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eternal light

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Everything posted by eternal light

  1. Paul Anka's song about his sister's babysitter...
  2. I had a really nice day working in the office. :-)
  3. This song came on the radio while I was driving home tonight. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fbYiOUC5O4s
  4. He did note the appeal of the exciting world of bladder control.
  5. They ended in a formal sense, but three people carried on and did a bunch of new things with new people.
  6. I haven't heard anything more. Been very busy myself.
  7. He was also known as John de Conquer. There may be some connection between the Creole culture in Marie LeVeau's New Orleans to the Vodou culture in Haiti, I don't know. It would have been either the French-speaking people in New Orleans or possibly Haiti who would have translated his name to de Conquer.
  8. ^Because it is different now than it was in the beginning when it was actually fun. Now it would be just another enterprise and/or exploitation. It was a true labor of love then, so why ruin it now and pretend that it is something that it is not?
  9. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OUgEoM9QbvY
  10. I think that he may have been referring to John the Conqueroo. He was one of those Hoodoo the Voodoo to You types. en.wikipedia.org/wiki/John_the_Conqueror
  11. Maybe he was listening to Summertime or Rhapsody in Blue. John Lee Hooker recorded Dimples a long time before Robert Plant issued Hurting Kind.
  12. I was just over by UNLV tonight. What a coincidence. It was all rainy and flooded.
  13. Bladder control is probably a good thing, regardless of how unadventurous it may seem. It is the lack of bladder control that is not so good, and not a very fun adventure.
  14. There are already people from the United States in Haiti.
  15. I suppose better logistics would have been good.
  16. I have no idea what this song is about.
  17. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=c_RY1S5DiLs http://www.youtube.c...h?v=BykWG8z_U8U
  18. Anyone who can manage to look clean after surviving a 7.0 earthquake has my vote. :-)
  19. But this is more than a situation with riotous conditions. It is a natural disaster on a massive scale with a projected death toll of 200,000. Wait until the people have received enough services and have a chance to heal from the shock of this earthquake. Maybe if members of Led Zeppelin wished to join the telethon that would be a simpler option at this time. But the logistics of staging a show in Haiti now when the aid teams are having a problem transporting even the most basic of goods and services to the population of 3 million that was so hard-hit by this huge 7.0 earthquake, are really something to carefully contemplate. Maybe Robert Plant could hold the microphone for Anderson Cooper when he reports on the scene for CNN, but it is risky. Conditions are not all that safe there right now.
  20. ^At some time in the distant future. They don't want to provoke civil unrest at this precarious time. Competition for tickets could get heated. And we do not want a situation there where the military would have to evacuate Led Zeppelin fans who had never dealt with a natural disaster of this scale and suddenly discovered that it was more than they bargained for. Maybe if members of Led Zeppelin wished to entertain the victims of this natural disaster and those assisting them that might work, but I would limit attendance, and also feature artists who are popular in Haiti. And it's important not to spark riots. It is potentially dangerous due to the risk of civil unrest when basic services are so hard to obtain and so many people have died. They are currently estimating the death toll to reach 200,000. It is not a picnic in Haiti at the moment. Maybe Sam the Webmaster could attend and moderate behind the scenes. But you must be very flexible about staging any events in Haiti at this time. :-)
  21. She's wearing a hat, not a blonde wig.
  22. Can you imagine Led Zeppelin fans from around the world converging in Haiti to attend this event? They would further clog up Haiti's airport and probably interfere with relief efforts. Only if Haiti were to invite Jimmy Page to stage some kind of appropriate event, now that could possibly work at some point, perhaps not now.
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