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Led Zep Girl

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Everything posted by Led Zep Girl

  1. My co-workers. I could have killed each & every single one of them today. Luckily, they got to live... PS This was spoken out of anger. Don't take it so serious.
  2. Local radio station doesn't play anything worth listening too. I'm going to subscribe back to XM. I had three months free of it when I bought my car & I should have subscribed to it but didn't. Won't do that again..
  3. Trust me, I would never write a letter while angry & then mail it. That's just stupid. Plus it's a good way to waste a stamp.
  4. I'm sure there is but I don't want to involve others when they have nothing to do with it. This might seem kid-ish but I write it down in a journal. Seems to help.
  5. I feel like that at times too. I have a love/hate relationship with my job. Sometimes, I am good then other times I am not so good. To be honest, it does more harm to me because I don't get mad. I keep it all bottled up inside. That can't be good!
  6. Yes we do need those types of people to do those jobs. Those people work hard & get over looked & mistreated. It's not fair! I personally think working in retail makes you a somewhat of a strong person. It takes a certain person to smile everyday. Sometimes it's easier said than done.
  7. I'm sorry. I really didn't mean it like that. I need to PM you if you don't mind.
  8. I work in retail also. And I know exactly what you are talking about. It's absolute nonsense. Nobody has respect anymore.
  9. First of all, Wow, never thought in a million years that you would ever 'quote' anything I said. But thanks for doing so. Secondly, I am glad what I posted made sense to you. That's just plain stupidity what that cop did. Being on your laptop or your phone isn't worth dying over.
  10. What I don't get is when I meet a cop & he's driving & talking on his cell phone. Yet we can get fined for doing the same thing. I really don't think this is new news to anyone.
  11. ^ Ernest is the man! So is Ace Ventura!
  12. Yes it is! I was told the other day that I was pretty. That really made me feel good! I also like it when guys hold the door open for me. Such manners some guys have. It's really a treat.
  13. Purple Oral-B. The bad boy on the far right.
  14. Not an option, but I like the 1970 RAH D&C the best.
  15. Went to some car shows today with my dad. Taking him out to dinner tonight. Good way to start the weekend. Happy Father's Day to all of the Father's out there!
  16. Hmm...maybe I'm toxic for your phone.
  17. The fact that I have to go to work in exactly 30 minutes. But really looking forward to being off this weekend. Even if I did have to request it off.
  18. Awww she's so cute! Her hair looks cute too!
  19. Updated but not really. lol I DID NOT cut my hair....yet. So for all of you who were worried, I still got it. Oh and excuse the Mo-Kan shirts. They are my favorite.
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