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Everything posted by Strider

  1. This thread is interesting only for the light it shines on some people's thought processes...or lack of same. It was late the night of November 8 when I was coming home from Abel Gance's WWI drama "J'Accuse", and after checking the football picks in the NFL thread, I noticed a new thread topic "whole lotta money" in the News section of this forum. It was a story so immediately idiotic and false, that I couldn't even be bothered to dignify the post with a response. The fact that The Daily Mirror was the source was a dead giveaway to the bogusness of the story, and it is usually better to ignore these things than to give oxygen to the fire via commenting on obvious attention-seeking gambits by the media. I forgot about the whole thing in an instant and went to bed. Unfortunately, fact-checking and rational thinking are in seemingly short supply in today's world. For when I woke up and over the next few days, my phone would keep getting zapped by texts from friends asking if I had heard about Plant ripping up the contract and squashing the Zeppelin reunion and "what did I think about that?". Then, as if that wasn't enough, this "Open Letter to Robert Plant" was posted November 11...basically, a reaction based on a lie. For, as should have been plainly obvious to everyone, the entire Robert Plant/Richard Branson story was completely untrue. What I particularly find fascinating, however, are the people who did buy into this story and their negativity towards Robert in reaction to the media's picking up on the story ( a black mark on the trustworthiness of the media today)...especially the people on this Forum, who as Led Zeppelin fans I would hope would show a little more credulity and fairness when faced with rumours such as the Daily Mirror's. To be certain, the majority of people here did in fact have suspicions of the reports. But for those who didn't, for those who bought it hook, line, and sinker, I have to wonder what you must think of Robert Plant to give credence to this story. Robert Plant and Richard Branson have both been in the music industry a long time and I am sure they have crossed paths at various times over the years, if not business-wise then certainly socially. As for Led Zeppelin, whatever feelings he has for that period of time when the band was alive and whatever issues he has had with Jimmy Page and John Paul Jones in the past, it is still a creative entity he is proud of and they are all brothers of a sort...they went thru thick and thin, good times and bad. Maybe it wasn't always pretty but they were bandmates, one-for-all and all-four-one. Now read that Daily Mirror story again. Close your eyes. Do you really think Robert Plant is the type of person that would show contempt for someone like Jimmy, Jonesy and Richard Branson in such a public fashion as to actually RIP UP a contract in front of their faces? I am sorry, but there is no way in hell Robert would act in this way and it pains me to think some of you have such a low opinion of Plant to believe he would. This has nothing to do with whether or not you like his current music. If you don't like his solo albums, fine with me...to each his own. But to have so little respect for his character after all the tragedy he has been through shows a decided amount of small-mindedness. I feel sorry for you.
  2. This is insane. A completely foolish idea that would have disastrous consequences. Evolution and the extinction of certain animal species happens for a reason. To reintroduce an animal that has not existed for millions of years into the present ecosystem would wreak havoc. Any scientist that would attempt such a foolhardy notion should be charged with reckless endangerment.
  3. Yep. Although I will add that it would have helped if the album had been produced/mixed better.
  4. Prepping for an upcoming book event, I was browsing thru 1970s porn star Serena's memoir and amid chapters like "Las Vegas, Whiskey-a-Go-Go, and Van Halen" and "In Love with Cock" I came across this passage: "One of the best memories about these early teen schooldays was the music. That music is the fleece of comfort on which I can still lay my soul. The Beatles, Crosby, Stills, Nash and Young, James Taylor, Carole King, the Moody Blues and the Grateful Dead all led onward to the soundtrack of a LOUD Led Zeppelin."
  5. This is all very intriguing and, for those that didn't receive a numbered copy, maddening, for I was just in Amoeba Records yesterday and they still have numbered edition copies of the Super Deluxe Box Sets for IV, Houses...and even III still on the shelves.
