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Everything posted by Strider

  1. Holy shit! My day just got worse. I thought I had changed my pick, Paul. When Philly announced Vick was out, I switched my pick to Dallas on my other pools and bets and meant to do it here, too. I guess I got distracted and forgot all about it. So, now I stand at 2-6 for the morning. Add in Seattle's win on Thursday and I am 3-6 so far...and Houston is shredding KC.
  2. 3-5 in the morning games today. Atlanta, Dallas, Washington... Thank You! Miami, Detroit, Jacksonville, St. Louis, New England(and the ref who called that bogus penalty on the missed FG in OT)...a big BOO!!! I'll be out of first place for sure now.
  3. Rick, you're always saying how the refs want New England to win and make calls in their favour. Well the refs fucked the Patriots bigtime with that bullshit call on Folks missed goal. I've never seen that penalty called in that situation ever. Terrible call. Gave the Jets the game. Paul, I cannot believe Tannehille!
  4. Umm, y'all are jumping the gun on Red Haired Queen's birthday...it is the 24th.
  5. Who picked the Jack-offs? ME AND ME ALONE!!!! With the exception of Dallas and Washington, I'm getting killed in the morning games.
  6. Dude, one knee has always equaled two feet! Didn't you read John Madden's book?
  7. Sorry. I meant a green vegetable. Duly noted.
  8. Don't give up hope...it's still early.
  9. TONIGHT! Thanks to a freebie from a friend. October 20: Jeff Beck & Brian Wilson @ Greek Theatre, Hollywood.
  10. Oh my, Jules, not only was your mum so young but you must have been a mere babe yourself when that happened. How sad for both of you and your family not to have been able to have her around all these years. Especially now that you are happily married. As planted said, heaps of hugs your way from me.
  11. I heard Rick's cheers all the way in LA when Buffalo scored.
  12. I don't know...I'll let you know when I see him tonight.
  13. Got free tickets to the Jeff Beck & Brian Wilson concert tonight!
  14. Prince Fielder had the same number of RBIs this postseason as I did...ZERO!!! And I was sitting on a couch 3,000 miles away wolfing down pizza and beer. I'm with ebk, GO SAWX!!! Did anybody have Boston before the season began? Anybody? I didn't think so. Everybody was on Baltimore or the Dodgers or the Angels or Washington or Tampa or even Toronto, ferchrissakes. Boston put the Nightmare on Valentine St. behind them and shocked everybody coming out of the blue like they did this season. They deserve congratulations on a helluva season and I am especially pleased to see former Angels Lackey and Napoli do well. I don't think this Boston-St. Louis WS will be as easy for Boston as the last one. The Cardinals will put up a better fight this time, I think...they have a little more intestinal fortitude than the La Russa teams did. But I'll be cheering for Boston all the way. Like ebk said, I have friends who love the Red Sox and I like to see my friends happy. GO RED SOX! BOSTON STRONG. WOOT! WOOT!
  15. Good ol' Bum Phillips has died. Head coach of the Houston Oilers and New Orleans Saints. Those Oiler teams with Earl Campbell were really something and no football fan could forget those intense Houston-Pittsburgh battles. Luv Ya Blue. R.I.P. http://blog.chron.com/ultimatetexans/2013/10/houston-icon-bum-phillips-dies/ http://mobile.nytimes.com/2013/10/20/sports/football/bum-phillips-colorful-football-coach-dies-at-90.html?source=hp&ei=45BiUp22AeGe2QWX04GQAQ&q=bum%20phillips&oq=bum%20phillip&gs_l=mobile-gws-hp.1.1.5j0i3j0l3.242392.246291.0.250223.
  16. A splendid repast. Bon appétit et joyeux anniversaire!
  17. Happy Birthday to Mr. Cool Breeze himself, chillumpuffer! May you have yourself a most righteous Celebration Day with Mrs. CP. Good food...good wine...and good...
  18. Well, even though I predicted it, it was still painful to watch. Absolutely brutal demolition of the Dodgers by Saint Louis. 9-0! Congratulations St. Louis. One team is in...now we await their opponent. Will it be Boston or Detroit?
  19. Two differences. 1. Lincoln's assassination was witnessed by a host of people and James Wilkes Booth all but signed his name as the assassin when he boasted from the stage with a flourish, "Sic semper tyrannis!" 2. People talk about the Kennedy assassination more today because there are still many people who were alive when it happened. Nobody is alive from when Lincoln was shot. Go back to the 1890s and you would find the Lincoln assassination a lively topic of conversation and conjecture.
  20. What do you mean? There have been more books written about Lincoln than there have on JFK. Lincoln's assassination got plenty of attention and still does to this day.
  21. I can't "make" you feel anything. I explained my post. If you continue to choose to feel like crap, that is your decision. I'm sorry you took it that way.
  22. Thank you, FO, for concurring. I haven't kept up with Sinead's career as assiduously as you have, but I have liked what I have heard. I'd like another chance to see her in concert one of these days. She's like Fiona Apple in that she's this tiny woman with a lion's roar of a voice. You can't believe this petite woman can call forth such a fierceness.
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