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Everything posted by Strider

  1. Actually there have been several complete games pitched in the World Series since 1962...and the most recent complete-game shutout was pitched by Josh Beckett of the Marlins against the Yankees in the 2003 World Series. But yeah, another great performance by Bumgarner...he's obviously the first choice for WS MVP if the Giants win this thing.
  2. He shoots...he scores! Well done moneythumb! Green with envy.
  3. I believe Jimmy has already acknowledged this in various past interviews about the recording of Houses of the Holy. He definitely sped up Robert's vocals. Overall, Jimmy has stated he wanted Houses of the Holy to have a brighter sound than the typical Headley Grange sound the IV album had. He wanted it to sound like a 'summer record'...it was meant for a summer of 1972 release but the cover art problems delayed the release until spring of 1973.
  4. American Cinematheque's 9th Annual Dusk-to-Dawn Horrorthon! http://www.americancinemathequecalendar.com/content/9th-annual-dusk-to-dawn-horrorthon Can't believe it's been a year already. #9...and the 8th year of taking the godson along. He was 12 when I first started taking him and it has become our yearly Halloween ritual.
  5. We seem a bit short so someone's picks are missing...bumping this up to remind whoever's picks are missing.
  6. Now this post is in the right place, hehe. Don't know how I confused the Un-happy thread with this one. Building a cairn at the beach. Getting my paycheck. Getting AFI Fest tickets. Getting free Bob Dylan tickets. Getting to catch up with Ronnie of The Muffs and Inger of the Nymphs. Getting this new Led Zeppelin book today.
  7. You never forget your "first time". You have so many fresh discoveries in front of you. Enjoy the journey. It is always good to get new blood on board. Welcome!
  8. These people are certainly ready for Halloween. Wonder what kind of Kitty Kandy they'll be handing out?
  9. Screwing up my "Happy" post...oooops.
  10. Birthday wishes to the redhairedqueen! Hope you had a heckuva celebration day!
  11. Man, I wanted to go to the Los Angeles date on the Sabres 2014-15 Tanking Tour, but I had a work schedule conflict. With Jonathan Quick's blanking of Buffalo, he adds another chapter to his place in Los Angeles Kings lore, passing Rogie Vachon for the most shutouts in club history. http://www.thehockeynews.com/blog/jonathan-quick-is-the-best-goalie-in-los-angeles-kings-history-officially/
  12. Wait, so you agree his comment that the Giants are too cocky? I'm surprised. I have never felt that these Giants came across as arrogant or cocky. Compared to some other teams, they seem downright quaint and down-to-earth, especially now that Brian Wilson is with the Dodgers. I sure hope Lincecum is alright. Jeez, first he vomits and misses the Game 1 starting lineups and then he injures his back pitching in Game 2. I hope we get to see more of him in this series.
  13. Dude, relax. Those rumours were created by ESPN doing a series of hypothetical trade stories...Brady to Houston, Marshawn Lynch to Seattle...as a matter of pure conjecture. Those stories had no basis in fact or even innuendo. This is one of the problems of ESPN lately. Instead of being a responsible broadcaster and just reporting the sporting news, too often they break journalistic ethics and become the news story themselves. It is sheer publicity over news value. Your man Brady is safe with New England. He ain't going to Houston. Speaking of quarterbacks, I know some of you whippersnappers are too young to remember, but it is hard to believe there actually was much debate over whether Indianapolis should draft Ryan Leaf or Peyton Manning in the 1998 draft. Worked out pretty well for the Colts, don't you think? Where oh where is that shithead Leaf now? http://ftw.usatoday.com/2014/01/how-ryan-leaf-convinced-the-colts-to-draft-peyton-manning
  14. THE Photo of the Day!!! Bonus points for the Reel-to-Reel and the Bobby helmet! Hats off to The Dark Lord...a man who truly knows how to listen to music in style. Waaaay UP!
  15. I should probably take Chuck's advice, but your continued condescension towards the other members who were generous enough with their time to participate in your thread is really irksome. So let's see if I have this right... First, you post a topic with a title that right off the bat accuses us of allowing "stealing" to go on! Stealing, oh my..."whatever does she mean?" I wondered as I first saw the thread title. People stealing cars? People stealing food? People stealing credit card information? What atrocity were us Forum members tacitly tolerating? Then I read your post and it turned out, horrors of horrors, your knickers were in a twist because of some YouTube posts in the What Are You Listening To? thread. Your thread title is a question, which suggests you wanted answers from us forum members. However, when the other members answers didn't agree with your definition of "stealing" and the use of YouTube clips, you then called us "defensive" and said we needed reading glasses. This from someone who almost routinely misreads and/or misinterprets other people's posts. Ha! Talk about the pot calling the kettle black. If this is an inkling of what your therapy sessions are like, I feel sorry for your patients. As has been pointed out repeatedly to you, to equate a YouTube video of an album with the real thing is ridiculous. A YouTube clip, besides having inferior audio quality to the actual album, also doesn't include the artwork and the liner notes and photos and other fun ephemera you get with an actual album. Anyone who would accept YouTube as a substitute for owning the real album itself probably isn't much of a music fan to begin with, and not part of the record-buying public. So a band would not be losing sales because of people like this because they would never buy their album anyway. Also, in defense of the forum members here, I am willing to bet that any member who has posted a YouTube video of a complete album already owns said album in cd, vinyl or iTunes form of some kind...what they are doing is merely the internet version of making a cassette copy of an album you've bought to share with a friend. Oh, but that's another of your arrogant little boasts to us...YOU "never taped any albums in the 70s". How morally superior you are to us heathens.
