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Everything posted by Strider

  1. There is more than one "Stairway to Heaven" out there, Blackheart. Led Zeppelin's was far from the first, so it might have been Neil Sedaka's "Stairway to Heaven" you were remembering: Or, it might have been the O'Jays' song:
  2. Just to add to my earlier answer...one reason I can't put 6.21.77 as "Best crowd" is because of the assholes that ruin it with their impatience during "No Quarter" and the acoustic set. Yeah, the crowd is amped at the beginning and I like the guy who screams for "Heartbreaker" and has his wish rewarded. But the guy who screams "Music NOW!" or "play some rock and roll!" during the softer parts of the show I find annoying and disrespectful. It is exactly what the band complained about playing acoustic sets in places like Detroit or Cleveland. I am glad I didn't have to hear those jerks where I was sitting. Or the people droning on about the Vietnam war or some such shit on the 6.23.77 bootleg. I mean, WTF!?!
  3. Thursday morning. September 25, 1980. Friend: "Hey man, did you hear about Led Zeppelin? Someone died..." Me: "What!?! Died...who died?!?" Friend: "I think it was their drummer, dude." Me: "No way! John Bonham is dead? Are you fucking with me...where did you hear this bullshit?" Friend: "I heard it from a guy at 7-11 who heard it on the radio." Another dude joins in the conversation: "It's true man...it's on the radio. KLOS was talking about it just now. Weren't they gonna tour here soon?" Me: "Yeah...and I was gonna take my little brothers to see them. If this is really true...if Bonzo's dead and not just sick or injured...man, I feel sick myself right now. I've gotta go find a radio and confirm this isn't just some crazy rumour. See ya' later." Alas, it wasn't a crazy rumour. It was true. The Mighty John Henry Bonham of the Mighty Led Zeppelin had fallen. Three things stick out from that ensuing weekend: 1. Absolutely being glued to the radio non-stop...particularly the station 94.7 KMET-FM with Mary "The Burner" Turner doing the 6pm to 10pm shift and then Jim Ladd taking over from 10pm to 2am. It was wall-to-wall Zeppelin with music, soundbites, interview clips, reactions and news updates. I regret not having had the foresight to put a tape in and record the station that weekend. 2. The absolutely jam-packed midnight screenings of "The Song Remains the Same" at the UA Cinemas at Tyler Mall in Riverside the Friday and Saturday after Bonham's death. The UA at Tyler Mall had been running "The Song Remains the Same" at midnight on Fridays and Saturdays for years...along with other midnight cult movies such as "Rocky Horror Picture Show", "Wizards", "Eraserhead", "Texas Chainsaw Massacre", "Gimmie Shelter", "El Topo", "The Jimi Hendrix Movie", etc. It always drew a good crowd, as they had special Altec Lansing and JPL speakers wired in the theatre for extra loudness. But the shows after Bonham's passing were super crazy. Lines around the theatre...fortunately, I had a feeling these shows would sell out quickly, so I made sure to get there earlier than usual and had a friend drop me off after leaving a party. People had started drinking early, too, so that by the time they actually let us in the theatre, the crowd was extra rowdy and raucous. "Moby Dick" got the loudest and longest ovation I have ever heard at a "Song Remains the Same" screening. 3. The pressure-release tonic that the Monty Python concert at the Hollywood Bowl provided that following Sunday. I was so down about Bonzo's passing, I had given thought to not going to the concert and selling or giving away my ticket. But, as someone once said..."laughter is the best medicine". I needed a good laugh and the Python delivered on all counts that evening. I am and will always be one of those stick-in-the-muds who refuses to consider anything without John Bonham to be truly Led Zeppelin. It can be a tribute...a facsimile...even good. But a Led Zeppelin without Bonham is not the mystical, magickal, dynamic juggernaut that Led Zeppelin was in their original existence. Here's to ya' John Henry Bonham. Here's to his surviving family.
  4. Kind of defeats the purpose of "Nebraska". The whole point of "Nebraska" was for it to sound lo-fi, like it was recorded in a hotel room on a portable tape recorder. That's what made that album so great...its stark bare-bones sonic approach. Okay, to the scoreboard...we now have Bruce Springsteen to add to the list of major bands reissuing deluxe remasters or archives from the vaults this fall. Led Zeppelin, Queen, Rolling Stones, Bruce. It is going to be an expensive autumn.
  5. ^^^ Thanks everyone...Pagefan, Dd, CP, and PC. Foraging for food in the enchanted forests of the Pacific Northwest...and found giant mushrooms!
  6. Week 4 Schedule: Thursday NY Giants @ Washington Sunday Buffalo @ Houston Carolina @ Baltimore Detroit @ NY Jets Green Bay @ Chicago Miami @ Oakland (It's ON Paul!!! Hehe!) Tampa Bay @ Pittsburgh Tennessee @ Indianapolis Jacksonville @ San Diego Atlanta @ Minnesota Philadelphia @ San Francisco New Orleans @ Dallas Monday New England @ Kansas City
  7. Congratulations on everyone finishing above .500 for the week! My phone needs recharging and I need sleep...I'll post Week 4 schedule when I wake up and my phone's battery is recharged.
