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Everything posted by Strider

  1. Just a question I'm putting out to all baseball fans: Do you feel any sentimental pull for Derek Jeter to make the playoffs in his last season or is your attitude "fuck him and the Yankees"?
  2. Excellent introduction Dante_Cubit. Glad you came out of lurker status. Welcome to our merry gang.
  3. Sweet story. Wished I had worked at a record store in the 70s..imagine the swag you'd have! So of course after my post about always seeing B and E, I go into Amoeba and they have two used ITTODs...A and C! Haha.
  4. Welcome back. It's been a long time, been a long time, been a long lonely lonely lonely lonely lonely...time!
  5. I feel bad now. Making everyone rush to get their picks in and for what? So Pittsburgh could lie down like dogs against Baltimore and start us off with a loss. Boo.
  6. Neither can I. Terrible showing by the Steelers. They look even more old and done than New England.
  7. Holy Toledo! I've gotta check the MLB channel for the highlights to this. Sounds like quite a brouhaha went down. Just when we were talking about the Marichal-Roseboro fight too. Rick, if it comes down to Angels-Orioles in the playoffs, I think Baltimore has the edge. The Angels have been better this year for sure than they have in a long time. But I still have doubts about their playoff tenacity...and with the injuries, our lack of depth will come to be a problem.
  8. ^^^ Relax dude. I was kidding around with you...that's why I used the emoticon. I went back 10 years...you went back to the 1950s. Very ironic of you to complain about "people running to past events"
  9. mack got his pick in (Pittsburgh)...no sign of zepscoda yet.
  10. World Series Championships in the 21st Century: Boston - 3 Baltimore - 0 Don't worry, Rick, the Angels will lose one or two eventually. But for your Orioles to catch up you need the Angels to go on a three or four game skid, and I don't know if that's in the cards. I have read and seen much about that Marichal-Roseboro incident. Yes, Vin Scully is still around but thanks to the idiots at Time Warner, 70% of L.A. still doesn't get the Dodger games.
  11. ^^^Yum. Share recipe and pictures, please.
  12. Very colourful...in honour of your Red Sox? Summer ain't over yet...stop rushing the end, haha. Rick, if you want to change your Indy pick to Philadelphia, I'll change it. Just remember the Carruthers Quotient.
  13. I don't feel confident about any of my picks...with the exception of maybe Denver and San Francisco. This whole week of games is a toss-up. I expect a lot of red ink and head-scratching by Monday night. Week 2 picks/prayers: Pittsburgh Buffalo Washington Tennessee NY Giants Minnesota pottedplant's Who Dats! Cincinnati Detroit Tampa Bay Seattle Oakland Green Bay Denver San Francisco Indianapolis
  14. Today: Tonight: Babysitting and Thursday Night Football.
  15. If you're referring to the pig jumping out of the cake, you can't really blame Empress Valley for that...they're simply using William Stout's original art work TMQ used on the original vinyl bootleg. William Stout did the art for many classic boots of Led Zeppelin, the Stones, the Who, Bowie, and more. I've had the pleasure of meeting him and he's a fun guy to talk with. He may be no more than a footnote in rock and roll history...but he's an interesting footnote.
  16. Yes to the first question. An avocado is the answer to the second...a dancing avocado to be more precise. A reference to the Fillmore poster.
  17. A definite candidate for the worst. Genuine Masters put out some outstanding audio quality DVD-As, but I refused to get this because I literally could not let that cover art inside my house, hehe.
  18. Thanks for bumping up the thread Dante_Cubit. It's fun reading the latest round of stories from all of you. Interesting experiences.
  19. That is too cool for school! Most excellent. I have a few questions regarding the packaging of ITTOD. We know there were 6 different covers, but was one cover variation used more than the others? Or were there equal amounts of Covers A, B, C, D, E, and F shipped to record stores? Whenever I come across used ITTODs in the shops or the swaps, I tend to see covers B and E most often. When the new remastered ITTOD is released next year, will they only use one cover or will they use all six varients complete with brown paper bag? Maybe only the Super Deluxe Box will have all 6 and the bag? I'm very curious how Jimmy will handle the packaging of the new ITTOD remaster.
  20. Considering some of EVSD's shoddy artwork in the past, you would be a major improvement!
  21. Just for the record...should we post our thoughts/reviews of "lullaby and...The Ceaseless Roar" here or in the Post-Zeppelin section?
  22. Haha, I was beginning to think the lawsuit was dead, as I did a search last week for any news and the most recent search result came from June. "Falsification of Rock and Roll History"...that made me laugh. One of the silliest lawsuits in recent memory.
  23. I'm not embarrassed at all to admit that I don't play video games. Give me the great outdoors or a good book, a glass of wine and music on the stereo any day of the week over video games. I saw this commercial during Monday Night Football and also the Dior Homme perfume one with that "Twilight" twerp. So, if you're keeping score...that's one commercial featuring "Immigrant Song" and one using "Whole Lotta Love" in the span of a half hour on Monday night. Note to commercial directors: How about using "Carouselambra" or "Achilles Last Stand" or "In the Light" or "Hot Dog" for a change?
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