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Everything posted by Strider

  1. TD GB. Now we see if Romo can really handle playoff pressure.
  2. Why isn't Dallas blitzing more? Rodgers is vulnerable back there.
  3. If you're a Dallas fan, the game is closer than it should be. What was Romo thinking changing that third down play?
  4. Missed it again! So much for most accurate kicker in history. Baack to back missed field goals. Typical Romo on that third down play...trying to do too much.
  5. Well that was a strange sequence of events.
  6. ^^^ Sorry to hear that. They usually play the Austin Psyche Fest every year, so maybe you can see them then.
  7. Easy Rick and Paul...this game ain't over by a long shot. There's still time for Romo to turn into Oh No Romo!
  8. Probably because it's too full of Doritos and Mountain Dew.
  9. Hey Walter! Do you celebrate in your son's face or do you and Mrs. W keep it cool and understated? Does Junior talk trash to you?
  10. Rodgers calf obviously affecting him.
  11. Rick, what was the over/under on this game?
  12. ^^^ To keep thread from clutter it's best to post game chatter on the NFL thread.
  13. Already complaining about the refs? Come on guys...that Green Bay guy totally ran up the back of that Dallas receiver's feet.
  14. TD Dallas. Now we got a game. Dallas caught a break with the weather...nowhere near as freezing as it was for the Ice Bowl in 1967.
  15. Rex Ryan shuffling off to Buffalo is certainly interesting choice but considering what a hash Rex made of the QB situation in New York-Jersey, I don't see how anyone could be confident in his ability to sort thru the QB mess in Buffalo.
  16. Walter where is your defense? Still in the hotel? Crikey.
  17. ^^^ Grin and bear it...or maybe that should be chin and bare it? Never a doubt Tom Brady and the Patriots would pull off the escape! Seattle better hope Max Unger can play next week.
  18. It is the LG Volt. After using one particular model of phone since 2009, this new phone feels weird in my hand. About 75% of the posts I have made on this forum were made on my old phone. I am used to a certain configuration and now I have to learn a whole new system.
  19. I remember the reports about the Boston mess...and I think there were other incidents on that tour when people waiting to buy tickets went violent. Miami Orange Bowl? Or was that 1977? It didn't help that most of the tickets for the 1975 east coast shows went on sale during the coldest part of the year. Don't sleep on Boston 1973...one of the greats from that tour and the last Boston gig Led Zeppelin played.
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