  16. So with the 2-3-2 format, the next three games are in San Francisco. How do you all feel about that? Statistically speaking, I believe it is rare that the home team sweeps those middle three games, whether you're talking about baseball or basketball. In fact, that's one reason the NBA went back to the 2-2-1-1-1 format in 7 gane series. I am surprised baseball hasn't done the same. I never liked the 2-3-2 format.
  17. Now we have a series. It'll be National League rules in San Francisco...none of that designated hitter nonsense. But, since everyone is raving about how the Royals are like an old-school baseball team that can play small-ball, this shouldn't affect them too much. Hopefully San Francisco's weather cooperates and we don't have any freak rain delays...or earthquakes!
  18. ScarletMacaw, on 22 Oct 2014 - 09:06, said: "I can tell that you have never produced any original, copyrighted material for sale. If you were an author, artist or composer, you would feel very differently." So, among your many other talents you're also a mind-reader? I should just save time then and let you write my posts for me. "Unfortunately there are many people who are not discriminating and who only listen to music for free, because they can. You are not typical." So the dedicated music lovers should be punished for the sins of the masses? This is a music forum dedicated to Led Zeppelin, where other music geeks can gather and share their love of not only Led Zeppelin but other forms of music. Most of us buy our records or buy the iTunes downloads and are not thieves. It's nice to have a thread where if you're stuck at work on the computer, you can click on a YouTube clip that someone has posted and have some cool jams to listen to while working. Why deprive us of that joy just because you feel not enough people who listen to YouTube will buy the album?? As you can see from what others have posted, YouTube clips have helped plenty of people make a decision to buy an album...an album that otherwise would not have been sold. "You've made so many bigoted remarks on this forum, I'm not surprised by your sexism." Where to begin with this broadside attack? Frankly, since when is schoolmarm a sexist term? I have used it towards men and women alike. It's a good word that comes in handy when people display priggish behaviour. As for my "many bigoted remarks"...please direct me to these so-called remarks. It's true that I am bigot when it comes to stupidity and politically correct gobbledy-gook. I don't care for people who parrot dogma, whether it is left or right. But if by "bigot" you are accusing me of being a racist or sexist, then you've lost me. Am I a bigot because I had the temerity to suggest that ISIL/ISIS didn't have other Muslims' best interests at heart, let alone the rest of the people who have to inhabit this planet? Am I a bigot because I don't swallow some of the propaganda you post? You act like you're the only one who has been to the Middle East and therefore the only one who knows the "truth". "What a joke. Prince made a major movie in the 1980s, which I am sure is widely available, via Netflix etc. He's hardly an unknown artist struggling for recognition!" Oh please...Prince's profile is hardly what it was in the "Purple Rain" days. Not that it matters anyway as pertaining to this discussion...YouTube shouldn't only be for unknown artists struggling for recognition. Yes, Prince is a major artist, but you'd be surprised how few people have any clue about his music post-"Diamonds and Pearls", which came out way back in 1991. I have even come across a sizable segment of people who self-identify as Prince fans who have lost touch with what he's been up to lately, and much of that is due to his making it hard for people to discover his music on the internet. Radio certainly doesn't play Prince as much as they once did in the past. Thanks to a lack of clips available on YouTube, people also have no idea how amazing Prince still is in concert. One of the things that helped Daft Punk explode was their incredible gig at Coachella. As word spread and people were able to see it on YouTube the legend grew. Prince had a similarly epic performance at Coachella. Only he didn't allow any of it to appear on YouTube and there was no buzz that built off that performance. I still have to work hard to convince people to take a chance on seeing Prince in concert because they have all these preconceived notions about him and his music. One YouTube concert clip would help so much in wiping away these false notions people have. As for his movies, I don't watch movies on YouTube or any other online service. "Amazon allows you to sample songs before you buy them. Isn't that also why bands make official music videos." Hahaha, thanks for the laugh. To quote yourself, "What a joke." Since when does a 10 or 30 second sample give you an idea of what a song is like? Can you reduce a song of many shifts and moods such as "Ten Years Gone" or "In the Light" to a short snippet? I have tried to listen to some unknown bands thru Amazon's samples and it is frustrating...if a song has a slow beginning, then the sample ends before you even hear a lyric. As for bands making videos...um, just where are these videos being shown? MTV and VH1 don't show any music videos as far as I can tell. In fact, the only way I have seen most of my favourite bands videos has been thru Vevo or YouTube. Otherwise I would never have