  6. Beautiful set of jugs, err, I mean mugs, Dd. Love how they include the Danelectro guitar! Going to have to search for those so I can get a set for myself.
  7. Welcome back from jury duty. Send anyone up the river?
  8. And I'm still laughing. What does that have to do with the Falcons, whose pitiful play away from their home dome is recognizable to one and all? It's a verifiable statistic. I'll take Dallas for $400 Alex. Hope your Boys man up tonight, Walter.
  9. R.I.P. Ian McLagan. Damn. Damn. Damn. The absolute most badass bands I saw in 1973 were Led Zeppelin, Mott the Hoople, Alice Cooper Band, The Stooges, Rory Gallagher...and The Faces. What a glorious raucous noise they made. A Faces reunion was already an iffy proposition...without Mac, it's a (pardon the expression) dead issue. Thanks a lot Rod you sod. You waited too damn long...now, it's too late.
  10. Well I reckon you are dead-chuffed at the young man's progress and as proud a papa as can be. Well done, Papa Pagefan55.
  11. Tonight: Aimee Mann Christmas Show @ Largo w/special guests. It's been quite a concert year, especially the past few months and it possibly all comes to an end tonight with Aimee Mann's Annual Christmas Show. There may be another concert before the end of the year that strikes my fancy, but I've seen nothing so far.
  12. From the BBC: Bobby Keys: Stones devastated by saxophonist's death 2 December 2014 From the section Music Bobby Keys on saxophone, left, played with The Rolling Stones for many years The Rolling Stones say they're devastated over the death of Bobby Keys, who played saxophone for them. On the rock'n'roll scene since the age of 15, Keys played with Buddy Holly, John Lennon and Eric Clapton. The 70-year-old was most famous for his work with the Stones on the classic track Brown Sugar and their album Exile On Main Street. The band issued a statement mourning "the loss of their very dear friend and legendary saxophone player". The statement went on: "Bobby made a unique musical contribution to the band since the 1960s. He will be greatly missed." Guitarist Keith Richards said: "I have lost the largest pal in the world and I can't express the sense of sadness I feel although Bobby would tell me to cheer up." Keys featured in Richards' autobiography Life in 2010 and recalled the first time he met the Stones in the mid-1960s. Like Buddy Holly, Keys was born in the Texas town of Lubbock and had toured with him and his band The Crickets in the 1950s. But he was not impressed that the Stones had recorded a cover of Buddy Holly's Not Fade Away. Keys recalled the moment: "I said 'Hey, that was Buddy's song. Who are these pasty-faced, funny-talking, skinny-legged guys to come over here and cash in on Buddy's song?''' Keys played during the band's Glastonbury headline slot in 2013, although in October he was forced to pull out of dates in New Zealand and Australia due to poor health. Follow @BBCNewsbeat on Twitter and Radio1Newsbeat on YouTube
  13. Yes, I should have mentioned that...sorry for the oversight. Here are some photos I took at the Roxy show...a Joy Division-only special show. Packed house in the tiny club. Much buzz about Moby and Perry Farrell supposedly appearing...but only Moby joined onstage. No Perry Farrell. Not that it made the show any less great.
  14. R.I.P. Bobby Keys. A true rock and roll original and a Texas-sized legend. Forget the Rolling Stones...just consider that the man played with Buddy Holly, ferchrissakes! That guarantees rock and roll badass status, right there! The man played hard and he partied hard...he lived every one of his 70 years to the fullest, no doubt and no complaints. His passing reminds me how fortunate I was that I bit the bullet and payed the money to see the Stones on their last tour, providing me with one last view of the man and the once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to hear him and Mick Taylor trade solos on "Can't You Hear Me Knocking". To think I came this close to missing that...thank god I came to my senses. I hope the bar is well-stocked in heaven.
