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Everything posted by Strider

  1. You actually made your own chorizo sausage by hand? That's dedication. English breakie for me this morning...eggs and bangers and beans and some sliced tomatoes. No toast. Orange juice and Honey Lavender tea.
  2. Hahahaha, I can only imagine the outrage here if Madonna and Page/Plant both make it in the same year...or heaven forbid, Madonna gets in and Page/Plant don't. Linda Perry?
  3. As I answered on the other thread...it is most likely to be a reproduction. 17" x 24" is pretty small for a tour poster, especially one in Europe. Most of the European tour posters (Monsters of Rock '84, Iron Maiden @ Stuttgart, AC/DC @ Nurnberg) I got at concerts over there were huge. Are there any markings on the back of the poster? Best bet is to take it to a real expert and have it verified for sure...they can check things like the paper it is printed on and the ink content of the image. Certain markings and number codes might help determine its authenticity.
  4. Sounds like SAJ has some competition...or maybe she works for Steve. WTF? Is he disparaging people who like vinyl records?
  5. Do you really think I have the time to read every single thread every single day? I'm sorry, but many threads go by the wayside unless I'm specifically directed towards them by someone. That Tour Over Europe Poster thread was started three years ago and I wasn't even aware it was back until you mentioned it. Regarding your question...it is probably a fake. The size seems too small and by 1983 there were tons of repros in the market. Still, it does look nice and would look even nicer matted and framed. At this point in time, even the 1980s repros are hard to come by in pristine condition.
  6. Wow. That is quite some commendation from you. But, as much as it is appreciated, there is no way I could in good conscience believe I was in any way shape or form, Da Man. I'm just one little anonymous human being among the billions. I am glad that you enjoyed "Gravity" and didn't feel I steered you wrong on the movie. I loved that "teardrop" scene too! The sound design of the film is topnotch, as well...another reminder of Kubrick's films that "Gravity" is a tip of the hat to. Also, for those who haven't seen it yet, listen for Ed Harris' voice as one of Houston Control's. A nice nod to "Apollo 13" and "The Right Stuff". Ok...I'll wait another week or so before really delving into "Gravity", to give more of you time to see it.
  7. FOUR HOURS LATER...Boston joins Los Angeles in advancing to the LCS. Now we await their respective opponents. Will it be Oakland or Detroit for Boston and St. Louis or Pittsburgh for Los Angeles?
  8. I read "Hammer of the Gods" more than 20 years ago. I doubt anyone can remember to the precise page number what they read that long ago. Mick Wall's book "When Giants Walked the Earth" I have only read fitfully in parts. Good luck with your quest and welcome to the Forum.
  9. Hoping this gets a U.S. release date soon! How would you rank this on the Irvine Welsh scale, Mr. Garlic?
  10. I used to...it was lost or stolen and by then I was back in the U.S., so the one I bought to replace it was the U.S. version and looks different.
  11. Thank you. I feel the same...would rather celebrate the joy of his birthday (Led Zeppelin played several concerts on Bonzo's birthday; none on Sept. 25) than relive the pain of his death. We have all shared our stories of what we were doing on September 25, 1980 many times over, and there was already another thread over in the news section going on where someone posted Dave Lewis' wonderful column. So no...it wasn't exactly missed. Post something 'engaging' then. Instead of complaining, provide an alternative.
  12. Do you at least have a song title that it is in reference to? "In My Time of Dying" perhaps, or something more specific instead of this vague question you have asked?
  13. ^^^ Yes, St. Louis deserves to be come on.
  14. Excuse me? What the hell is this bullshit? Just because you use a lot of capital letters and boldface doesn't make your words any less cheaper than ours. I think the record here shows that SR and I can take plenty of criticism and admit when we are wrong...it's all subjective opinion. We all are having fun. It is only you who seems to get upset when others dare disagree with you or suggest that, heaven forbid, it's just a tv show ferchrissakes. But that isn't why I bothered to post this reply. I would have just let it pass except for one thing...your bullshit lie that SR and I "change" what you say to make you look bad. This isn't the first time you have made that accusation, either, and it shows that maybe you ought to look in the mirror before you go around telling other people to "grow up". Let's see some proof...cite one instance where one of us has twisted your words. You can't, because it has never happened. No one needs to twist or change your words because your words tie the noose around your neck all on their own. I realize you are so sad and verklemmpt over the end of "Breaking Bad", but don't worry...I am sure there will be a show about a guy with cancer who turns to child porn to provide for his family that you can become addicted to in the future. In the meantime, I hear there's a new show in development that will be the GREATEST TELEVISION SHOW IN THE ANNALS OF TIME!
  15. Goodbye SADlanta! Bwahahahaha! Now, let's hope the Pirates can get rid of the Cardinals. Pirates vs. Dodgers in the NLCS...like it was the 1970s again.
  16. This clip shows the limitations of the Coverdale/Page band...Coverdale's sometimes annoying vocals and stage patter and the boneheaded drumming of...well, I don't know who the drummer was on this tour. But it sure ain't Bonzo or even Michael Lee. All you have to do is compare this "Shake My Tree" with the Page/Plant versions to see the difference.
  17. Every once in a while, I find myself in a mood for a little Coverdale/Page...don't ask me why. "Take Me for a Little While" was one of the songs from the Coverdale/Page album that I liked, and browsing through YouTube just now I happened upon this performance clip from the Nagoya, Japan concert on December 22, 1993. I know people piss on the Coverdale/Page project, but I actually preferred that album to the "Outrider" one, and consider the lack of a U.S. tour by Coverdale/Page one of the disappointments of my young life. A lost opportunity in my book. Sad. Anyway, at least they did play SAJ's stomping grounds of Japan and we have a little taste of what we missed. Hey Steve...did you go to any of these Coverdale/Page shows? Here it is..."Take Me for a Little While" @ Nagoya, Japan, 12/22/93:
  18. ^^^ To paraphrase Robert F. Kennedy, "Why not?"
  19. Well, since I have yet to convert my cassette masters to digital or cd, everyone might be better off with apantherfrommd's offer, as it'll be quicker that way. When I get around to 1) finding my tapes(most of my concert tapes are boxed up in storage); and 2) getting them transferred to disc, I'll let you know. If anyone is still intetested, we can work out a trade.
  20. Don't worry about Clooney. He's merely supporting cast and in a space suit the whole time. You barely see him. It's Sandra Bullock who carries this film...well, her and the astounding visuals. I think you will identify with her character especially, planted..she's a bio-medical engineer on her first space mission installing a medical prototype system in the Hubble Space Telescope. That's all you need to know about the plot going in. Don't worry about the trailer...it purposely doesn't reveal too much about the plot. Your jaw will drop to the floor in wonder at the visuals but your heart will leap to your throat for the well of deep emotions that this film taps into. Over the years, the space/sci-fi movie has been cheapened by the dull hordes of Michael Bays, Jerry Bruckheimers, George Lucases, and their reduction of space as just another battle zone of endless explosions and gunfire and constant loud noise. But just as "2001: A Space Odyssey" represented a great leap forward in cinematic history, so shall "Gravity" be remembered as a significant achievement. In my lifetime there have been only a handful of really good space movies..."2001", Tarkovsky's "Solaris", "Apollo 13", "The Right Stuff", "Moon", and the first "Alien". "Gravity" joins that list. But it's not just about space...it's about being human. And the need to get home.
  21. ^^^ UGH! Anyone but Miami. Unfortunately it won't be the Lakers...or the Celtics. Our teams got old and injured in a hurry. Time for some new blood to step up. Let's see if Dwight Howard steps up in Houston or if he's still a crying ass punk?
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