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Everything posted by Strider

  1. Are you referring to when I said the Tampa Bay vs. Cleveland game was the Toilet Bowl game of the week? Yeah, like you would have paid good money to attend that game in person. I would hardly say that I have been "bashing" them...I hardly even pay them any notice. So Cleveland wins a game against the typically inconsistent Marvin Lewis-coached Bungholes...big whoop. You are going to start calling the Browns Super Bowl contenders? Bwahahaha. And I've been saying the Raiders suck all season long.
  2. Is Rioja the only red you drink, CP? Do you ever branch out with, say, a Burgundy, Zinfindel, Syrah, Malbec, or a Chianti? The stuff of CJW's nightmares.
  3. There was a game last night? Nyah...I'm not buying the Browns just because they beat the Bungholes. I'm glad there wasn't Thursday night football when I was a kid...it would have interfered with my "Bewitched" time. Elizabeth Montgomery...sigh.
  4. Dude, it already aired last night, so it's too late to tape, but you can see it on the Late Show website or YouTube.
  5. I haven't listened to my "Houses of the Holy" box yet...November is set aside for IV and then I'll break out HotH. But I have looked at the contents, and as on all the other download cards it says you get up to three downloads before the card is no good.
  6. I'm guessing you don't go to many of these types of events, for they rarely involve a performance. So I would be very surprised if they did play. And if you've followed the events in New York, you can see that the chances Jimmy will sign something in L.A. are very slim indeed.
  7. Just finished watching it. Much better than the Tonight Show appearance. Jimmy looked and sounded great...relaxed and in good humour. I never noticed before how much he touches his nose. Reflexive habit? The first segment was brutally short and then the commercial break seemed to last forever. The second segment was thankfully longer and that's when they went thru some photos from the book and mentioned the IV and HotH reissues. Paul Schaeffer and the band played "Rock and Roll" for Jimmy's entrance. For those interested, the photos Dave and Jimmy ran thru were: 1. Jimmy at 14 with his skiffle bandmates. B & W. 2. Jimmy around late-69/early-70 wearing that RAH sweater vest and tight jeans in the living room of his house...Gold Album Award visible on the wall. B & W. 3. Iconic Boston Tea Party 1969 shot from behind Bonham with Jimmy wearing that strange white net shirt and turned around looking at Bonzo. B & W. 4. Jimmy and the doubleneck at Earls Court 1975. Colour. 5. Jimmy with sunglasses and white poppy suit and scarf sitting backstage at either Cleveland or Cincinnati in 1977. B & W. No mention of the Y or Barnes and Noble appearances. Next up is his Nov. 11 Ellen Degeneres show appearance.
  8. Strider


    Losing Bon Scott was bad enough. Then when Malcom Young had to leave, AC/DC pretty much became a dead issue. This Phil Rudd business is just another nail in the coffin.
  9. Careful, your hatred for New England is showing. You really think the Patriots have just done it with smoke-and-mirrors? You don't own the AFC East as long as they have without substance, Rick. Buffalo could learn a thing or two from the Brady Bunch.
  10. Butternut squash soup with gingered pearl onions. Sautéed peppers, onions, mushrooms, tomatoes, spinach, basil, and garlic over a bed of whole wheat penne pasta. Bottle of 2010 Castello di Monsanto Chianti Classico. Well...half a bottle.
  11. And what is a Miami Seahawk? Given the 1946 date that must have been one of those crazy AAF teams. Way before Paul's time, haha.
  12. Bungholes. Walter who is JBT? James Brown Tribute?
  13. Tomorrow is Joni Mitchell's birthday and the Hammer Museum is having an early birthday bash for her tonight. Joni will be there and the event is being streamed live so you can watch it if you can't be there. http://hammer.ucla.edu/programs-events/2014/11/watch-live-love-has-many-faces-an-evening-with-joni-mitchell/
  14. ^^^ Wait a minute...I thought people who attended the Y event also got the book? On the LA event page it says your ticket price includes a stamped book and event poster.
  15. I'm glad everything went well and you all had fun. Did you meet up with rosiet, too, Deb? But I have some questions so I know what to expect for the L.A. show. If anyone can kindly answer I would be grateful. 1. Did you receive your book/poster/gift bag as you entered the theatre or after the Q & A? 2. Were audience members allowed to ask questions during the discussion or only Jeff Koons? If audience was allowed, were they pre-selected or was it whomever raised their hand? 3. Were you allowed any time with Jimmy as he handstamped the books...either to shake his hand or say a brief hello as you filed by? 4. I'm assuming he wasn't signing any photos or records but were they allowing people to give him cards and/or gifts?
  16. Here's a question: Which team wins a game first...the Lakers or the Raiders?
  17. ^^^ What about Reggie Bush? Is he still injured or will he play for Detroit and maybe show the Dolphins what they're missing?
  18. Ummm, the dress or the lady? Stay classy, Tokyo!
  19. Wow. Wow. Triple WOW! Man, the trailer doesn't even come close to preparing you for the trip that is "Interstellar".
  20. You would have hated the '70s...camping out for Zeppelin tickets would not have been your cup of tea.
  21. ^^^ Yeah, the El Capitan Theatre shows "Nightmare Before Christmas" every year the week of Halloween and this year they advertised some special 4D edition of the movie. I've got tons of films to recommend, many from the recent German and Spanish film festivals, and there are plenty of new and upcoming films I need to see. But tonight is all about seeing the new Christopher Nolan movie "Interstellar" in 70mm IMAX at midnight!
  22. You've gotta be taking the piss. I'll tell you what...I want to be Jimmy Page, maybe we can work a three-way swap? Papaya salad and green tea.
  23. It's finally feeling like autumn around here. Might have to bust out my sweaters and scarves.
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