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eternal light

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Everything posted by eternal light

  1. In attempting to reason with an angry mob of men, I usually stay off that kind of subject because they may get more upset. In their blindness they have found a target for their anxieties. It has more to do with politics than reason. They are really only using religion as an excuse to vent.
  2. Men are sensitive creatures; they may at times get edgy when people insult their religion. For them the relaxation response was invented, to allow for a healthy release of tension.
  3. Men are not perfect; they use religion to preach the hatred in their hearts. Islam is not immune from this imperfection in men, but it is not limited to Islam. Historically, men have committed acts of hatred in the name of Christ, and perhaps other religions as well. It only illustrates the flaws in men. God (Allah) remains perfect regardless of the deeds of men.
  4. But in the jurisdiction of the Sudan, Islamic law applies in the affairs of men, and so we pray for the least of the extremes. No one is above God, not even the prophets. In Islam God is Allah. So no one is above Allah, not even the prophets. Only God is all-knowing. In Islam God is Allah. So only Allah is all-knowing. I remain His humble servant praying to make my way according to His will. I thank Him for sending his prophet to guide me.
  5. It is not for me to judge any prophet, as only God can judge men in truth. In Islam God is known as Allah. So it is not for me to judge any prophet, as only Allah can judge men in truth. Only God can know His exact words and I pray my faith guides me to them. In Islam God is known as Allah. So only Allah can know His exact words and I pray my faith guides me to them. en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Islam
  6. Men are not all saints and they come with flaws; the extremes of the Sharia law prove that.
  7. In Islam, human images are forbidden in regard to worship, similar to the ban on animals and objects in the Old Testament, (the golden calf); that is why you will see ornate motifs decorating buildings intended for Islamic worship, but no statues or paintings of people.
  8. In this case the teacher is in imminent danger. Of course I hope to see the extremes of the Sharia law subside, and the peaceful practice of Islam to prevail, along with mutual respect between the cultures involved.
  9. Gillian Gibbons' safety is the main issue. Muslims in jailed teacher protest British Meet Teached Jailed in Sudan
  10. Maybe Harvey Goldsmith's office would accept a signed doctor's note from the ballot winner? I agree it is worth the effort.
  11. He looks as if he's having some sort of psychic vision into the distance.
  12. Her life is in imminent danger and the dangerous mobs are looking for any fault they can find to give them an excuse to provide a target for their anger. Aggravating the mobs further would only put her life even more at risk, so remaining diplomatic is necessary. From a practical point of view, the main thing is that she gets out of there alive.
  13. Because the British woman's life is really at stake here, no one wants to aggravate the mobs who have demanded her execution. The Sudanese mobs want to make an example of her as a way to show resistance to what they see as a growing invasion of Western culture trying to suppress Islam. To the Sudanese mobs, the British woman symbolizes what they hate and resent in terms of culture. It is a very serious situation for her, and it's most important at this time for her to escape the country unharmed. She is a scapegoat and a target for their outrage. In their eyes she has so fallen from grace that it justifies her death. It's more diplomatic to restrict inflammatory comments so as not to tempt the mobs any further on their destructive path. Teacher Hidden As Sudan Mob Urges Death
  14. It's a reaction against Western culture, symbolized by the teddy bear's improper naming from the view of Muslim hardliners who interpret it as a blasphemous disrespect for the prophet Muhammad, whose name is considered holy in Sudanese culture. It's similar to if someone were to name a teddy bear 'Jesus Christ' as if to encourage worship of an object instead of the true Christ. In the Judeo-Christian tradition there is a similar view where God gave the ten commandments to Moses, one being, "I am the Lord thy God, thou shalt not have strange gods before you," or something similar. From the Muslim hardliner viewpoint, a teddy bear so improperly named becomes in effect a false god for the children. So the Sudanese see the English teacher as misleading the children in religious terms, in effect encouraging the children to worship a false god. In Islam there are no human images of Allah allowed. None of their buildings are decorated with images of saints, no human images at all, and neither animals (teddy bears), as they are forbidden. That is why you will see many remarkable patterns decorating mosques, as they absorb all the artistic efforts.
  15. Britain tried to influence the Sudanese government once before. It is very fortunate for the English woman the government was kind enough to give her a token light sentence (brief incarceration for 15 days and deportation) otherwise the mobs would seek and destroy her entirely if they could. It's not enough to travel into the Sudan knowing so little about their culture. If she had realized the history and current events there she would have chosen her words more carefully. Culture shock is a major factor in the Sudan whether or not you are familiar with their way of life. The British woman needs to leave the Sudan while she still can; she is too much of a target for the mobs who would kill her if she remains there. She should be grateful to escape alive, as that is the actual situation she is now facing. Incarceration for 15 days is nothing compared to the real risk of death. Even though the courts and the government have protected her, if the mobs get a hold of her she may not survive. Teacher Hidden As Sudan Mob Urges Death
  16. It seems more like self-preservation in view of the grind a Zeppelin tour can become. Sometimes that audience just can't be satisfied; they are forever chomping at the bit for one thing or another, like a racehorse that never finishes its course and runs itself ragged when it belongs in a cozier spot. Dashing through the snow may have its advantages but horses need to curl up by the hay and unwind with a nice massage every so often.
  17. However, if he says that it puts a different slant on the picture.
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