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Everything posted by Strider

  1. If you don't want to discuss this in public you can pm me instead, but I'm rather curious about your reaction. Had you read Gillian Flynn's book before seeing the movie? Or did you go into the movie cold, unaware of the story? ***SPOILER ALERT*** DO NOT READ IF YOU HAVEN'T SEEN "GONE GIRL". Was it the character of Amy and her machinations that weirded you out? To me that is what elevated the story above the typical missing person melodrama. I loved how proactive and clever Amy was in Nick's destruction...and yes, a little unhinged. Definitely not a first-date type of movie. Tonight I went to see another movie on the married-couple's hit parade: "Who's Afraid of Virginia Woolf". The movie has lost none of its scathing power all these years later. http://youtu.be/xWoAOohbr5M
  2. Mmmmmm. My name is Strider and I approve of this menu.
  3. ^^^ 5.5 Not one of my faves by them. Many people reference Led Zeppelin when talking about the Tea Party but that was more like Whitesnake.
  4. Would they take the sweet leaf-burning hippie?
  5. ^^^ A solid 8. I love the Black Angels and most of their songs I would rank 7 or higher.
  6. Which of course reminds me of this... http://youtu.be/YCjspyo-_aI
  7. If it really is the end, I will miss them...more for their live shows than their albums, good though they be. But their concerts were some of the best I have ever seen, especially the week-long run at the Fonda Theatre in 2005. Crazy good those six shows were.
  8. Soundboards remember? Unless you know something we don't?
  9. Where's Seattle Nutrocker? I'll hold off declaring my pick for best...I just relistened to 5/26 and 5/30 and 5/30 especially sounded pretty good. I'll have to give Texas Hurricane another listen to make my final decision. I can definitely say what is at the bottom of the list: Houston and 5/28 Landover...two of my least-listened to Zeppelin boots ever.
  10. Damn dude, for a minute there I thought you were in the wrong thread...it read more like an "unhappy" event. Glad it reached a happy conclusion for your hip. Did they crank Led Zeppelin IV while giving you the IV?
  11. ^^^ Thanks PlanetPage for digging that info up. I have seen the Weintraub footage before. I am wondering if the 1970 film clip they think is a trailer for The Song Remains the Same might actually be footage of the 1970 Royal Albert Hall gig?
  12. Ahhh...something to look forward to on my next jaunt to the flea market.
  13. +1 Not Led Zeppelin...Page & Plant live at Madison Square Garden on the 1998 tour. This puts the lie to those who think Page and Plant lost it after 1980. A barnburning show. Page & Plant - (Madison Square Garden) NYC 7-16-98: http://youtu.be/nKF8lUOKGno
  14. When I was in Germany I was stunned to see the number of VW Westfalia camper-vans still in use around Europe.
  15. Damn I didn't notice that until you 'n' Walter mentioned it.
  16. If they did they should be committed. Although anything is possible in the woefully weak eastern conference. Don't sleep on Memphis in the west. A Golden St. - Memphis Western Conference Final would not surprise me at all. Haha, did you see KG head butt Dwight Howard? Man, it's like everyone hates Dwight. Good...fucking punk.
  17. Happy birthday yesterday to danelectro! Happy birthday today to Front Row Dave! Cheers and here's to a happy day!
  18. Amusing story about this dude who painted Led Zeppelin and other rock and rollers on his vintage VW van. http://touch.orlandosentinel.com/#section/-1/article/p2p-82488591/ http://touch.orlandosentinel.com/#section/-1/video/p2p-82498097/
  19. The fat lady is singing... Congratulations to BUCK'EYE' DOC and all Ohio State fans! College Football Champions of 2014.
  20. That TD about clinches it for the Buckeyes. 35-20 with 9 + minutes left.
  21. ^^^ I've been flipping thru all the various ESPN options but it's too distracting, so I'm just sticking with the main broadcast. That was a great drive by Ohio St. 28-20 going into the 4th qtr.
  22. I was worried that Oregon would miss their starting receivers...already two crucial drops that stalled Oregon drives. Shocked to see Oregon not wear green.
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