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Everything posted by Strider

  1. jb126, Bong-Man, apantherfrommd, and Walter...you're all in and good to go!
  2. That should tell you two things... 1. My memory ain't what it used to be. 2. I don't listen to the Led Zeppelin II companion disc much. In fact, I listen to Led Zeppelin and Led Zeppelin III far more than I do Led Zeppelin II. I think I've listened to my Led Zeppelin II reissue three or four times at the most...and the companion disc only twice.
  3. Man, I hope you are wrong! I don't know about you all, but I am expecting nothing less than a Mount Everest size box for Physical Graffiti! Four slabs of vinyl (2 each for the original album and the companion tracks) and at least 3 CDs total to cover the album and companion tracks. My "Tangible Vandalism" is a double-album, so I would think there's enough in the vault to fill two albums of bonus tracks. So far in this reissue campaign, each companion disc has featured an alternate mix/take/version of almost each song on the studio album. With the exception of the first album...and "Living Loving Maid", "Tangerine", and "D'yer M'ker". Also, the Physical Graffiti reissue will be a stand-alone release...it won't be sharing space and attention with another Led Zeppelin album. And from a consumer perspective, it'll be okay if they have to charge $200 to cover the cost of the extra vinyl as there won't be another Zeppelin box to worry about for a while. "Physical Graffiti" was the motherlode. It was Led Zeppelin's mightiest and heaviest album. It hit like the Hammer of Thor. The Super Deluxe Box edition should be so heavy it breaks the delivery man's back!
  4. I wouldn't exactly take these picks to the bank, hehe... Thursday Oct. 30 New Orleans Sunday Nov. 2 Dallas...if Dallas REMEMBERS to run the damn ball!!!! Cincinnati Kansas City Houston Miami Cleveland...They should PAY the fans to show up at this turkey! Minnesota...Thanks Colt McCoy for beating our arch-nemesis Cowboys...now hit the pine! San Francisco New England Seattle...Oh the humanity! Pittsburgh Monday Nov. 3 Indianapolis
  5. Happy Birthday Walter! ROCK AND ROLL!!! May you have a blessed day with the family and receive some COOL gifts. Many happy returns of the day, my friend. Cheers.
  6. It's not from today. This was already posted here yesterday...go back to page one. What do you think everyone on this thread has been bitching about for the past day? Haha.
  7. Separated at birth? Deborah J... ...and Riff Randell (PJ Soles)!!!
  8. Strider


    Ebola...Ebonics...EBT...is there a pattern here?
  9. The Super Deluxe boxes come with a hardbound book, but there are no booklets in the CDs as there are in the Deluxe Double CD packages. I have not bought any of the single CD remasters so can't vouch for what is inside those.
  10. David Fricke has been at this a long time, so it's no surprise to me that he turned in a good interview with Jimmy. Fricke has probably been the best and most consistent music writer at Rolling Stone since Cameron Crowe.
  11. They have apparently realized what dipshits they were because the interview is gone...at least I couldn't play it on my computer or my phone. Maybe I don't have the right browser or something. Frankly, given everyone's description of how terrible the interview was, I am kind of relieved not to have to suffer through some low-rent Florida shockjocks attempt at being clever.
  12. I am still on the fence about this...if there was an actual signing, perhaps I would be more inclined. With so much recent expenditures on my vacation, concerts, the Zeppelin, Queen, Stones and other deluxe box sets that have been released, not to mention the holidays coming up, a stamped Jimmy book has slid down the totem pole of priorities. Things may change as November 12 draws nearer.
  13. So when are Deb, rosiet, Super Dave, aen27 and everyone else meeting up in NYC? Are you guys flying in the night before or making an entire weekend of it by coming in on Friday/Saturday? Keep us posted...and make sure you all get a group photo in front of the Physical Graffiti building on St. Marks St!
