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Everything posted by eskimoblueday

  1. Excellent! A toast to Led Zeppelin! Thanks for so many years of wonderful music and good times! And to Bonzo, who can't be with them tonight - you are sorely missed. (I would say break a leg here, but I'm afraid Jimmy might take me seriously. :'( ) Cheers everyone!
  2. Well, I think it's about 7:30 in the UK right now. Almost show time! Shall we get the drinks on and get warmed up for the show? I'll buy the first round!
  3. I've been through this thread and all I can say is -- Bonnie and I are proved right again! There are no ugly Zeppelin fans! You are all gorgeous! Great pics everyone.
  4. Oh now that IS a good idea! As soon as I can get my hands on a camera, I'll do it!
  5. Ah ha... you caught on to my trick! Can't fool you, Celia.
  6. Too much information on Stevie, Celia? I'm sorry... Oh, I'll get around to posting a pic one of these days.
  7. It's funny how you two look so similar in those photos, though! Anyway, I can confirm what you're saying about Stevie's skin. I was in the second row for one of her shows and was close enough to see that she has skin like a porcelain doll. She came close to the front row to shake hands with people, and even that close up, her skin is beautiful. She's really a knockout.
  8. She was one of my first loves as well. Though probably for different reasons.
  9. Wow, you look much different than I thought you would! I was expecting you to look like either Noel Gallagher or Keith Moon. Getting people mixed up with the avatars again.
  10. Is your last name "Morrison"? Looks like it should be. Edited to add: I just noticed someone else said the same thing. Oh well, that can't be a bad thing.
  11. Yeah, thanks for putting in the work to bring this back, KB. Much appreciated.
  12. Do you guys have their latest, Snakes and Arrows? I love it. On another note, Neil's one of my big heroes. I really dig him.
  13. Mandy, I will happily hand over Birthday thread duty to you. Rock on, girl! And you can put me in on August 1, if you like.
  14. Mandy! You finally got your shirt!! Hooray!!
  15. Yeah, thanks Aqua for making us feel at home again with these fine pics.
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