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  1. http://arstechnica.c...real-guitar.ars (Link to an upcoming Rock Band style game which uses a "fake" guitar that switches to a real electric guitar. So, as far as I can see it people WILL be playing areal guitar soon enough with these games... this is why I said it was a bit closed-minded. Maybe it's time to re-evaluate? I also considered, the "it stops people playing a real instrument" statement in a bit more practical application. As in, there are plenty of people who would like to go out and buy a set of drums/guitar and start belting away on them to earn a living, however, many people a) can't afford to, have a job, c) have kids to look after. To me music is about enjoyment and emotional response, in the creation and application/hearing of it. To say what was said is just elitist jibberish to be honest and very far off the pulse with modern music/life. Anyway, this will be my last post on the matter, thank for all the replies.
  2. I will leave it alone sure, but there's no harm in asking and quite frankly i see it all as very narrow minded in general tbh. Ah well..
  3. Firstly let me state I am new to these forums and in no way affiliated to any music companies/corps or games mentioned in the following post. I am just a music lover and one who has loved Led Zepp for a long time. As many people are probably aware, games such as Guitar Hero and Rock Band on modern gaming consoles are starting to make many old/new bands available to a new generation (this doesn't include me- i just play the games like a crazy old fart). I know Mr Page has been quoted in the past saying he believed these games stopped people from playing real instruments... however, I have to wholeheartedly disagree and know that myself and many friends/relatives are taking up instruments as a DIRECT RESULT of playing these games... So, all i ask is that if the guys read this stuff, or anyone who knows them could ask them to reconsider this... There's a huge new market out there for LZ with the next generation (The Who, The Police have already had come-backs on the basis of TV shows etc). Now i know the LZ reform concert was a huge sell-out and I loved seeing 2 of the members at Wembley play with Dave Grohl & The Foo Fighters 2 years ago, but come on, let's educate these kids that Timberland and all this other emotionless crap they listen to is nothing more than refuse bin material!!! Yours, A big Led Zepp fan P.S The complete recordings pack is great:)
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