  14. Wow! Congratulations to the San Francisco Giants! They took on the historical odds against them and rode the masterful arm of Madison Bumgarner to the Promised Land. That had to be the easiest vote for MVP in recent World Series history. I am sure many people were wondering what Giant manager Bruce Bochy would do come the 9th inning: Leave Bumgarner out there or bring in the closer? But there wasn't a soul stirring in the Giants bullpen...it was clear Bochy was leaving it up to Bumgarner. This makes 3 World Series championships in 5 years for the Giants...further cementing their status as BEST TEAM in the National League so far in the 21st Century. Bruce Bochy is a First Ballot Hall of Famer, no doubt in my mind. And there aren't enough superlatives for what Madison Bumgarner did this postseason. Clayton Kershaw, take notes kid on how to really be a clutch pitcher. I wish my Angels could figure out what is keeping them from reaching the Giants level of play...what keeps them from breaking thru in the postseason. I'm sure Baltimore fans would like to know the same thing. To redrum, chef free, and the chase (and any other Giants fans on the Forum I don't know about), bust open a bottle of bubbly and celebrate your team's victory! You've earned the right to crow long and loud about your team! All 29 other teams in MLB bow down to your Giants. We're not worthy. Hail to the new champions of baseball!
  15. ^^^ I heard that stat, too. Another log in the fire in Kansas City's favour, in my opinion. That's why I was saying history was on Kansas City's side not San Francisco's. Not that the Giants can't win...but their bullpen better be ready. How effective can Bumgarner really be on two days rest?
  16. Now that the remastered "Houses of the Holy" has been released, here is where you can post your feelings, good or bad, about the reissue. This goes for whether you only got the remastered original album, or if you got the Deluxe Vinyl package or if you went whole hog and got the Super Deluxe Editions. Or even if you just got the HD downloads. Whatever format you got this remastered "Houses of the Holy", give us your review. How does it sound to you as compared to the original vinyl or the old cds? Do you like the packaging? Were there any flaws or screw-ups in your opinion? What sounds better? What sounds worse?
  17. Sam Webmaster, I made a typo in the thread title and unfortunately this forum doesn't allow you to edit your topic title once you have posted it. Can you please change that ? after the word 'Reactions' to a / ? Thank you.
  18. You all should know the drill by now...now that the remastered fourth album ('IV', 'Zoso', 'Untitled'...whatever your preference is) has been released, here is where you can post your feelings, good or bad, about the reissue. This goes for whether you only got the original remastered album, or if you got the Deluxe Vinyl package or if you went whole hog and got the Super Deluxe Editions. Or even if you just got the HD downloads. Whatever format you got this remastered IV, give us your review. How does it sound to you as compared to the original vinyl or the old cds? Do you like the packaging? Were there any flaws or screw-ups in your opinion? What sounds better? What sounds worse?
  19. Yeah, who is that guy in your avatar pic, Paul? He's scaring me, haha. Ho hum, the LOL lose their home opener to the Rockets. Nothing to see here...move along folks. Just another sorry chapter in the Jim Buss-era Lakers story. Last year was historically bad...this season could be even worse. Vomit, bagoverhead, every embarrassing emoticon you can think of...
  20. Actually, I think it is the Royals who have history on their side...the home team has won the last 9 Game 7s. But I agree with your other points. That's why tivo or dvr is so great, you can fast-forward thru all the flotsam and jetsam.
  21. Welcome back Lady Helena! You look lovely as ever.
  22. It wouldn't necessarily be up to Jimmy. Think of all the records in the 1970s with "Pecko Duck" cut into the run-off groove. As one of the highly-sought record cutting engineers in England, George "Porky" Peckham was the man who cut the master discs from which a vinyl record is pressed. If you saw "pecko" or "pecko duck" or "porky" in the run-off groove, it was a record pressed from a George Peckham master. That's why I think this is a signature from whoever cut the master disc from which these albums have been pressed...sort of like leaving a calling card. It could be the John Davis that worked on the mastering or it could be a guy at the record plant who also just happens to have the name John D.
  23. Damn, I'm going to have to check my others then, as for some reason I didn't notice the John D until now.
  24. ^^^ Looks like he has a Satanic Mass to oversee soon.
  25. Happy Bayou Birthday to justawoman! Who is more than just a woman. Hope the day is rocking your socks off! If your friends were on the ball, they got you the IV and Houses of the Holy Super Deluxe Boxes, hehe. Many happy returns of the day. Cheers!
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