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Everything posted by Strider

  1. The Lakers season just gets more gruesome. Steve Nash. Julius Randle. Now add Xavier Henry to the list of Lakers lost for the season. Ruptured Achilles tendon. It won't be long before Kobe gets hurt again...just wait and see. Pitiful times for this long-time Laker fan.
  2. With all four teams at 7-3-1 or 7-4, the AFC North might be the toughest division in football (NFL). With all four teams 4-7 or worse, the NFC South is the most incompetent division. Atlanta's only wins are against teams from their own division. Whenever they play a team from another division, they lose. The Saints' Drew Brees is showing his age. Every week he kills the Saints with a crucial pick-six interception. The New York Jets...where Quarterbacks go to die.
  3. Glad to be of service, Chicago. Many people are unaware that Scott is still going strong, putting out new music, and he just dropped a doozy of an album recently that is vastly different from his 60s output. "Soused" is his latest album, a collaboration with the "heavier-than-heavy" band Sunn O))). Intense is putting it mildly.
  4. ^^^ Sorry, I have such a distaste for that Winston jerk I cannot stomach FSU at all. But then, I don't care for any of the Florida schools. Both Notre Dame and USC (to their other big rival...UCLA ) lost this past weekend and enter this Saturday's annual rivalry game on a decided down-note. Both teams will be unranked and the buzz is definitely less than when the season started for both these teams.
  5. ^^^ Happy belated birthday to you. Warm and happy birthday wishes to some people I used to have fun chatting with but haven't been around in a long time...Kimbersays and Lëah! Hope life is good for you and you have a fun birthday today. Cheers to you both!
  6. Ditto. I also had the audio of the 2003 Led Zeppelin DVD transferred to cd so I could listen to the RAH, MSG, Earls Court and Knebworth stuff.
  7. Ha, even if I wanted to forget, you wouldn't let me. Two upset specials in a row...looking forward to your next one.
  8. ^^^ Buffalo, Columbus, and Edmonton all tied for last place at the moment.
  9. I suppose luck does play a part in it...the ability of my body to feel comfortable in any environment and most importantly, my ability to shut my mind off at the end of the day no matter what distractions and problems were occupying it previously. Once my head hits the pillow, I can turn my brain off in an instant. I feel for those of you who can't sleep. Nothing feels better than waking up after a good, refreshing slumber. Your body, your mind, needs sleep to function at tip-top efficiency.
  10. Yes it is fake. Yes the price is too high. Typical ebay nonsense.
  11. A very happy birthday wish to FireOpal! May you enjoy a fabulous day with friends and family. Cheers to you, M!
  12. Yep...me and Abe Vigoda, What surprises are in store for us this week? Thursday Nov. 20 Kansas City...and it's the wrong one boyo. Raiders blew their chance at history. Sunday Nov. 23 Atlanta Philadelphia New England Green Bay Indianapolis Houston...it really doesn't matter who I pick in this game...whichever team I pick, the opposite will happen. Buffalo...more weirdness. I'm giving Buffalo another shot...only because the Jets truly stink. Chicago Seattle...Seattle's season is on the line...the next two games are must-wins. San Diego...I came close to picking the Rams against Denver last week but didn't have the guts to pull the trigger like Rick did. Still not sold on them out of their dome. Denver...I don't think Miami can exploit Denver's defense like the Rams did. San Francisco Dallas...this pick scares me, but like the Jets, the Giants are stinking up New York/New Jersey. Monday Nov. 24 New Orleans...come on Saints, win one for Bret!
  13. ^^^ Damn Kings lose another close one. Yep. That explains it. I didn't know you were a Leafs fan.
  14. Did the problems with your sister regarding the location of your mum's party get resolved SozoZoso? I'll never forget seeing Paula Poundstone shopping at Albertsons. By the graciousness of CP, I am going to Peter Hook's Joy Division/New Order concert tonight at the Fonda. May all your darling buds bear sweet fragrant smoke.
  15. I'm not gonna make any friends when I say this but I have never had any problem sleeping. I can sleep anywhere, anytime. Whether it's only for a few hours after a late-night partying or sleeping in for 10 solid hours on my day off. I can nap on the commute to or from work or grab a chair on my break and nod off for a quick 30 minutes. I can sleep on a hard bed or a soft bed. A couch or a chair. A sleeping bag in the wilderness or in the back of a pick-up truck. On a plane, train, or boat. I've even slept curled around the gun turret on a tank. I can sleep thru loud parties, snorers, even earthquakes. I have never needed to take a valium or any sleeping pills of any sort. The act of sleeping has never been a problem for me. It's finding the time to sleep between work and play that is sometimes difficult. It is rare that I get to bed before midnight. But once I do go to bed, it's lights out no problem.
  16. Black Friday is next week not this Friday. November 28.
  17. Long day of work finally over. Waiting for my chicken vindaloo to arrive. Boy, am I thirsty!
  18. ^^^ Missed the game as well as missing the pick haha. Actually KB, I was kind of hoping for 0-16 season for the Raiders. Something historically bad that would force a total overhaul. I'm not sold on Reggie McKenzie as GM and definitely not sold on Tony Soprano as head coach.
  19. You know, in all the hubbub it completely slipped my mind to look for Ross Halfin! D'oh! Anybody else go to the Los Angeles Barnes & Noble event? You're certainly welcome to post your pictures and words about your visit with Jimmy. Thanks for all the kind words, folks. Glad you liked it.
  20. Just a reminder Jimmy Page is on Ellen Degeneres Show today. Don't know what channel or time it's on in your area. In LA it's on NBC at 3pm I think. Weird pairing Jimmy with One Direction. Wonder who will be first.
  21. That's a heavy burden you're carrying around, young lady. I can only hope you have a good friend around to lean on and give you an outlet to vent your frustrations. I imagine archery serves as another release for you when times are tough. You're in Ireland, right? Sounds like the employment situation over there is pretty grim. Like CP, I'm sending positive sunny vibes from California your way, SozoZoso.
  22. No. I had enough on my mind and didn't feel like butting into the middle of her conversation with her friends.
  23. Care to explain? I'm in the dark. Damn, Rick...that is some blizzard you got in Buffalo! Nobody could get to the Sabres-Sharks game. Hardly any fans in the stands and the guy who was supposed to sing the anthems couldn't make it, haha. Then the Sabres end up beating the Sharks handily...don't they know they are supposed to lose? And that poor girls' basketball team stuck in the Buffalo blizzard... http://www.dailyrecord.com/story/sports/college/2014/11/18/niagara-bus-trapped-snowstorm/19238301/
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