been??? KB
  3. Hi all, Quote from Danny Goldberg's book ~ Bumping into Genius KB (love 'em both, Jerry!
  4. Hi D,all, Different movie: Rick, if Zeppelin doesn't play here,I'll die! So what?It's a good spot for it. KB
  5. Hi Danny,all, Just like the weather,...not a damn thing you can do about it. KB
  6. Anjin-san


    Hi all, The Revolution is long overdue,... And it will be televised,....on the internet. KB
  7. Hi all, Telecast of Neil Armstrong descending the lunar module ladder just prior to taking his first step on the moon. The TV camera automatically deployed after Armstrong pulled on a special ring. KB
  8. Hi all, Well said.We really have to do much since an implosion will happen anyway.The Christians In Action (CIA) is already helping it along,.... KB
  9. Hi all, Good choices everybody! How about the Russian roulette scene from The Deer Hunter? KB
  10. Hi all, Hi Ev!..............so true,.....! KB
  11. Hi all, Daniel-sama! You wax car now? KB
  12. Hi all, Is this a good or bad thing? KB
  13. Hi all, Domo Daniel-san! KB
  14. Hi all, Thanks! Glad to be back,...... KB
  15. Hi all, Just back on line to say hello to everyone,... The former yepzep a/k/a Kevin,.....ho hum,... KB
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