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Everything posted by planted

  1. ^^^Im right there with ya, sister! Minus the running shoes. ;-)
  2. You got 12 years out of your last car?! That's impressive! Lookin good, mama!!
  3. Boston Maki and California Rolls. And really good dinner company.
  4. Sitting here listening to my daughter and her BFF singing along to Justin Bieber....
  5. A couple of brews and some fun banter back and forth with some forum peeps.. :-)
  6. Crushed cloves and yeah, you can smash it up..release some more flavor...
  7. Garlic! Oh, IDK, maybe about 25 or 30 cloves...BAM! :-)
  8. Strider's birthday is today, 7/29... I never divulge age without written consent...;-)
  9. Well, well, well, look at the date, wouldja?!? HAPPY BIRTHDAY, STRIDERRRRRR! To steal a sentiment from a greeting card I recently sent to another friend (Billy)...here is my birthday wish to you: May you live long enough to shit yourself!! Hehe.. On a serious note, cheers to you, my friend. ~'Holly'
  10. You are so sweet, Sean! We are still talking with family and friends about meeting you and ebk. You guys are the tops! And yes, bad experiences can happen, but we move on, right? "Have a little faith in me..." Patience is a virtue and I am a firm believer is the old saying: good things come to those who wait. Those words haven't failed me yet. ;-)
  11. Sitting on my back steps with an ice cold Sav Blanc listening to hubby learn the chords to 'Big Log'. Thank you, Strider for encouraging him to play more often. I think you made a new friend this weekend...;-)
  12. You are so welcome, and thank you for everything! Hubby is keeping tabs on your O's, it's so funny...
  13. Thank you, Jules. We had a wonderful time together, even though it was brief. I am definitely having Strider-withdrawals this morning! :-)
  14. I got to meet STRIDER!!! It's about freakin time!!! Woohoo! Hubby and I met him at Doyle's Irish Pub @ 3484 Washington Street, Jamaica Plain, Boston. We got a quick bite to eat then took the trolley over to the Sam Adams Brewery for a tour and tasting. Went back to Doyle's for more beer. (Why the hell not?!?) I am still smiling.
  15. Boston bound! Rockin it tonight with my gal pal, ebk!! Starting things off with some Black Keys to get me in the mood...
  16. Haha! I took my parents to see "The Heat" this afternoon while it POURED in Worcester.
  17. you're awesome!! Edited for: we love the MFA!!
  18. Nice pictures of you and ******... Glad you're having a good time, my friend.
  19. "The Heat" with Sandra Bullock and Melissa McCarthy. Hilarious and clever. Take your cop friends with you..I did, they loved it...
  20. Thanks, SuperDave. I am about 2hrs from the New Hampshire Liquor Store and 35 min from the CT border. I'll find it somewhere!
  21. What better way to spend a rainy Tuesday than in a movie theatre?
  22. Ahh, rain... A tiny break from the summer here in New England. Don't mind it at all!!
  23. Lobster rolls for everyone at Michael's in Newburyport! Bubblegum soft serve at Gram's.
  24. So tired...in a good way. Newburyport was wonderful. Saw some very old homes, built as far back as 1720. Drove over to Plum Island. Spent a great day with my parents. Feeling very lucky to still have them!
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