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Everything posted by Strider

  1. ^^^ What is this about pizzas? I didn't see pizza mentioned in the article...what's the inside scoop, E? Detroit was one of my sleeper teams this year and I was hoping they would break through and finally take the NFL's "Norris" division. These injuries just plain suck.
  2. Strider

    Rock Music

    Fairly ironic when you consider that rock and roll, and by extension all the music that led to rock and roll - blues, country, rhythm & blues, jazz, jump blues, country boogie - practically all American music was a reaction by the poor and working classes against the starched shirts and stuffy elitism of the classical music snobs. Now Eagles tickets cost more than opera tickets. A far cry from redrum's beloved Fillmore days. Of course, you can still experience rock and roll in tiny clubs for $10 or less...that is where the true spirit of rock still lives. On the streets and in the clubs...wherever there are groups of young, adenoidal kids pissed off at their parents with guitars and drums. That is what I meant when I said true rebellion is underground. It's never found in a beer commercial or at a concert sponsored by Lexus.
  3. Because it's an awesome song. A real sexual swagger with a kick-to-the-gut kind of song...an out-and-out rocker. No muss, no fuss, no mysticism, no fancy filigree. "The Wanton Song" and "The Rover" were two of the most underrated and neglected songs from Physical Graffiti. They should have been played live in concert from the moment they were recorded and remained in the setlist to the end. I'll try to find more "Wanton"s for you pottedplant.
  4. Strider

    Rock Music

    Of course he did. Why do you think it was called the "Wings Over America" tour? That's the 1976 tour I was talking about. There were several more Paul McCartney & Wings tours until Jimmy McCollough's tragic overdose. As for the scourge of blasé front row audiences, that's been a problem ever since VIPs got preference over real rock and roll fans in the distribution of tickets.
  5. Strider

    Rock Music

    Don't forget the banks and the credit card companies role in all this; most concerts now have separate seating and on-sale dates for the various Platinum, Gold, Black, Tinfoil levels of credit cards, which allow the holders of such a card first access to seats. It is all a part of the corporization of rock that began with Woodstock. This is what Jimmy Page was railing about in that quote MLE posted. Although, it's hard to believe Jimmy hadn't noticed the creeping corporate atmosphere of rock concerts before that. Actually, while the Eagles were a defining moment in the gouging of rock fans, grumblings about tickets have been going on since Ralph Gleason railed against the prices of the Rolling Stones 1969 Tour. Ticketron was the evil bastard in the 1970s...Ticketmaster didn't yet exist. Trying to get tickets for the 1972 Rolling Stones tour was such a clusterfuck disaster, some bands decided to sell tickets by mail-order, thinking it would be a more fair and equitable system. That's how tix were sold for Led Zeppelin's 1975 tour...at least, in Los Angeles. Things really came to a head in 1976 with the Wings Over America tour. This was Paul McCartney's first tour since the Beatles '66 tour. Demand was at a fever pitch and once again, the average fan got jacked...not so much by the price, which was reasonable, but by the lack of tickets to the average punter. If you were lucky to get a ticket, it was probably a nose-bleed. I was way up in the Forum's Colonnade...I had to decide whether I wanted to spend the money to get a better seat through one of the many Ticket Brokers that dot the landscape in Southern California. This was the tipping point in many people's minds...it was always tough to get front row seats to Los Angeles shows through normal means, but with the Paul McCartney '76 tour, it suddenly became near impossible to even get loge seating even if you were in the beginning of the line. So many angry people complained that the LA Times even wrote a huge article that year about the problem. Why were people told no floor seats were available when tix went on sale yet all the Ticket Brokers had floor seats and were advertising them in the newspapers? Of course, the lawmakers did nothing...every time the California legislature has attempted to fix the concert ticket problem and make scalping illegal, the ticket broker/Ticketron/Ticketmaster/Clear Channel lobbyists flood the politicians with money and they do nothing. From the Rolling Stones to Led Zeppelin to Paul McCartney to Bruce Springsteen to Pearl Jam to Radiohead...getting good seats has always been a problem, especially in a city like Los Angeles, and some bands have tried various ways to beat the scalpers. I'm guessing they don't have this problem in Wyoming or Wisconsin. I have my own way, which I have already shared numerous times on the forum. But until they outlaw the Ticket Brokers who resell the tickets they get underhanded from Ticketmaster and Live Nation, it'll be a constant problem.
  6. Living down in the 'Big Easy' must have you hungry...it is Wanton not Wonton. Think of it like this: Wanton = horny; Wonton = hungry. "The Wanton Song" through the years... Led Zeppelin 1.20.75 Chicago Page & Plant 9.29.95 Albuquerque, NM Page & Plant 5.12.98 Jools Holland Show Page & Black Crowes 7.10.00 Jones Beach, NY
  7. ^^^ Miami on the road in New Orleans is tough, Paul.
  8. I've seen enough...I'm done watching this game and heading out to enjoy the night.
  9. ^^^ Nice one Ross. That looks like they're rehearsing "Battle of Evermore". Are there any photos where we see Jimmy playing the pedal steel?
  10. So that is the song they were rehearsing with the pedal steel? I have always wondered what song they were rehearsing ever since I first saw that photo of the band with Jimmy in the Rohrer 714 quaalude shirt and the pedal steel in Creem magazine around 1978-79. I always guessed it might have been "That's the Way" with Jones on acoustic and Jimmy on pedal steel...or vice versa.
  11. Poor Machado...you can see the injury here: http://m.espn.go.com/mlb/story?storyId=9714213
  12. ^^^ That wouldn't make me upset. I'd take a Raider victory in real life over a football pool win.
  13. When one door closes another door opens, but we so often look so long and so regretfully upon the closed door, that we do not see the ones which open for us. ~ Alexander Graham Bell
  14. Strider

    Rock Music

    Don't worry about the tangent, redrum. Rock and roll isn't something that you can quantify and teach from a book like a school course, which is why half these questions are meaningless in the end. As Frank Zappa would say, talking(writing) about music is like dancing about architecture. Besides, from what everyone is saying, MLE from Tokyo is really Del from America. Maybe so, maybe not. As for Meredith Hunter, it's not just "Gimmie Shelter"...I've read scores of eyewitnesses accounts including one from his girlfriend and it's pretty clear the Angels were after him.
  15. Nawwww, he hired Oakland's Black Hole instead.
  16. Are the Giants doing their usual trick of stinking up the joint early before righting the ship in November and December and beating the Patriots in the Super Bowl? Time to watch the Raiders try not to embarrass themselves against Peyton Manning and the Broncos.
  17. There seems to be some confusion...Macca and JT aren't performing the same day. Macca's Jimmy Kimmel concert is today and Timberlake's Kimmel concert is tomorrow. So there's no choice necessary to be made. You could theoretically go to one or both or neither.
  18. Here's more info, including the link to the live streaming of the concert at the Jimmy Kimmel Show's MySpace page: http://abc.go.com/shows/jimmy-kimmel-live/blogs/news/hollywood-blvd-concerts
  19. Led Zeppelin only performed "The Wanton Song" at the early dates of the 1975 Tour. Search January 20-22 '75 Chicago on the internet for a clip. It seems to have disappeared from the set shortly after Chicago. Definitely gone by the time they hit Madison Square Garden. Jimmy Page played "The Wanton Song" during the 1995-96 and 1998 Page & Plant tours and with the Black Crowes in 1999-2000.
  20. From the Led Zeppelin DVD or do you have an underground Knebworth DVD?
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