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eternal light

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Everything posted by eternal light

  1. I received a Christmas card in the mail from a friend. Her children are having the time of their life and this will be their second Christmas.
  2. Where Are You Christmas - Faith Hill
  3. Green Chile Cheese Tamales, Beef Chile, Beans, Pineapple Tomato Salsa and Green Tea
  4. Mick Jagger & L'Wren Scott-Dec-10-07-LZ Tribute to Ahmet Ertegun - O2 It looks as if Mick Jagger and L'Wren Scott enjoyed themselves on December 10.
  5. *Shrugs* Maybe they visited a Nashville club in 1970?
  6. Peter Grant's strength was the way he earnestly tried to protect people from harm, and his honest, straightforward character and demeanor. He shepherded Led Zeppelin and he served as a role model for other managers. He was a trailblazer, a pioneering kind of guy, a sort of Davy Crockett of rock and roll. I wonder if he was the same Peter Grant who is described in the BBC archives. www.bbc.co.uk/ww2peopleswar/stories/67/a2238167 Peter Grant collected fine art as well, so he appreciated aesthetics and work of a finer quality. I think he understood the inner workings of the human soul a little bit. He was one of those people who had lived through a lot, and he understood the contrast between war and peace, wealth and poverty, and honesty and corruption. Where he came from, you had to fight for your rights. He was born under the sign of Aries. I think he may have been one of those king bee types buzzing around your hive. He probably had a Muddy Waters/Tom Jones/James Brown/Hugh Hefner/Merle Haggard/Ted Nugent kind of personality when it came to the ladies. He thrived in the spring time, April in Paris, when a young man's thoughts turn to love. If the right opportunity was there, he would go for it. His heart was an open book. Some like it hot, and he would have found Leo and Sagittarius women attractive in every way. Aquarius and Gemini ladies would have appealed to his intellectual side, and Libra social butterflies would have captured his admiring gaze and impressed him with their diplomatic skills.
  7. He was so cute! Whatever spirit possessed him at that moment, I'm glad! This photo rates up there with Michaelangelo's David.
  8. eternal light


    I always think of that song "Paint It Black" as being about World War II. During the war they endured shortages so Lipton tea bags were in common use, but after the war people began to find loose leaf tea more available in the markets. One English woman from a more recent generation who I met told me she avoids tea bags whenever possible in favor of freshly boiled hot water poured over loose leaf tea.
  9. eternal light


    You dated a lot! It's understandable how little girls are naturally possessive of their daddy. They're at that formative stage when they are bonding and not ready to rebel and claim independence quite yet. This nice English lady who I knew had truly gone to California with an aching in her heart, as many English people had done in those days; she had survived the bombing of London during World War II and told us stories about how she lived in an underground shelter there. She had left the cooler English climate and the war behind but seemed a little homesick. Even though the weather in California was around a hundred degrees it did not fill the empty spot inside; she missed home. Her hair was kind of fluffy like a white silvery cloud, almost like Jimmy Page's hair is today. Coincidentally, she was very much like the 'lady who shines white light and wants to show'.
  10. eternal light


    I grew up with a nice English lady who had tea and toast every day at noon while she watched As The World Turns.
  11. Yes, if Robert Plant were ever to need a second career, he could market jeans with no problem.
  12. It was the nice one who got away, but he still comes around every now and then.
  13. Please be advised The Cure concert performance originally scheduled for Sunday, September 23, 2007 at Madison Square Garden has been rescheduled. The rescheduled show date will be Friday, June 20, 2008. All tickets for the original performance will be honored for the rescheduled performance. www.thegarden.com/events/the-cure-09-07
  14. Alright, I admit it, I like this part of him, too. Come to think of it, when I saw him in 1977 he was wearing exactly those jeans; and that jacket, and that chest and that hair and
  15. I like the 'view this post' option.
  16. The Rain Song; 'I felt the coldness of my winter, I never thought it would ever go' is really a strong lyrical line, and the instrumentals in the song are lovely; they transport me to a gentler place.
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