  8. Well, with Chicago beating the J-E-T-S-S-U-C-K! 27-19, I'm guessing you didn't survive Rick? But what about that crazy parlay you made in the Pittsburgh @ Carolina game about a field goal over 45 yards being kicked? Did you win that bet? Raiders and Fins in London? Yeah...that'll sell NFL to the Limeys.
  9. ^^^You assume correctly. Hello from a sports bar in Sacramento! Final results of Week 3. jb126: 12-4* ebk: 11-5 paul carruthers: 11-5 Anjin-san: 10-6 apantherfrommd: 10-6 Bong-Man: 10-6 in_the_evening: 10-6 LedZeppfan77: 10-6 Strider: 10-6 zepscoda: 10-6 jabe: 9-7 Walter: 9-7 mack: 9-6 (you forgot to pick the KC @ Miami game) Season standings after 48 games. 1. jb126*: 30-18 2. LedZeppfan77*: 28-20 2. Walter*: 28-20 2. in_the_evening: 28-20 3. paul carruthers: 27-21 4. Anjin-san*: 26-22 4. ebk*: 26-22 4. Bong-Man: 26-22 4. jabe: 26-22 4. Strider: 26-22 5. mack: 26-20 6. apantherfrommd*: 25-23 7. zepscoda: 19-28 * = Weekly win
  10. Holiday! Logging on the forum and seeing the return of BUCK'EYE' DOC!
  11. Leaving Los Angeles and the hot dry weather behind. Going on holiday to visit my mom and assorted family in Washington. Leave it to me to take my summer vacation on the first day of autumn, haha. I see rain is in the forecast for Seattle...and you know what? I'm actually relishing the chance to be in the rain for a change. Goodbye Hollywood and work...Hello green and cool Pacific Northwest! My mom is around the same age, Dd.
  12. I'm going on holiday to Washington for a fortnight, but I just wanted to assure everyone that I'll still keep tabs on the pool and post the numbers and the schedule promptly.
  13. For the first time there isn't a tie for first...jb126 is the sole Winner of the Week. Congratulations! Week 3 results as of Sunday night... jb126: 12-3* apantherfrommd: 10-5 Bong-Man: 10-5 ebk: 10-5 paul carruthers: 10-5 Strider: 10-5 Anjin-san: 9-6 in_the_evening: 9-6 jabe: 9-6 LedZeppfan77: 9-6 zepscoda: 9-6 mack: 9-5 (you didn't pick the KC @ Miami game) Walter: 8-7
  14. It's all over but the shouting. It doesn't matter what happens in these last two games, we have a winner for the week already...with only two losses so far, it is jb126!!! There is no way for anyone else to catch her no matter what happens with the Carolina and MNF games. Congratulations jb! There will be some more jockeying in the season standings when the final tally is counted Monday night. Stay tuned...
  15. The "fountain of youth" is not an external object to be searched for. It lives within us all. You just have to know how to access it.
  16. Yep, it turned out that it helped the Giants out a lot. jb126 is smoking all of our asses...she has a clean sheet so far. 'Atta girl jb!
  17. Fasten your seat belts...it's going to be a bumpy day. Good luck with your picks everyone!
  18. I'm very intrigued by Denver @ Seattle. Super Bowl rematches usually go to the team that lost the Super Bowl. Was last week just a hiccup for Seattle? Or did San Diego provide a blueprint to the NFL on how to beat Seattle?
  19. Happy Birthday Tangie Baby! Here's wishing you a beautiful celebration day Stargroves! And it is Anjin-san's birthday according to apantherfrommd? I ask because it doesn't appear on the Forum birthday calendar. Happy birthday KB, whatever day it is! Cheers to you and many happy returns of the day!
  20. He was referring to Syracuse losing to Maryland today.
  21. Live by the book. Die by the book.
  22. Alabama certainly rolled, Walter...rolled right o'er the Gators. Congratulations ebk on your Terps beating Rick's and Walter's 'Cuse.
  23. I'm merely a reflection of the goodness you send out. So glad you enjoyed your birthday. Happy birthday today to Missy...missytootsweet! Hasn't been seen 'round these parts in quite a spell...but maybe she's lurking. Hope you have a peaceful day, Missy. I know Deb abd I miss you. I drink a birthday toast to you. Cheers.
  24. I wonder if this is the material that John Davis is working on that was referred to in the other thread? Jimmy Page on Howard Stern? When pigs fly. Get real. Besides the gutter-minded sex and sleaze factor, Howard is one of those guys who always moans about Zeppelin stealing all their songs. There's no way Jimmy would give him the time of day.
  25. I've been to several book signings that numbered 1,000 or more. Anne Rice, Howard Stern twice, Hilary Clinton. Howard Stern was the largest by far...several thousand. And he stayed for hours to make sure everyone got their book signed. What a trouper! Never heard of Jean-Luc Ponty? Laurie Anderson? Papa John Creach from Jefferson Starship? All those prog bands like King Crimson, Gentle Giant and Hawkwind? Warren Ellis from Nick Cave's Bad Seeds? Youtube 'em and you'll hear what an electric violin sounds like. You might start with "Willie the Pimp" from Frank Zappa's "Hot Rats" album.
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