  15. A lot more people seem to be willing to share their New York experience than the Los Angeles one. Or maybe I was just the only forum member who went to the L.A. Barnes & Noble event. Hans, you lucky devil, getting to be #1 in line. Good stamina on your part. Super Dave and Morgan and everyone else who has shared their time, thank you, and how cool for all of you to get to meet each other and share the Zeppelin LOVE.
  16. Still plenty in the bookshops around town. Just saw a stack at a Barnes & Noble tonight.
  17. "Better than advertised"? Ha! Not on the road...and this game is in Green Bay.
  18. The Cubs? Why? Just because they hired Joe Maddon? Here's the problem I have with that and the questions that should be running through anyone's mind who thinks Joe Maddon automatically makes the Cubs a contender. Does hiring Joe Maddon mean his baseball knowledge and managerial expertise will lift the lowly Cubs to his level? Or will the stench of inept, incompetent loserville status that has surrounded the Cubs for more than a century drag down Maddon to their level? My bet is on the Billy Goat Bartman curse to continue. Besides, St. Louis ain't going anywhere...as long as they are in the NL Central, they will reign.
  19. Well, that's a very mature and well-adjusted attitude to take, Dd. WHAT THE HECK IS WRONG WITH YOU?!? Don't you know you are supposed to froth at the mouth when your team loses? Have to say I was very surprised how the USC Trojans took Notre Dame apart. At halftime, when USC was up 35-7, all I could think of was 40 years ago in 1974 when USC was down 24-0 at halftime and came roaring back in the second half to thump the Irish 55-24. So I wasn't taking anything for granted until the final whistle blew. After losing to crosstown rivals UCLA, a 49-14 beat down of Notre Dame ends the season on a brighter note. Not sure what kind of Bowl Game is in store for USC...Holiday, maybe? Wonder how mack took the loss?
  20. Week 14 Schedule Thursday Dec. 4 Dallas @ Chicago (Dallas on Thursday again! WTF?) Sunday Dec. 7 (Remember Pearl Harbor) Pittsburgh @ Cincinnati St. Louis @ Washington New York Giants @ Tennessee Carolina @ New Orleans New York Jets @ Minnesota Baltimore @ Miami Indianapolis @ Cleveland Tampa Bay @ Detroit Houston @ Jacksonville Buffalo @ Denver Kansas City @ Arizona Seattle @ Philadelphia (Game of the Week?) San Francisco @ Oakland New England @ San Diego Monday Dec. 8 Atlanta @ Green Bay
  21. Those deals kind of suck, though...Boston won't be seeing much production out of either of those two pickups.
  22. Miami finally realized they were playing the stupid J-E-T-S and eeked out a win, so everyone picked up another win to their totals last night. mack is the last man standing...the only one who has yet to win a week. Walter moved past Anjin-san alone in second place, while jb126 maintains her lead. And everybody is above 100 wins for the season. Week 13 Results in_the_evening: 12-4* Strider: 12-4* zepscoda: 12-4* jabe: 11-5 LedZeppfan77: 11-5 ebk: 10-6 jb126: 10-6 mack: 10-6 apantherfrommd: 9-7 paul carruthers: 9-7 Walter: 9-7 Anjin-san: 8-8 Bong-Man: 7-9 * = Winner of the week Season Standings After 192 Games 1. jb126: 131-60-1*** 2. Walter: 126-65-1**** 3. Anjin-san: 125-66-1***** 4. apantherfrommd: 122-69-1*** 5. in_the_evening: 121-70-1** 5. Strider: 121-70-1* 6. paul carruthers: 118-73-1* 7. Bong-Man: 116-75-1* 8. ebk: 115-76-1** 8. mack: 115-74-1 9. jabe: 114-77-1* 9. LedZeppfan77: 114-77-1** 10. zepscoda: 106-84-1* * = Weekly wins
  23. Well, are you talking about the photos used as backdrops or the inspiration for the black obelisk? Obviously, the black monolith in Kubrick's "2001: A Space Odyssey" was a main inspiration for the Presence artwork.
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