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Everything posted by planted

  1. I know! The little rascal really got to me over the years. She never spoke one word, and yet I'll miss her so much. Thanks for your kindness, we all appreciate it. xo
  2. I have to put my beloved doggie down. (She saw my daughter off to kindergarten and my daughter is now a junior in high school.) Damn!
  3. Yoga... Dedicated to the innocent lives lost this weekend in Kenya.
  4. Thanks, Deb! And if memory serves, I believe you are among the next set of birthdays?? :-)
  5. Okay, it literally smells like heaven in my kitchen right now. It ain't braggin if its a fact... First of all, Im making applesauce with apples picked today.. Pork tenderloin Oven roasted vegetables. Leftover chocolate cake. Edited: And I have had the best company during all of this prep, providing stimulating adult conversation, wine selection and music that fits the mood. And you know who you are..
  6. Went to work this morning for a bit, then being bribed into taking my daughter to the MALL! Ugh!! But she promised to stop with me at the farm for apples. We're even.
  7. http://www.wrightsfarm.com/ Haven't been here in awhile. I hope the food is as good as I remember.
  8. Thanks, ally, sweet friend. :-)
  9. You bet your sweet ass... Happy happy to you too, mf'er...;-)
  10. Hi slave! Admittedly, no, I haven't tried any yet. But, I have a girlfriend who owns a skincare business so I have put my order in for one of the BB creams. I am just so excited about this concept and I thought others might be also. The commercials I have seen for these products really don't do enough to educate the consumer...grrr. That is a pet peeve of mine! 'Treat your skin products like you would your food...read labels!' That's my schpeel to my regulars. I'll keep you posted on what I find!
  11. A word about the newest creams: You may have seen the commercials recently advertising the latest trend in beauty creams. I know it can be confusing, so I thought I'd try to break it down and to pass on some info I obtained while at a class in Boston a few weeks ago. Here goes: BB cream: stands for 'beauty balm' Used as a primer for foundation; great for more mature skin types, also drier skins Squalene is a key ingredient Gives the skin a healthy glow CC cream: stands for 'color correcting' Usually offers 3-4 shades and offers this 'pigment adapting technology'. Applies white like a sunscreen, but then adapts to your skin tone. Has a rosacea complex to cover ruddy skin tones and combats redness.
  12. You're the best, E. Merci. And thanks Kiwi and pc. :-)
  13. Spent a nice day in Boston, even though Mr planted was under a little duress. My kids had a few surprises for me too!
  14. Jeeze, it's gettin dahhk up here in New England. I know, I know, I live here. But really?!? It's not even 7:30!!!
  15. 'Orange is the New Black' Fantastic series!
  16. Yes, some days are worse than others, stz. This one was really tough. Young with young kids. The 10 yr old son whispered into his ear, 'Dont worry, I will take care of Mom'. WHAT. 10 yrs old. And please know, I never share any experience I have to gain sympathy. At times like these, I am reminded of Dzldoc and how great a guy he was. These are the ones along with their loved ones who need thoughts and prayers.
  17. Very sad day at work today. To everyone who has cancer, had cancer, or loved or lost someone to cancer: You are my heroes. You show up for treatment despite your fears, and manage a smile and a kind word. I don't think I have ever met a more grateful population. You fought the good fight, K. And you were doing an amazing job with your sons. May your humble spirit, wit and courage live on through them. We love you.
  18. Since I work in the medical field, I have met many people from India. Lots of doctors and engineers come from India, and there are beautiful, functioning parts of this country. Mumbai, however, is a shithole. Remember "Slumdog Millionaire"?
  19. These are really dark, but I think you can get the jist. There is music piped in all around the waterfront along with various artists doing their thing. Musicians, magicians, you name it. Oh, and there's food!!! We had dessert at the Cheesecake Factory: carrot cake cheesecake for the birthday girl Vicki and I, and Tam had a caramel pecan thingy. I've added a pic of the three of us.
  20. I had a wonderful time in Providence, RI at the WaterFires. 2 girlfriends from high school and I try to do fun things every 6 weeks or so. I highly recommend checking this out if you're ever in the area.
  21. Oh man, what a beauty today is! A gentle breeze blowing through my back yard and lots of sun. 77* F. Just right.
  22. Speaking of cars... My daughter got her license Wednesday! While I am happy for her, I am feeling a little stranded now! She actually has a social life so she needs my car all the time!!
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