known these videos even existed. Goldfrapp, Tame Impala, Sigur Ros, Bjork, PJ Harvey, Broadcast, Melody's Echo Chamber, Keren Ann, Flaming Lips, Wilco, Black Angels, Flying Lotus, Black Keys, White Stripes, Beck, Sia, Uncle Acid & the deadbeats...every day I discover an unknown video thanks to YouTube. I'll give you another example of a band that can't fit in Amazon's sample pigeonhole...Sleep. Sleep's "Dopesmoker" album is one continuous slab of music...it is one track that is just over an hour long. You can't play a 30 second sample and expect that to be enough to convince people to buy the album. You'll never hear the album played on radio, either, due to its lack of radio-sized "songs". Other than lending your buddy your own "Dopesmoker" album or making a cassette or cd copy to pass along, YouTube is the most convenient and best way to let other people know about this record in a fair way that gives them enough opportunity to explore what the music is like. "Just an assumption without evidence on your part." Errr no...it is an assumption on your part. When someone tells me "thanks for sending me that YouTube clip...it sounded so good I went and got their album" that goes down in my book as evidence. Anecdotal evidence it may be, but it is still a real fact...something that happened due to cause-and-effect. When that person then shares it with their friends and so on and so on, even if only 10% of those people buy the album, that is still nothing to sneeze at. "There are many ways to become known besides FM radio, including Pandora, Spotify, and, of course, concerts! Who is living in the Stone Age? LOL." Yada yada yada...I wasn't saying YouTube was the only way to become known. I was reacting to your screed that people who use YouTube are stealing. If you're laughing because I would rather play my own albums and create my own playlist than listen to some drone programming Pandora or Spotify, fine...have at it. But it has zero to do with the fact that YouTube is a benefit to bands, not a hindrance.
  19. Picks in colour caps... Week 8 Schedule Thursday Oct. 23 San Diego @ DENVER Sunday Oct. 26 DETROIT @ Atlanta Falcons...Two teams that flounder on the road play a game thousands of miles from home many time zones away...who will suck harder, Matty Ice or Matthew Stafford? My hunch is that Matty Ice will and Detroit will eke out a "road" victory for a change. BALTIMORE @ Cincinnati Buffalo @ NEW YORK JETS...somehow I feel Percy Harvin might give the Jets a boost before his attitude destroys the locker room. Chicago @ NEW ENGLAND Houston @ TENNESSEE MIAMI @ Jacksonville Minnesota @ TAMPA BAY SEATTLE @ Carolina...Always dangerous picking Seattle on a cross-country road trip but I find it hard to believe this team could lose three in a row. St. Louis @ KANSAS CITY PHILADELPHIA @ Arizona...Arizona and Carson Palmer are due to stumble some time. INDIANAPOLIS @ Pittsburgh...What in the dickens is going on in Pittsburgh? Could there be a coaching change at the end of this season? Oakland @ CLEVELAND...Might we see Johnny Football at last? Green Bay @ NEW ORLEANS...Still loyal to pottedplant's team, especially at home...but there is something off with Brees and company; that Detroit game was theirs and they shot themselves in the foot. Monday Oct. 27 Washington @ DALLAS...Throw out the records when division rivals play...but Dallas' offensive line and Murray should mash the Taters.
  20. "The first thing we do, let's kill all the lawyers." ~ Shakespeare Henry VI Are you for real? Lighten up ferchrissakes. I can't exactly share the exact vinyl album I am listening to at any particular time via the forum in real time...maybe if I had Skype, which I don't. Posting a YouTube video is the closest facsimile one can get. But the sound of a YouTube clip is still inferior to the real album, so only someone who didn't care about music wouldn't bother getting the actual album of something he/she liked. Aside from some assorted live clips, there isn't a YouTube song or album clip I've posted where I don't own the corresponding actual album. So take your schoolmarm scolding somewhere else. I love Prince's music but he's an idiot regarding his stance on YouTube. Who knows how many album sales he's lost because it's impossible to share with friends any clips of his stuff. Most people won't take a chance on new music unless they can sample it first to see if it is to their liking. I have introduced people to countless bands thru the use of YouTube clips and that leads to those bands selling more albums and concert tickets thru an ever expanding fan-base. If you are stuck in the Stone Age and are just relying on radio to get your music out to the people, you're going to go the way of the dinosaurs and the Dodo bird.
  21. The head won out over the heart in Gane One. The Giants do what they always seem to do in the Bruce Bochy era...win in October. Bumgarner was brilliant again and Shields wasn't. Stat Kansas City fans won't like: Game 1 winners have won 10 of the last 11 Fall Classics. Peavy isn't Bumgarner by any means, so the Royals still have a shot to get back in it. They certainly can't afford to go to San Francisco down 0-2. redrum, are you going to any of the games in San Francisco?
  22. That is one cool pic! I like Joe Buck...but I hate Fox Robot Sports coverage. Wished the World Series was on another channel...and I don't mean ESPN.
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